Parent Information

Parent Information

Parent Lounge

Calvary App

Parent Manuals

Term Dates

Our School Day

Community Facebook Groups

Book Lists


Café (Happy Hens and Mango Cafe)

Bus Information

Fee Information

Calvary Performing Arts

Scholarship Applications

Kingdom Kids & OSHC

Parent Lounge Access

Calvary Christian College has a parent portal called “Parent Lounge” which provides a range of functionality to parents.

Parent Lounge Login

Your username and password is provided via email once your child has enrolled in the College. Once inside Parent Lounge there is a range of functions you can access:

  • STUDENT DETAILS - allows you to view details about your students (including their attendance and current timetable Middle and Senior School only and specialist timetable in Junior School)
  • ACADEMIC REPORTS - allows you to view, save and print the academic reports of your student/students
  • SCHOOL CALENDAR -allows you to view upcoming College events
  • SCHOOL LINKS - allows you to view certain College documents
  • UPDATE DETAILS - allows you to correct/update the College with details

The Calvary App is another way to access Parent Lounge and can be used for:

  • Submitting an Absentee
  • Ordering Tuckshop
  • Communications from our Principal and Heads of School
  • Viewing daily notices, reminders and the College Calendar
  • Booking parent teacher interviews
  • Paying school fees  
  • Approval of permission forms for excursions or other College activities 
  • Viewing student information: pastoral care notifications, sick bay alerts, academic reports, student medical information 
  • Parent Lounge access 
  • Helpful quick links


Downloading the App

The College App can be downloaded on your smart phone by using this download link* or by going to the App Store/Google Play and search for 'Parent Orbit'. The school code is calvarycc.


* Please note the link will only work on a device that has access to the App Store or Google Play. 


App How To Guide 

The College has put together an App how to guide. The guide can be downloaded here. Please review this guide for a summary on how to use the College app. 

Please see the parent manuals for information regarding:

  • Arrival and departure procedures
  • Student absences/late arrivals
  • Policies and Procedures
  • Camps, Excursions and Incursions
  • Chapel and assembly
  • Communication
  • Clubs and sport
  • Home learning
  • Medical care
  • Real Life Christian Church and College Council



TERM 1 (10 weeks) Tuesday 28 January - Friday 4 April 2025 

TERM 2 (9 weeks) Tuesday 22 April - Friday 20 June 2025

TERM 3 (10 weeks) Tuesday 15 July - Friday 19 September 2025

TERM 4 (10 weeks) Tuesday 7 October - Wednesday 4 December 2025

Junior School Carbrook


Start and Finish Times:

8:35am -3:00pm


Drop-off procedures:

In the morning, we have teachers on duty in the Western Carpark from 8am. At 8.20am, the students move down to the Junior School where there are also teachers on duty until the students enter class at 8.40am.


Pick-up procedures:

Children collected via drive-through:

The drive-by “Pick-Up Point” area is adjacent to the Calvary Community Centre.

There will be a teacher on duty at the pick-up point, moving cars along and ensuring the safety of the students. If your child is not at the pick-up point on your arrival you may need to drive around and re-enter the queue.

It is the parent’s responsibility to inform their child they will be collected from the quick pick-up. An email to the class teacher to notify them is recommended for the little ones.


Children Who Are Physically Collected by Their Parents

Children are seated in allocated class areas under the western hanger at the Western Carpark from 3pm. Each child is asked to say “good afternoon” to the teacher to indicate they are now in the care of their parent or caregiver.


Older Siblings and Bus Children

Bus children and those with siblings in the Middle and Senior school remain seated until 3.15pm. At this time, the bus children proceed to the buses, and the children left remain in the care of the duty teacher.



Prep-6 - If your child attends Outside School Care, they will be dropped to the OSHC room between 3.00-3.10pm.



Junior School Springwood:


Start and Finish Times:

8:35am -3:00pm


Drop-off and pick-up procedures:

Drop off and pick up via the turning circle is preferred. (Prep’s are normally dropped off and collected at their classrooms.) Otherwise parking on Dennis Road or up at Real Life Christian Church. We also have the Church Area afternoon collection, where the students are taken up the hill by the teachers to be collected by parents waiting at the church lawn.


