Principal Carbrook Junior School Springwood Junior School Middle & Senior

Carbrook Junior School

View previous communications here

Mrs Zoe O'Donnell

Acting Head of Junior School,

Carbrook Junior School


Carbrook Junior School Communications, 11 July 2024

Term 3 - Week 1

Term 3 - Week 2

Tuesday 16 and Thursday 18 July: Parent Teacher Interviews
Wednesday 17 July: Qld Volleyball Cup (day 1)
Friday 19 July: 100 days of Prep, Chapel

Coming Up

Group Photos, Netball Qld Gala Tournament, Assembly


Dear Parents and Carers


I love the first day back at school after a holiday break. The students are so excited to see each other, see their teachers and share all the updates of the past few weeks. On Tuesday, I was reminded of the connected community that your students are a part of.

Units of Inquiry

This term our students are exploring the concept of discovery. Please click on the buttons below to read the parent overview for each stage and check out how you can get involved from the home front.



This term, Isabella Palmer joins our team as Calvary’s dance instructor. Miss Palmer will be working with students from Prep through to Middle and Senior school, providing age appropriate dance experiences that will allow our students to explore various styles and techniques of dance expression. Miss Palmer comes with a wealth of experience with a Bachelor of fine arts, teacher level RAD qualifications and high quality industry performance experience.

Bella Palmer

Parent Teacher Interviews

Parent teacher Interviews are scheduled for next week, Tuesday 16 and Thursday 18 July. You can use the link below to book in your interview. These will be a timely check in now that Semester 1 reports are released, to set goals for the new semester.

If you have not secured a time already please book today as bookings close on Sunday 14 July.


Parent Teacher Interviews

College Group Photos

Group photos are scheduled for the 25 and 26 of July 2024.

The majority of Junior School photos will be taken on Thursday 25 July, and most of the Middle and Senior School photos the following day.

Click on the letter and schedule below for more information.


Group Photo Letter 


Clubs will all be back up and running next week. Please check out the club options and encourage your child to give something new a go this term.

From the Wellbeing Space

On the 27 August, we have a speaker from Safe on Social coming to educate our students and parents about the virtual world. The virtual world is developing at a rapid pace, and we want to ensure we have up to date information.  


In his book, ‘The anxious generation’, Jonathan Haidt reflects on the changes to technology over the past generation. We have seen the introduction of the flip phone, the smart phone, social media, the app store, push notifications, and the front facing camera. Each of these developments have increased our dependence on, and desire to engage in the online world.


It appears that since the introduction of the smartphone, children and adolescents have added an extra 2-3 hours of screen-based activity to their day. Research indicates that the average adolescent now reports spending more than 7 hours a day on screen-based leisure activities, not including their schoolwork. Haidt suggests the invention of the smartphone and consequent continuous access to online video games, social media, and other internet-based activities may be the most significant contributor to the increase in adolescent mental health difficulties.


Haidt reflects on a comment by Henry David Thoreau in 1854, who wrote ‘The cost of a thing is the amount of life which is required to be exchanged for it, immediately or in the long run’. As parents, we should ask ourselves what opportunities our children are missing while engaged in online activities.


We hope you will join us as we navigate this area together.


Mrs Zoe O'Donnell
Acting Head of Junior School - Carbrook 

Cafe Specials - Week 2

General Notices

Calvary Bus Service

Bus Term passes with a 10% discount are now available until 17/07/2024.


Zone 1 & Intercampus - $126.90

Zone 2 - $329.94

Zone 3 - $380.70


Please email if you want to make use of a Term pass for Term 3.


Just a few reminders when making use of the bus service:

  • Every trip taken on the bus service requires a booking made via the Rollcall app.
  • Students are required to use their student ID cards when boarding & disembarking the bus for every trip. Failing to present their cards will incur a $1 per trip Admin fee.

Replacement Student ID cards can be purchased at Reception at a cost of $5.

  • Rollcall accounts must maintain a positive balance for students to utilise the service. Credit can be added via the Rollcall app.

Please contact the College if you need any further information.


Parent Focus Groups



At Calvary, you are invited to be an active partner in the education of your child/ren and we would like to invite you to provide us with feedback.


We are seeking feedback to help us get a greater understanding of what you value, what we are doing well and to hear about how your child's learning journey has been going.


This year we would like to invite you to attend an in-person session to talk with an external Marketing Consultant, Phil Winton. Phil has been working with the College as an external consultant since 2022.


