Middle Senior School Communications, 25 January 2024
Term 1 - Week 1
Upcoming Events:
Friday 26 January
- Australia Day Public Holiday
Upcoming important dates:
6 February 2024
- Chapel Team retreat (at school in the afternoon)
7 February 2024
- MSS Leadership Induction Service 9am in the CCC. In this service we induct our Year 12s, Year 7s, and Student Leaders. We will invite parents of all these students, by email, to this event (we will also take plenty of photos for you).
14-16 February (Week 4) Year 7-10 Camp week (Wednesday to Friday).
16 February Year 12 Formal
Dear Parents and Carers
I hope you your child enjoyed their first week at school and is looking forward to a busy and exciting term. We spent the first day of school in House based activities which culminated in several House competitions. This is the start of our year building House culture. We hope to run many events during lunch times and give students lots of opportunities to make new friends.
One of the challenges I gave our MSS students as we started the year was to make two new friends outside of their current friendship group. I would love parents and carers to also encourage them to try for this goal, as building connections is important and helps improve one’s enjoyment of coming to school. Next week we will release our general cocurricular offerings (some of the sport options have already been released in communications) – keep an eye out for this and encourage your child to be involved in one or two cocurricular options.
In this communication I have attached a PDF version of the slides used from our Meet the Teacher night and our starting MSS expectations assembly where we outline our College rules and requirements. If you have any questions about this, please feel free to contact me. One of our wellbeing goals for students in 2024 is to equip them to establish boundaries of behaviour they are willing to accept/not accept from other students. We are teaching everyone the following formulae: ‘when you A – I feel B – I need you to C’. This could be applied as ‘when you call me that, it makes me feel annoyed, I need you to stop’ or ‘when you push me, it makes me angry, and I need you to stop’.
It is much easier for our welfare team to help students when low-level behaviours have already been addressed by the students – it’s more complicated to address an issue when one child insists the behaviour has upset them for a long time and the other pleads that they never knew and were never told the behaviour was a problem. Being able to tell people when they are displaying an unwelcome behaviour is also an important life skill that we can employ in the workplace and in our significant relationships. Try practising this with your child at home and encouraging them to be clear about when a behaviour is unwelcome.
Mr Josh Wilson
Head of Middle & Senior School & Innovative Learning Design
NOTICES : Mr Arraiol (Head of Wellbeing and Community)
Calvary Photo Day
Please note that formal student photographs will be taken on 21 February 2024. All students are required to wear their formal uniform on this day. Our photography team will provide order forms by next week to allow families to complete their orders before the due date. These forms will be distributed to children during school time. Please take special note that sibling photographs will take place in the CCC before school, starting at 8:15 AM. A timetable of the complete schedule for the day will be provided in future parent communications. If a student is away on the day of the formal photographs, there is another opportunity for them to have their photograph taken on 29 February 2024. If you are having trouble sourcing part of the formal uniform at this point, please contact your child’s relevant Head of Year or Wellbeing Coordinator
Year 7 - 10 Camps
Our Year 7 - 10 students will be attending their respective camps from February 14 to 16. I wanted to take this opportunity to remind parents to please ensure that the medication administration form is completed by 25 January 2024. After this date, the online forms will close. Medication should then be provided to the Health Hub by 7 February 2024. If you need the link for the medication administration form, please review the emails that the camp coordinators have sent:
- Camp Coordinator Years 7-8: Nicole O’Donnell
- Camp Coordinator Year 9: Cameron Handley
- Camp Coordinator Year 10: Dino Arraiol
General Notices:
Health Hub Reminder
As we start the new year please take the time to review the Time Out poster provided by Queensland Health. Please review the timeout poster to determine the appropriate time out period for your child/ren.
Medication, if your child/ren require medication. Please complete a medication administration form here and drop the labelled medication off at the Health Hub. Please note medication must have a label issued by a pharmacist.
Please review your child/s medication details via Parent Lounge or the Parent App and update as required.
If you have any question please reach out to the Health Hub by calling Administration or emailing HealthHub@calvarycc.qld.edu.au (Carbrook Campus)
2025 Academic Scholarship Applications- Close 21 February 2024
Calvary provides opportunities for General Excellence in a specific field other than Academics (e.g.in elite sports, music, show team, debating) as well as Academic Excellence scholarships. These scholarships acknowledge outstanding student achievements and contributions to our community.
For further details and to submit your application, please visit: https://calvarycc.qld.edu.au/common-questions/scholarships/
College Bus Services
The College is transitioning to RollCall to manage our Bus bookings. You will receive an email from Rollcall with the information on how to set up the Parent app or web portal. Please note you will need to create your login within 24hrs after the welcome email.
For more information on the Bus Services and to view the routes please visit our website here.
Calvary 40th Anniversary Umbrella
To celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Calvary Christian College we have limited additional umbrellas available for purchase.
Umbrellas are $30 each and can be collected from reception at our Springwood or Carbrook campus. To purchase please use this link: https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing/1162111
MSS Musical Sponsorship Opportunity – “Shrek The Musical”
Putting on musical productions involves a huge amount of student and teacher involvement, but also sound equipment, lighting, props, and more. By sponsoring our Shrek Musical, your logo will feature wherever the production logo is shown, as well as VIP extras and your brand splashed all over our social channels. Interested? Email:marketing@calvarycc.qld.edu.au for more info.

Cafe Specials Week 2
Events at Calvary
Please see below the Term Flyer for Events for MSS this Term.
Our current College events can be found on our website: https://www.calvarycc.qld.edu.au/events/
All of our Parent Information can be found on our Website: https://www.calvarycc.qld.edu.au/parent-information/

Sports Update
Calvary is getting ready for another fantastic year in sports !
Kindly take a moment to go through all the important sports information below.
Calvary Netball Club 2024 Season Launch
With the 2024 UPNA netball season not far away it is exciting to confirm the continuation of the Calvary Netball Club for 2024.
Please find attached the first newsletter for the year with all club information and how to register.
7-10yrs Netta Registrations are now open and we are asking for expressions of interest for our 11-18yrs Cadet teams. The expression of interest form is also attached to this email.
Please contact the members of the club committee via calvarynetballclub@gmail.com if you have any further questions.
We look forward to another great season of netball playing for Calvary.
See you on the courts!

Welcome to Term 1 2024. What an exciting year we have planned in the Performing Arts department. There are many opportunities for your child to be involved this year.
Instrumental Program
Year 3 Beginner String Program: Register Here
Years 4-10 Beginner String program: Register Here
Year 4 Beginner Band Program: Register Here
Year 5-10 Beginner Band Program: Register Here
Continuing Band and String Program: Register Here
Private Individual Instrumental Music lesson enrolment: Register Here
Handbook: Instrumental Music Manual 2024.V3.pdf
Sport Aerobics (Years 1 – 12)
Sign Up: https://forms.office.com/r/w6VjMugPnF
Handbook: Sport Aerobic info pack 2024.pdf
After School Dance Classes (Carbrook Junior School)
Sign Up: https://forms.office.com/r/x6zD4xrUYj
Handbook: DANCE PROGRAM 2024.updated.pdf
Calvary Performing Arts Facebook
Please feel free to join the Calvary Performing Arts Facebook page to be kept up today date, and to see the details and pictures of our performances and activities over the year.
All correspondence regarding CPA, including questions, please send to Emma at: performingartsacademy@calvarycc.qld.edu.au