Middle & Senior School


Start and Finish Times:



Drop-off procedure:

In the morning we have teachers on duty in the Western Carpark from 8am.


Pick-up procedure:

Quick pick-up is from the Western Car Park Hanger. Students are allowed to walk out to parked cars in the car park. At 3.45pm any MSS students not picked up wait in Classroom M4 with a Supervision Teacher until 4.30pm. All students should be collected by 4.30pm.

Keep up to date with what is happening with your child at school by joining our closed group community pages for parents.

It is with excitement that we announce that the Calvary Uniform Shop is now open. 


Calvary Uniform Shop 


Uniform Shop - Carbrook Campus

Once school resumes, the Uniform Shop at Carbrook will be open on Monday and Wednesdays during Term Time from 7:45am - 9:00am and 1:00pm - 2pm and 2:30pm - 4pm. It will also be open fortnightly on Tuesdays 7:45am-9:00am (Weeks 3, 5, 7, 9 in Term 1 2025).


Online Orders 

A pickup notification will be sent to you when your order is ready for collection. 


Orders can be placed online any time. An email notification will be sent when your order is ready or collection. Collection is from the campus you nominate.


Exchange/return requests can be dropped to reception on either campus any time. Once the exchange has been processed an email notification will be sent.


Springwood Online Orders

Online orders that are ready for collection at Springwood will be delivered to your Student. Orders will be delivered in a sealed bag with your child’s name and class on it to the child’s classroom.


Orders can be placed online any time. An email notification will be sent when your order is complete. 


Exchange/return requests can be dropped to reception on either campus any time. Once the exchange has been processed an email notification will be sent.


Uniform Guide Overviews

Please click on the buttons below to view the uniform overview documents for each stage. The overview documents provide you with information on uniform changes and phase out timeframes for old style uniforms.


If you have any questions, please email or call 07 3287 6222.


Uniform Overviews 

Mango Cafe - Carbrook Campus

The cafe opening hours are Monday to Friday, 8.00am - 1.40pm during the term. 


Happy Hens - Springwood Campus

Happy Hens Cafe is open from 7.40am - 8.40am Tuesdays & Thursdays.


The tuckshop is open Mondays and Fridays during first break or online orders can be made via the app. The tuckshop window is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 1st break and Tuesday and Thursday at 2nd break using cash or EFTPOS.


Ordering for both locations is done through the App. Simply sign in using 'my student account' canteen on the App through My School Account.


Your username and password are the parent code and the password sent to you in the ‘parent lounge login’ email. If you do not have your login details, please contact reception.



Ordering is easy and is done through the Calvary App. Simply sign in using my student account’. Your username and password are the same details used to access parent lounge. 

Your username and password are the parent code and the password sent to you in the ‘parent lounge login’ email. If you do not have your login details, please contact reception.

The College bus service operates 6 bus routes. The routes include set pick-up/drop-off points at Translink stops. 


The College bus service visits a large number of council bus stops within the Logan, Brisbane and Redland council areas.  Bus routes start from Marsden, Rochedale, Springwood, Capalaba, Redland Bay, Victoria Point and Thornlands.  


The service runs like a public transport service but only Calvary students will be served by the Calvary bus runs. The bus operating system is called Rollcall and Parents can track their bus route to determine where the bus is during the run via the App. Please email for the Rollcall welcome email containing login instructions.




  • Download the Rollcall App
  • Make a booking for all bus trips required for the Term
  • A Student ID card is required to tap on and off the bus each time the bus is utilised
  • Ensure Rollcall account remains in credit at all times


2025 Bus Routes Interactive Map


Please refer to the Student Transport Service – Information Guide for more information.


Transport Service - Info Guide



2025 Bus Fees 

  • Zone 1 – 0km – 5km (including Intercampus Run*) - $1.60 per trip
  • Zone 2 – 5.1 km – 20km - $4.00 per trip
  • Zone 3 – 20.1km and beyond - $4.50 per trip
  • Term Passes can be purchased for each zone which includes a 10% discount. Term passes are at fixed rates for the Term regardless of usage. Credits to Term passes will not be offered if a student is unable to use the bus on a given day. Contact if you are wanting to make use of a Term pass.
  • Bookings are essential for accurate trip charging, effective messaging and accurate bus tracking via the App.
  • All students are required to present their student ID cards when utilising the bus service. Failure to do so will incur an administrative fee of $1 per day on top of the trip charge.
  • Refer to your Rollcall welcome email for more information.

