Middle Senior School Communications, 2 November 2023
Term 4 - Week 5
Monday: Year 12 QCAA Exams (6 Nov – 14 Nov) / Y10 Work Experience (6 Nov - 10 Nov) / Emu Gulley Year 11 Camp (6 Nov - 10 Nov)
2 Nov - CAPA Soiree / Sports Awards Evening
6 Nov – 10 Nov - Emu Gully Year 11 Camp / Y10 Work Experience
14 Nov - 12 Hour Relay – Y12
15 Nov - MSS Celebration Service 7-11
17 Nov – Final Y12 Chapel / Valedictory and Graduation
22 Nov – Calvary MSS Futsal Cup
26 Nov - Carols @ Calvary – Springwood
30 Nov - MSS Christmas Themed Free Dress Day
01 Dec – Bounce Year 7-12 / Term 4 concludes
Dear Parents and Carers
It is my pleasure to announce our Student Leadership Team for 2024. Next year Julia Lang will be our School Captain and Lara Morton our Vice Captain, with Charlotte Badcock, Liandi Els, and Charlotte Parker as Prefects. At Calvary, student leadership involves purposeful and ongoing service that enriches life at the College for others or brings about good for the community. Applicants for the role of Prefects were asked to submit an application answering several criteria (I have attached this for you to read if you wish). The application focused on service students were already completing at the College and initiatives they would like to bring to the College.
We only have a small number of formal leaders this year, as our Year 11 cohort is a small cohort (so are our current 10s). Our current 7-9 cohorts about 50% larger than the senior cohorts and we expect our leadership teams to grow as these cohorts come through. What is exciting for me about our application process is that it equals the playing field for students. Leadership is not about a popularity contest and it’s not simply being a nice person (and we have lots of lovely students) – rather it’s about students being willing to step-up and engage with improving the lives of others around them. This is hard to do – it takes effort, some sacrifice, and a willingness to consider the needs of others. I am looking forward to seeing how our 2024 Student Leadership Team will work to empower the other leaders around them (House, Connectors, and College Leaders), to continue improving and enriching life at Calvary for their peers.
There is lots of important information in this communication. Can I particularly draw parent attention to the communication below from our Principal Mrs Gostelow clarifying some changes to uniform.
Mr Josh Wilson
Head of Middle & Senior School & Innovative Learning Design
General Notices:
Principal Update Uniform 2024
Thank you to those of you who have taken the opportunity to reach out to me via email and in school yard encounters to share with me how the proposed uniform changes impact your family.
When I was appointed as your Principal in 2019, one of the goals I shared with the parent community was that I wanted to “lead with my ears”. Five years later I am still conscious of the need to hear staff, student and parent voice. So thank you for using your voice!
I am sorry it was not clear that Sport uniform items and school bags will transition more slowly. Sport uniform items with the old logos may be worn until December 2027. School bags are included in this.
The exception to this for MSS students is the old purple sports shorts discontinued in 2020 may not be worn beyond December 2023.
For formal school items the current grey striped MS shirts and blouses can be worn until the end of 2025 only.
The current formal hats may be worn until December 2027
The striped MS uniform items cannot be worn after December 2025.
The current white senior school shirt and blouse can be worn until the end of 2025.
All blazer pockets from 2026 must display the new logo. (You can order a pocket replacement from School Locker.)
All uniform items worn to school must be in good condition.
I trust that this is helpful in your planning to meet the needs of growing children and their siblings while remaining environmentally responsible.
2024 Booklist
Booklists for 2024 can be found here, or on the College website. There is very little specialised equipment required for most of our high school subjects. Please ensure your child has a notebook for every subject in 2024.
CAPA Soiree and Sports Awards Evening
If your child has taken part in any of our Netball, Futsal, Volleyball team competitions, or, if they play an instrument in a CAPA Ensemble group, they are invited to attend the CAPA Soiree which starts at 4:00pm this afternoon followed by the Sports Awards we will have our Junior School Presentation from 6:00-6:30pm, followed by the MSS Presentation at 6:45-7:45pm. Students are to wear there sports uniform for the sports awards and their formal uniform if they are attending the CAPA Soiree.
Interhouse Beach Volleyball Competition
In Week 7 of this term, we will be hosting an inter-house beach volleyball competition, with students competing for a voucher to the Mango Cafe. Students will form teams of 4-6 individuals from their respective houses and grades to compete on our Beach Sports Arena courts for the aforementioned prize (1 voucher per year level is available). We are eagerly anticipating the crowning of the winners for this competition, which is being hosted by our Stage 5 Leaders. Students interested in participating should read the communication in the Student Cafe or contact Mr. Arraiol for more details.
End of Year Awards Service & Year 12 Valedictory
As the end of the year approaches, we take time to look back and celebrate the achievement and growth of our students in many different areas. If your child is receiving an award at any of these events, you will receive an email alerting you to this. Please refer to the events section in this communication for more information and use the QR Code on the poster for booking details.
Conclusion of Year 9 & Year 12 Laptop Program
Below is essential information concerning the Year 9 and Year 12 laptop program, which concludes at the end of Term 4. We appreciate your student's involvement and your support. As the agreement concludes, you have two available options please complete the online form below by Friday 10 November 2023 (Week 6).
Drought Angels - Fire Relief Fundraising
As you have seen in the news, parts of our country are being devastated by fires. The College would love to invite our community to support these families at this time. Please see the information below about how we can help. Please click here for a link to make cash donations towards this effort.
Click here to hear from Mrs Gostelow regarding this fundraising event.
Mango CAFE Specials for Week 6
Upcoming Events
We have several events happening. Please click on the link to go to our Events Page or register below: https://www.calvarycc.qld.edu.au/events/
Calvary TV
Please see the link to some of our College's Highlights for 2023:
Calvary Carols
Preparations are currently underway for our Real Life Church & Calvary Carols evening, Sunday 26 November, at the Springwood Campus.
Bring your camping chairs, order your picnic box and prepare to sing along as the combined Calvary/RLCC band perform our favourite carols, taking us through the message of the birth of Jesus. Bring friends or extended family and enjoy a great night together as we move into the Christmas season.
Along with our numerous musical performances during the evening we will have a Drama Production. The CAPA team are looking for any Prep to Year 12 students who would be interested in being part of this production for the carols. This is an opportunity for students not already performing in the carols. If your child is interested in doing this, please click on the link to register your child's interest. Link to EOI Drama
Volunteering opportunities
We would love some support from our community. If you have time available, please register via the link to the volunteer portal. We appreciate your help!! volunteersignup.org/THETB

Sports Aerobics 2024
It was a great turn out for our Sports Aerobics Come n Try session this week. Information about this program, happening in 2024, will be available soon.
CAPA Awards Soiree
All CAPA students and parents are invited to tonight's CAPA Awards Soiree at Carbrook from 4.00-5.30pm.
Please note, no Ensembles are performing at this event.
Calvary Carols
Calvary Carols is on the evening of Sunday 26 November. Students required for this event include:
- Chorale,
- Boys Ensemble,
- Jnr & Snr Percussion Ensemble,
- Snr Strings,
- Orchestra,
- Guitar Ensemble.
A memo will follow shortly with the exact times of arrival, soundchecks and performances.
Save the Date
12 November - Music Recital for all private students
26 November - Calvary Carols, Springwood Oval
Instrumental Program 2024
Shortly there will be links sent for enrolments for Instrumental Lessons for 2024. Please keep an eye out for this information.
All correspondence regarding CAPA, including questions, please send to Emma at: