Springwood Junior School Communications, 23 November 2023
Term 4 - Week 8
Upcoming Events
Friday 24 November: 2024 Stepping Up to the Next Stage
Sunday 26 November: Calvary & RLCC Christmas Carols
Term 4 - Week 9
Wednesday 29 November: Year 6 Affirmation Morning / Christmas Chapel
Friday 1 December: Year 6 Wet n Wild Excursion, The Great Water Fight, Free Dress Day & Term 4 Concludes
Coming Up
School Holidays & Christmas
Dear Parents and Carers,
Quite possibly I say this about every community event we hold, but, tonight’s Celebration really is one of my favourites. I am grateful to God first and foremost for blessing us with good weather, the resources and the creative team to put this event together. I am also grateful to our community, for your prayers and encouragement as we gather tonight, and over the coming week, and recognise just how much our children have grown and accomplished throughout 2023.
Grace: the unmerited, unearned love and favour of God.
Tonight, we gather on the oval under the stars to celebrate another incredible year together. Celebration is more than students performing a dance – it is an expression of joy that all our families are immersed in. Tonight’s theme, Grace and Truth, will be shared with you by our public speaking team who will MC the night. I hope it resonates with you, just how powerful God’s grace is toward us and how deeply His truth guides and strengthens us.
As a team, we look forward to sharing this special event with you.

2024 Stepping Up to the Next Stage
This Friday morning, those Year 6 students continuing into Year 7 at Calvary are attending their final Transition Day. Students using the inter-campus bus should be at the turning circle by 7.25am.
From 3.30pm, 2024 Year 7 parents have been invited to attend an important information session.
All students, Prep – Year 5, as well as our new students attending Calvary in 2024, will be stepping up to their next Stage for the morning session. This session will be a chance for students to ask questions, make friends and feel comfortable in their 2024 stage environment. As usual, all information about 2024 classes and teachers will be emailed to parents in early January.
2024 Booklists
Just a reminder that 2024 booklists can be ordered online up until Wednesday 13 December 2023. You can have them delivered to your house, or opt to collect them from the Springwood campus staffroom between 9.00am-12.00pm on Friday 12 January 2024.
Semester 2 Reports
Student reports for Semester 2 will be available for parents to download from Parent Lounge via the app or website, from 5.00pm Friday 1 December. Please see further information attached in communications today.
Calvary and RLCC Carols!
Only a few more days until Calvary and RLCC Carols. Burgers and sausage sizzle as well as slushies, ice creams and drinks will be available to purchase from 5.30pm, but families are welcome to BYO picnic. We will all come together to sing carols with our CAPA students from 5.30pm for a 6.15pm start. Invite your friends and other families to come along. This will be held on the Springwood campus oval. Best places for parking are the carpark of Real Life Christian Church or along Exilis St.
Year 6 Affirmation Service
Year 6 Affirmation is an opportunity for our staff to sow seeds of blessing and affirmation into the lives of our Year 6 students as they prepare for high school. The Year 6 Affirmation service will be held at Real Life Christian Church on Wednesday 29 November from 9am – 10am. Family members of our 2023 Year 6 cohort are welcome to attend and there will be morning tea served afterwards in the courtyard.

Free Dress & Great Water Fight
On the last day of term, Friday 1 December, students are welcome to wear Free Dress, adhering to the College's guidelines below:
- Students may wear jeans or shorts and respectable tops (T-Shirts that have negative slogans or images will not be permitted)
- Students may not wear colour in their hair except as in the Uniform Policy
- Students may not wear make-up
- Shorts must be an acceptable length (below mid thigh)
- No bare midriffs, low necklines, singlets or strappy tops
- Closed footwear
Also on the last day we will also have our annual Great Water Fight! All are welcome to enjoy a fun way to celebrate the last day of school. Water pistols and soakers are to be brought from home.
After second break children will change out of their casual clothes and into clothes that they are happy to get wet, and that provide suitable sun protection, e.g rash vest and shorts. As there are green ants around, children must also wear shoes that they can get wet. (No bare feet will be permitted.)
Following the activity, students will need to change back into dry clothes, if they are not being collected by their parents immediately after the event.
There will be three designated areas for Pre-Prep to Prep, Stage 1 and Stages 2&3. The soaking will begin after 2.10pm.
Students who will be taking part should bring a small towel to dry off with and a plastic bag in which to store their wet items and their water pistol.

Again, we are looking forward to seeing families and friends at Celebration tonight. Please send students to their classrooms by 5:30pm. Claim your space on the oval with your picnic rugs and camping chairs, and settle in for a fun and entertaining evening!
Mrs Kim Winton
Head of Junior School - Springwood Campus
Calvary Carols - Springwood Campus Oval
We are looking forward to the Real Life Church & Calvary Carols evening, Sunday 26 November, here at the Springwood Campus.
Pre-ordered Picnic Boxes will be available for pick up from 5.30pm near Happy Hens.
Drought Angels - Fire Relief Fundraising
As you would have seen parts of our state have been devastated by fires. The College would love to invite our community to support these families at this time. Please see the information below about how we can help. Please click here for a link to make a cash donation towards this effort.
Furniture and other goods donations will be collected this Saturday morning from the Carbrook campus at 8.00am in the western carpark and from the Springwood campus from the RLCC carpark (front of the church) from 10.30am.
Click here to hear from Mrs Gostelow regarding this fundraising event.
Reminder: Tuckshop Volunteers 2024
Exciting news! We are looking to extend the operating hours of our Happy Hens Tuckshop in 2024. We hope to have our Tuckshop operating on Monday, Wednesday and Friday's at first break. To enable this to happen we'd love the support of our Parent Volunteers.
Please indicate your potential availability to assist us either weekly, fortnightly, monthly or once a term, via the link: Yes, I may be able to help
OSHC - Summer Holidays 23/24
Please see below information about the Outside School Hours Care Summer Holiday's program.
Enquires about this program can be emailed to springwood.oshc@unitingeducation.com.au.

Calvary Carols
Calvary Carols is on this Sunday 26 November, entry from 5.30pm. Students are required to be at the stage ready for a 4.30pm start. The following groups are performing.
- Piccolos,
- Voices,
- Beginner and Junior Bands,
- Beginner and Junior Strings,
- Jnr & Snr Percussion Ensemble.
Further details have been emailed to you and information is also on the CAPA Facebook page.
In the event of Wet Weather the Carols will still proceed in an alternate venue. Details will be communicated on the College Facebook pages.
Instrumental Program 2024
On-line registration for lesson for 2024 are now live. The links for all our programs are below. Please Register prior to the end of the school year.
Private Individual Instrumental Music lesson enrolment: Register Here
Year 4 Beginner Band Program: Register Here
Year 5 Beginner Band Program: Register Here
Year 3 Beginner String Program: Register Here
Years 4-10 Beginner String program: Register Here
For Students currently in Beginner and Junior Band/Strings please use this link to continue lessons in 2024.
Students continuing in Band and String Program: Register Here
All correspondence regarding CAPA, including questions, please send to Emma at:
Dr Gary Holley
Head of Calvary Academy of Performing Arts
Calvary TV & Events
Calvary TV - Please see the link to some of our College's Highlights for 2023: https://www.calvarycc.qld.edu.au/calvary-tv/2023/
Coming Up in Term 4
Springwood Celebration
Year 6 Affirmation
Carols @ Calvary
Great Water Fight