*Intercampus Run is campus to campus only. Stops along the route are charged according to the zone.


Intercampus Bus

The intercampus bus fee structure is outlined below: - 

  • $1.60 charge per trip; Or 
  • Book for the whole term to be eligible for a 10% discount. 
  • The intercampus bus is identified as Zone 1


Bus Siblings - Springwood Campus 

The College provides a supervision service each morning and afternoon for Springwood based students who have siblings that use the Intercampus bus to and from Carbrook. 


The cost of using the Bus Siblings program in the afternoon is $2.50 per day which will be invoiced on a monthly basis.  The College also provides the opportunity to pay a discounted Term Fee for this service. 


The fee for 2025 is $100 per Term.  The Term fee covers attendance for the afternoon for the full Term regardless of whether the student utilises the service or not. The booking period expires after the first Friday of the Term and an invoice will be issued during week 2 of each Term.


2025 Bus Silbings Booking Form 

(Springwood Campus only)

Intercampus Bus Student Collection

Parents are reminded that they must be at the Springwood Campus to collect their students from the Intercampus Bus Service and the Bus sibling program on time.


Staff Supervision is provided until the last student is collected, however, current wait times have exceeded reasonable expectations. Any student who remains on site after 4:25pm will incur a Late Pickup Fee of $15 per student.


Please contact if you have any questions or need assistance with the College Bus Service.

To learn more about Calvary Fees, download our fees below. Plus, our fee calculator helps you work out fees based on how many children you are looking to enrol. Please email with any specific questions.

Click HERE for all of our Performing Arts information and registrations.


Academic Scholarship Applications


The College offers scholarships for either Academic Excellence or Excellence (in Sport, Music or other cocurricular contribution e.g. Show Team, Debating).


Scholarships recognise students’ exceptional performance and contributions to our community. Students may apply for either or BOTH categories but may only hold one scholarship. Successful candidates will be awarded in the category where they benefit most.  


Scholarship applications for 2026 are now closed. 


2027 Academic scholarships:

Students entering Year 5 2027. Application link opens in August 2025. 


Students entering Year 7, 9 and 11 in 2027. Applications open August 2025. 

The exams are held at the College Carbrook campus in March 2026.  


Scholarship Exam Details

Who Is Eligible:

Apply for a level 1 ACER Scholarship Test if your child will enter Year 7 in 2027.
Scholarship candidates are required to undertake an Academic Aptitude Assessment through the Australian Council of Educational Research (ACER).

Apply for a level 2 ACER Scholarship Test if your child will enter Year 9 in 2027.
Scholarship candidates are required to undertake an Academic Aptitude Assessment through the Australian Council of Educational Research (ACER).

Apply for a level 3 ACER Scholarship Test if your child will enter Year 11 in 2027.
Scholarship candidates are required to undertake an Academic Aptitude Assessment through the Australian Council of Educational Research (ACER).


ACER Applications open August 2025. 




2026 Excellence Scholarship Applications

The scholarship acknowledges excellence in particular area (e.g a sport, music), a student's learning progress, development of effective learning habits, cocurricular contribution as well as contribution to the community, primarily through the expression of our College strategic objectives: Exceptional Learning, Vibrant Community and Authentic Discipleship.

  • Applications will be considered annually, and offers made in Term 2 for the following academic year.
  • Excellence Scholarships have a two-year duration and are renewable.
  • On the basis of the student’s application and interview, the Scholarship Panel will make a scholarship offer of a value appropriate to the strength of the application.
  • There are a limited number of  Excellence Scholarships that can be awarded per year level. This may vary from year to year at the discretion of the College Principal.
  • Interested students are required to prepare a brief portfolio for the scholarship application and may be asked to attend an interview with a scholarship panel early in Term 2.
  • Scholarship holders will be announced by the end of May each year for the following year.


Please click on the Application Information link below to find out how to prepare your portfolio.


Scholarship applications for 2026 are now closed. Applications for 2027 Excellence Scholarship open August 2025.


