The College bus service operates 6 bus routes. The routes include set pick-up/drop-off points at Translink stops.
The College bus service visits a large number of council bus stops within the Logan, Brisbane and Redland council areas. Bus routes start from Marsden, Rochedale, Springwood, Capalaba, Redland Bay, Victoria Point and Thornlands.
The service runs like a public transport service but only Calvary students will be served by the Calvary bus runs. The bus operating system is called Rollcall and Parents can track their bus route to determine where the bus is during the run via the App. Please email for the Rollcall welcome email containing login instructions.
- Download the Rollcall App
- Make a booking for all bus trips required for the Term
- A Student ID card is required to tap on and off the bus each time the bus is utilised
- Ensure Rollcall account remains in credit at all times
2025 Bus Routes Interactive Map
Please refer to the Student Transport Service – Information Guide for more information.
Transport Service - Info Guide
2025 Bus Fees
- Zone 1 – 0km – 5km (including Intercampus Run*) - $1.60 per trip
- Zone 2 – 5.1 km – 20km - $4.00 per trip
- Zone 3 – 20.1km and beyond - $4.50 per trip
- Term Passes can be purchased for each zone which includes a 10% discount. Term passes are at fixed rates for the Term regardless of usage. Credits to Term passes will not be offered if a student is unable to use the bus on a given day. Contact if you are wanting to make use of a Term pass.
- Bookings are essential for accurate trip charging, effective messaging and accurate bus tracking via the App.
- All students are required to present their student ID cards when utilising the bus service. Failure to do so will incur an administrative fee of $1 per day on top of the trip charge.
- Refer to your Rollcall welcome email for more information.
*Intercampus Run is campus to campus only. Stops along the route are charged according to the zone.
Intercampus Bus
The intercampus bus fee structure is outlined below: -
- $1.60 charge per trip; Or
- Book for the whole term to be eligible for a 10% discount.
- The intercampus bus is identified as Zone 1
Bus Siblings - Springwood Campus
The College provides a supervision service each morning and afternoon for Springwood based students who have siblings that use the Intercampus bus to and from Carbrook.
The cost of using the Bus Siblings program in the afternoon is $2.50 per day which will be invoiced on a monthly basis. The College also provides the opportunity to pay a discounted Term Fee for this service.
The fee for 2025 is $100 per Term. The Term fee covers attendance for the afternoon for the full Term regardless of whether the student utilises the service or not. The booking period expires after the first Friday of the Term and an invoice will be issued during week 2 of each Term.
2025 Bus Silbings Booking Form
(Springwood Campus only)
Intercampus Bus Student Collection
Parents are reminded that they must be at the Springwood Campus to collect their students from the Intercampus Bus Service and the Bus sibling program on time.
Staff Supervision is provided until the last student is collected, however, current wait times have exceeded reasonable expectations. As from Monday 17 February 2025, any student who remains on site after 4:25pm will incur a Late Pickup Fee of $15 per student.
Please contact if you have any questions or need assistance with the College Bus Service.