The focus of these sessions will be to ask you a series of questions and work through and unpack your responses. This process will allow broader discussion and help provide us with a richer understanding of your feedback.


The Executive Leadership Team will not be made aware of who attended the sessions.

For parent registration, 3 sessions on Friday 26 July


Click here to register:

Parent Link

Coming Up Events @ Calvary

Our current College events can be found on our website:

Showcase 40th Year Celebration

We are inviting all alumnae, parents and past staff to join the band/orchestra and choir for the 40th year celebration showcase. Performance will be on Saturday 7 September at 7pm, tickets will go on sale soon.


Showcase Performance Link

Showcase Alumni Poster 1007 (2)

Welcome back to Term 3. This term is full of events for Performing Arts and it is exciting to see all these great things happening in the College.

Eisteddfod Notices

The Voices Choir and Guitar Ensemble 1 (Carbrook) will be competing in the Beenleigh and/or Redlands Eisteddfods in the next few weeks. The dates and times of the competitions are below. A more detailed memo regarding these events will be sent to parents shortly. Please mark these dates in your diaries.


Beenleigh Eisteddfod: Voices – Tuesday 23rd July: 10.30am – Logan Entertainment Centre


Redlands Eisteddfod:   Voices – Wednesday 31st July: 6pm – Ormiston College

Guitar Ensemble - Wednesday 7th August: 5.15pm – Ormiston College

Showcase - Journey Through Time

Senior Showcase is happening again on Saturday 7th September 2024 at CCC Carbrook. The concert begins at 7pm and will celebrate the 40 years of Calvary. More information coming soon.

Calling all Calvary Music Allumni

As part of our 40th Year celebrations we wish to extend an invitation to any former Calvary Music students to participate in our Showcase by joining one, or more, of our Ensemble Groups.

Please use the link below to register your interest.

Sport Aerobics

Another big weekend coming for our Sport Aerobics teams. QLD SCHOOL STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS. Saturday 20th July 2024, Nissan Arena, Mt Gravatt. Below are the arrival times for students. A separate email has been sent to all parents. Please let us know if you have not received this.

Instrumental Program

Private Individual Instrumental Music lesson enrolment:  Register Here

Handbook: Instrumental Music Manual 2024.V3.pdf


Calvary Performing Arts Facebook

Please feel free to join the Calvary Performing Arts Facebook page to be kept up to date, and to see the details and pictures of our performances and activities over the year.


All correspondence regarding CPA, including questions, please send to Emma at:




Dr Gary Holley

Head of Calvary Performing Arts 

Previous Communications

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 13 June 2024

13 June 2024

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 06 June 2024

06 June 2024

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 30 May 2024

30 May 2024

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 23 May 2024

23 May 2024

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 16 May 2024

16 May 2024

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 09 May 2024

09 May 2024

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 02 May 2024

02 May 2024

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 24 April 2024

24 April 2024

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 18 April 2024

18 April 2024

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 28 March 2024

28 March 2024

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 21 March 2024

21 March 2024

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 14 March 2024

14 March 2024

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 7 March 2024

07 March 2024

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 29 February 2024

29 February 2024

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 22 February 2024

22 February 2024

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 15 February 2024

15 February 2024

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 8 February 2024

08 February 2024

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 1 February 2024

01 February 2024

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 25 January 2024

25 January 2024

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 18 January 2024

18 January 2024

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 09 January 2024

24 November 2023

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 30 November

30 November 2023

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 23 November

23 November 2023

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 16 November

16 November 2023

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 9 November

09 November 2023

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 2 November

02 November 2023

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 26 October

26 October 2023

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 19 October

19 October 2023

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 12 October

12 October 2023

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 5 October

05 October 2023

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 14 September

14 September 2023

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 7 September

07 September 2023

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 31 August

31 August 2023

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 24 August

24 August 2023

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 17 August

17 August 2023

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 10 August

10 August 2023

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 3 August

03 August 2023

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 27 July

27 July 2023

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 20 July

20 July 2023

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 13 July

13 July 2023

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 15 June

15 June 2023

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 8 June

08 June 2023

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 1 June

01 June 2023

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 25 May

25 May 2023

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 18 May

18 May 2023

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 11 May

11 May 2023

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 4 May

04 May 2023

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 27 April

27 April 2023

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 20 April

20 April 2023

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 30 March

30 March 2023

Carbrook Junior School Communications, 23 March

23 March 2023

Full comms history available on the Parent App.