Our Kingdom Kids Early centres are nestled within our two Calvary Christian College Campuses, located in Carbrook and Springwood. Our Early Learning Precincts provide a program approach that is driven by both child inquiry. We provide quality education that best meets your child’s educational, social, emotional and spiritual needs. Please see the below link to the Kingdom Kids page or email or for more information.


Calvary Christian College OSHC is an Approved Service Provider offering Before and After School Care and Vacation Care to college families as well as those from the surrounding community.


Our Program and our People


OSHC at Calvary is a fun and inviting place where children can enjoy learning through play, experiencing a large variety of activities both indoors and outdoors. Children are encouraged to develop their autonomy, independence, resilience and sense of agency, while building their self-confidence and sense of wellbeing in a safe and secure space. OSHC is an inclusive environment where all children are welcomed by our caring and supportive staff.


OSHC is managed by trained and professional staff who have a passion for working with children.  Our Educators are trained in the National Quality Framework, and create educational programs based on the interests and developmental needs of all the children.


Hours of Operation


Carbrook Campus

Monday to Friday
Before School Care 6.30am – 8.45am
After School Care 3.15pm – 6.30pm
Vacation Care 6.30am – 6.30pm

Ph: 07 3209 0078

Mobile: 0403 700 660


Enrol now for Carbrook OSHC


Springwood Campus

Monday to Friday
Before School Care 6:30am – 8.30am
After School Care 3.00pm – 6.30pm
Vacation Care 6.30am – 6.30pm

Ph: 07 3209 0031

Mobile: 0431 502 635


Enrol now for Springwood OSHC


Fees Structure


Term Time: 

Term Time: 

Before School Care - $37.50
After School Care - $41.50
Before and After School Care combo – BSC $34.50


*Deal valid for permanent bookings of before and after school care within the same day


Vacation Care: Standard day – $83.50


* Excursions and Incursions to be charged additionally


Child Care Subsidy is available for eligible families.



Afternoon tea is prepared and served each day, incorporating a variety of healthy snacks and plenty of fresh seasonal fruit and vegetables. Fresh drinking water is always available.

OSHC supplies sunscreen for children.




Parent Lounge

Parent Lounge Access

Calvary Christian College has a parent portal called “Parent Lounge” which provides a range of functionality to parents.

Parent Lounge Login

Your username and password is provided via email once your child has enrolled in the College. Once inside Parent Lounge there is a range of functions you can access:

  • STUDENT DETAILS - allows you to view details about your students (including their attendance and current timetable Middle and Senior School only and specialist timetable in Junior School)
  • ACADEMIC REPORTS - allows you to view, save and print the academic reports of your student/students
  • SCHOOL CALENDAR -allows you to view upcoming College events
  • SCHOOL LINKS - allows you to view certain College documents
  • UPDATE DETAILS - allows you to correct/update the College with details

Calvary App

The Calvary App is another way to access Parent Lounge and can be used for:

  • Submitting an Absentee
  • Ordering Tuckshop
  • Communications from our Principal and Heads of School
  • Viewing daily notices, reminders and the College Calendar
  • Booking parent teacher interviews
  • Paying school fees  
  • Approval of permission forms for excursions or other College activities 
  • Viewing student information: pastoral care notifications, sick bay alerts, academic reports, student medical information 
  • Parent Lounge access 
  • Helpful quick links


Downloading the App

The College App can be downloaded on your smart phone by using this download link* or by going to the App Store/Google Play and search for 'Parent Orbit'. The school code is calvarycc.


* Please note the link will only work on a device that has access to the App Store or Google Play. 


App How To Guide 

The College has put together an App how to guide. The guide can be downloaded here. Please review this guide for a summary on how to use the College app. 

Parent Manuals

Please see the parent manuals for information regarding:

  • Arrival and departure procedures
  • Student absences/late arrivals
  • Policies and Procedures
  • Camps, Excursions and Incursions
  • Chapel and assembly
  • Communication
  • Clubs and sport
  • Home learning
  • Medical care
  • Real Life Christian Church and College Council


Term Dates


TERM 1 (10 weeks) Tuesday 28 January - Friday 4 April 2025 

TERM 2 (9 weeks) Tuesday 22 April - Friday 20 June 2025

TERM 3 (10 weeks) Tuesday 15 July - Friday 19 September 2025

TERM 4 (10 weeks) Tuesday 7 October - Wednesday 4 December 2025

Our School Day

Junior School Carbrook


Start and Finish Times:

8:35am -3:00pm


Drop-off procedures:

In the morning, we have teachers on duty in the Western Carpark from 8am. At 8.20am, the students move down to the Junior School where there are also teachers on duty until the students enter class at 8.40am.


Pick-up procedures:

Children collected via drive-through:

The drive-by “Pick-Up Point” area is adjacent to the Calvary Community Centre.

There will be a teacher on duty at the pick-up point, moving cars along and ensuring the safety of the students. If your child is not at the pick-up point on your arrival you may need to drive around and re-enter the queue.

It is the parent’s responsibility to inform their child they will be collected from the quick pick-up. An email to the class teacher to notify them is recommended for the little ones.


Children Who Are Physically Collected by Their Parents

Children are seated in allocated class areas under the western hanger at the Western Carpark from 3pm. Each child is asked to say “good afternoon” to the teacher to indicate they are now in the care of their parent or caregiver.


Older Siblings and Bus Children

Bus children and those with siblings in the Middle and Senior school remain seated until 3.15pm. At this time, the bus children proceed to the buses, and the children left remain in the care of the duty teacher.



Prep-6 - If your child attends Outside School Care, they will be dropped to the OSHC room between 3.00-3.10pm.



Junior School Springwood:


Start and Finish Times:

8:35am -3:00pm


Drop-off and pick-up procedures:

Drop off and pick up via the turning circle is preferred. (Prep’s are normally dropped off and collected at their classrooms.) Otherwise parking on Dennis Road or up at Real Life Christian Church. We also have the Church Area afternoon collection, where the students are taken up the hill by the teachers to be collected by parents waiting at the church lawn.


Middle & Senior School


Start and Finish Times:



Drop-off procedure:

In the morning we have teachers on duty in the Western Carpark from 8am.


Pick-up procedure:

Quick pick-up is from the Western Car Park Hanger. Students are allowed to walk out to parked cars in the car park. At 3.45pm any MSS students not picked up wait in Classroom M4 with a Supervision Teacher until 4.30pm. All students should be collected by 4.30pm.

Community Facebook Groups

Keep up to date with what is happening with your child at school by joining our closed group community pages for parents.

Book Lists


It is with excitement that we announce that the Calvary Uniform Shop is now open. 


Calvary Uniform Shop 


Uniform Shop - Carbrook Campus

Once school resumes, the Uniform Shop at Carbrook will be open on Monday and Wednesdays during Term Time from 7:45am - 9:00am and 1:00pm - 2pm and 2:30pm - 4pm. It will also be open fortnightly on Tuesdays 7:45am-9:00am (Weeks 3, 5, 7, 9 in Term 1 2025).


Online Orders 

A pickup notification will be sent to you when your order is ready for collection. 


Orders can be placed online any time. An email notification will be sent when your order is ready or collection. Collection is from the campus you nominate.


Exchange/return requests can be dropped to reception on either campus any time. Once the exchange has been processed an email notification will be sent.


Springwood Online Orders

Online orders that are ready for collection at Springwood will be delivered to your Student. Orders will be delivered in a sealed bag with your child’s name and class on it to the child’s classroom.


Orders can be placed online any time. An email notification will be sent when your order is complete. 


Exchange/return requests can be dropped to reception on either campus any time. Once the exchange has been processed an email notification will be sent.


Uniform Guide Overviews

Please click on the buttons below to view the uniform overview documents for each stage. The overview documents provide you with information on uniform changes and phase out timeframes for old style uniforms.


If you have any questions, please email or call 07 3287 6222.


Uniform Overviews 

Café (Happy Hens and Mango Cafe)

Mango Cafe - Carbrook Campus

The cafe opening hours are Monday to Friday, 8.00am - 1.40pm during the term. 


Happy Hens - Springwood Campus

Happy Hens Cafe is open from 7.40am - 8.40am Tuesdays & Thursdays.


The tuckshop is open Mondays and Fridays during first break or online orders can be made via the app. The tuckshop window is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 1st break and Tuesday and Thursday at 2nd break using cash or EFTPOS.


Ordering for both locations is done through the App. Simply sign in using 'my student account' canteen on the App through My School Account.


Your username and password are the parent code and the password sent to you in the ‘parent lounge login’ email. If you do not have your login details, please contact reception.



Ordering is easy and is done through the Calvary App. Simply sign in using my student account’. Your username and password are the same details used to access parent lounge. 

Your username and password are the parent code and the password sent to you in the ‘parent lounge login’ email. If you do not have your login details, please contact reception.

Bus Information

The College bus service operates 6 bus routes. The routes include set pick-up/drop-off points at Translink stops. 


The College bus service visits a large number of council bus stops within the Logan, Brisbane and Redland council areas.  Bus routes start from Marsden, Rochedale, Springwood, Capalaba, Redland Bay, Victoria Point and Thornlands.  


The service runs like a public transport service but only Calvary students will be served by the Calvary bus runs. The bus operating system is called Rollcall and Parents can track their bus route to determine where the bus is during the run via the App. Please email for the Rollcall welcome email containing login instructions.




  • Download the Rollcall App
  • Make a booking for all bus trips required for the Term
  • A Student ID card is required to tap on and off the bus each time the bus is utilised
  • Ensure Rollcall account remains in credit at all times


2025 Bus Routes Interactive Map


Please refer to the Student Transport Service – Information Guide for more information.


Transport Service - Info Guide



2025 Bus Fees 

  • Zone 1 – 0km – 5km (including Intercampus Run*) - $1.60 per trip
  • Zone 2 – 5.1 km – 20km - $4.00 per trip
  • Zone 3 – 20.1km and beyond - $4.50 per trip
  • Term Passes can be purchased for each zone which includes a 10% discount. Term passes are at fixed rates for the Term regardless of usage. Credits to Term passes will not be offered if a student is unable to use the bus on a given day. Contact if you are wanting to make use of a Term pass.
  • Bookings are essential for accurate trip charging, effective messaging and accurate bus tracking via the App.
  • All students are required to present their student ID cards when utilising the bus service. Failure to do so will incur an administrative fee of $1 per day on top of the trip charge.
  • Refer to your Rollcall welcome email for more information.

*Intercampus Run is campus to campus only. Stops along the route are charged according to the zone.


Intercampus Bus

The intercampus bus fee structure is outlined below: - 

  • $1.60 charge per trip; Or 
  • Book for the whole term to be eligible for a 10% discount. 
  • The intercampus bus is identified as Zone 1


Bus Siblings - Springwood Campus 

The College provides a supervision service each morning and afternoon for Springwood based students who have siblings that use the Intercampus bus to and from Carbrook. 


The cost of using the Bus Siblings program in the afternoon is $2.50 per day which will be invoiced on a monthly basis.  The College also provides the opportunity to pay a discounted Term Fee for this service. 


The fee for 2025 is $100 per Term.  The Term fee covers attendance for the afternoon for the full Term regardless of whether the student utilises the service or not. The booking period expires after the first Friday of the Term and an invoice will be issued during week 2 of each Term.


2025 Bus Silbings Booking Form 

(Springwood Campus only)

Intercampus Bus Student Collection

Parents are reminded that they must be at the Springwood Campus to collect their students from the Intercampus Bus Service and the Bus sibling program on time.


Staff Supervision is provided until the last student is collected, however, current wait times have exceeded reasonable expectations. Any student who remains on site after 4:25pm will incur a Late Pickup Fee of $15 per student.


Please contact if you have any questions or need assistance with the College Bus Service.

Fee Information

To learn more about Calvary Fees, download our fees below. Plus, our fee calculator helps you work out fees based on how many children you are looking to enrol. Please email with any specific questions.

Calvary Performing Arts

Click HERE for all of our Performing Arts information and registrations.


Scholarship Applications

Academic Scholarship Applications


The College offers scholarships for either Academic Excellence or Excellence (in Sport, Music or other cocurricular contribution e.g. Show Team, Debating).


Scholarships recognise students’ exceptional performance and contributions to our community. Students may apply for either or BOTH categories but may only hold one scholarship. Successful candidates will be awarded in the category where they benefit most.  


Scholarship applications for 2026 are now closed. 


2027 Academic scholarships:

Students entering Year 5 2027. Application link opens in August 2025. 


Students entering Year 7, 9 and 11 in 2027. Applications open August 2025. 

The exams are held at the College Carbrook campus in March 2026.  


Scholarship Exam Details

Who Is Eligible:

Apply for a level 1 ACER Scholarship Test if your child will enter Year 7 in 2027.
Scholarship candidates are required to undertake an Academic Aptitude Assessment through the Australian Council of Educational Research (ACER).

Apply for a level 2 ACER Scholarship Test if your child will enter Year 9 in 2027.
Scholarship candidates are required to undertake an Academic Aptitude Assessment through the Australian Council of Educational Research (ACER).

Apply for a level 3 ACER Scholarship Test if your child will enter Year 11 in 2027.
Scholarship candidates are required to undertake an Academic Aptitude Assessment through the Australian Council of Educational Research (ACER).


ACER Applications open August 2025. 




2026 Excellence Scholarship Applications

The scholarship acknowledges excellence in particular area (e.g a sport, music), a student's learning progress, development of effective learning habits, cocurricular contribution as well as contribution to the community, primarily through the expression of our College strategic objectives: Exceptional Learning, Vibrant Community and Authentic Discipleship.

  • Applications will be considered annually, and offers made in Term 2 for the following academic year.
  • Excellence Scholarships have a two-year duration and are renewable.
  • On the basis of the student’s application and interview, the Scholarship Panel will make a scholarship offer of a value appropriate to the strength of the application.
  • There are a limited number of  Excellence Scholarships that can be awarded per year level. This may vary from year to year at the discretion of the College Principal.
  • Interested students are required to prepare a brief portfolio for the scholarship application and may be asked to attend an interview with a scholarship panel early in Term 2.
  • Scholarship holders will be announced by the end of May each year for the following year.


Please click on the Application Information link below to find out how to prepare your portfolio.


Scholarship applications for 2026 are now closed. Applications for 2027 Excellence Scholarship open August 2025.


Kingdom Kids & OSHC

Our Kingdom Kids Early centres are nestled within our two Calvary Christian College Campuses, located in Carbrook and Springwood. Our Early Learning Precincts provide a program approach that is driven by both child inquiry. We provide quality education that best meets your child’s educational, social, emotional and spiritual needs. Please see the below link to the Kingdom Kids page or email or for more information.


Calvary Christian College OSHC is an Approved Service Provider offering Before and After School Care and Vacation Care to college families as well as those from the surrounding community.


Our Program and our People


OSHC at Calvary is a fun and inviting place where children can enjoy learning through play, experiencing a large variety of activities both indoors and outdoors. Children are encouraged to develop their autonomy, independence, resilience and sense of agency, while building their self-confidence and sense of wellbeing in a safe and secure space. OSHC is an inclusive environment where all children are welcomed by our caring and supportive staff.


OSHC is managed by trained and professional staff who have a passion for working with children.  Our Educators are trained in the National Quality Framework, and create educational programs based on the interests and developmental needs of all the children.


Hours of Operation


Carbrook Campus

Monday to Friday
Before School Care 6.30am – 8.45am
After School Care 3.15pm – 6.30pm
Vacation Care 6.30am – 6.30pm

Ph: 07 3209 0078

Mobile: 0403 700 660


Enrol now for Carbrook OSHC


Springwood Campus

Monday to Friday
Before School Care 6:30am – 8.30am
After School Care 3.00pm – 6.30pm
Vacation Care 6.30am – 6.30pm

Ph: 07 3209 0031

Mobile: 0431 502 635


Enrol now for Springwood OSHC


Fees Structure


Term Time: 

Term Time: 

Before School Care - $37.50
After School Care - $41.50
Before and After School Care combo – BSC $34.50


*Deal valid for permanent bookings of before and after school care within the same day


Vacation Care: Standard day – $83.50


* Excursions and Incursions to be charged additionally


Child Care Subsidy is available for eligible families.



Afternoon tea is prepared and served each day, incorporating a variety of healthy snacks and plenty of fresh seasonal fruit and vegetables. Fresh drinking water is always available.

OSHC supplies sunscreen for children.