Springwood Junior School Communications, 08 August 2024
Term 3 - Week 5
Friday 9 Aug: IS Sport Round 2
Term 3 - Week 6
Monday 12 Aug: Ekka Logan Public Holiday (Both Campuses closed)
Wednesday 14 Aug: No Before School JAG Club / Prep & Stg 1 Athletics Carnival
Friday 16 Aug: IS Sport
Coming Up
Book Week, Prep Excursion, Book Character Parade, ME Regional Athletics, IS Sport
Dear Parents and Carers,
It's Science Week!
We have made hydrophobic sand, string and detergent bubbles, paper helicopters and had the Mad About Science crew perform some amazing experiments this week.
Why do children love science? Science exists all around us and that can be obvious to adults, but our children are only just discovering this for themselves. Science answers a lot of ‘why’ questions for our children, sparking curiosity and critical thinking as well as develops many other skills that they need not just to apply to science, but to life. I encourage you to ask your child about their favourite science experiment or scientific fact. Let them teach you or perform an experiment with you and enjoy learning something new together
Dan Warlow
We were thrilled to have the opportunity to have Dan Warlow lead our community in praise yesterday afternoon. Dan is a kids Christian music artist, who has a heart to lead children and their families to know God more. His gift and passion to see children learn biblical truth through praise and worship is extraordinary. What a joy to see our students connect in and enjoy expressing their faith in this way.
Prep & Stg 1 Athletics Carnival
Wednesday 14 August is our Prep and Stage 1 Athletics Carnival. Parents, if you can join us, please wear comfy shoes, and be prepared to participate. It is always a lot of fun, with Mr McInnes and our Year 6 students running age -appropriate activities. Wednesday is the Brisbane Ekka holiday, so we hope that parents are available to join us. Just a reminder that the college will be closed Monday 12 August for the Logan Ekka holiday.
No JAG Club Next Week
Due to our MSS Show Team participating at next week's Ekka, there will be no before school JAG Club on Wednesday 14 August 2024. We wish Mrs Haupt (a.k.a. Farmer H) and the Show Team well in their various competitions.
Book Week
Book Week is fast approaching. If you are like me, you will think of a costume at the last minute. Thankfully there are a lot of ‘easy’ to whip up character costumes on Pinterest and online. Our Book week character parade will be held on Wednesday 21 August from 9am in the church. This parade will replace our usual afternoon Assembly. Parents, you are welcome to attend and even dress up yourselves if you want to join in the fun.
Mrs Kim Winton
Head of Junior School - Springwood Campus
Morning or Evening with the Principal
Tuesday 20 and Wednesday 21 August, the College invites you to a Morning or Evening with the Principal. Parents, this is a great opportunity to hear about future plans and vision for Calvary from our Principal and CEO, Mrs Cherylynne Gostelow.
Springwood Sessions - Tuesday 20 August at Real Life Christian Church
Carbrook Sessions - Wednesday 21 August at Carbrook Campus
Book in using the links here:
2024 Premier’s Reading Challenge Reminder
All forms to be returned by the Monday 26 August. Forms can be handed directly to Mrs Cosgriff or Office Reception, alternatively you can email your forms to sarah.cosgriff@calvarycc.qld.edu.au.
Students without forms can collect them from Mrs Cosgriff in the library or digital copy of the form can be found on the following link - Reading Challenge Form.
Happy Reading!

Drought Angels - Hygiene Products Collection
Next week is our last week collecting for our Drought Angels Hygiene Products!
Please bring your donations into the office by Friday 16 August.
From our Councelling Team
At Calvary we use the Friendology program as the foundation for our social & emotional teaching. Friendology helps students understand common language and strategies to use when navigating friendships. Throughout the year, the counselling team deliver 8 sessions for each class, that covers topics such as:
- Making friends
- Friendship facts
- Friend-o-meter
- Friendship Fires
- Mean on purpose behaviour
- Tricky situations
- Being kind and strong
As parents are also often coaching and guiding your children through social situations the counselling team will be running a parent session on Thursday 22nd August at 8:45-10:00am. The session will cover Friendology concepts, language and strategies, and child development.
Morning tea will be provided and registration can be done through this link: Friendology Parent Session - Springwood
Sports/Clubs News
Prep & Stage 1 Athletics Carnival
Our Prep & Stage 1 Athletics Carnival will be held at the Springwood Campus on Wednesday 14 August.
Please see information in this link: Parent Information
Interschool Sport - Round 2
Calvary Blog
Please click on the image to read about the journey of parenting teen boys.

Eisteddfod Notices
Congratulations to all our students who have participated over the last few weeks in Eisteddfods. You have made us all very proud.
Our MSS Guitar Ensemble competed in the Redlands Eisteddfod last night and were awarded First Place. Congratulations on your first competition!
Showcase - Journey Through Time
Senior Showcase is happening again on Saturday 7th September 2024 at CCC Carbrook. The concert begins at 7pm and will celebrate the 40 years of Calvary. More information coming soon.
Rehearsal on Thursday Evening 29th August 6.30pm – 8pm at Carbrook for any students in Intermediate Band or Voices that can make it after the Father's Day Event. More information to come shortly.
Showcase rehearsal during the day on Thursday 5th September for the following ensembles. Voices, Boys and Girls Ensemble, Intermediate Band, Intermediate Strings and Jnr Percussion.
Showcase sound check Saturday 7th September for students performing from 12pm onwards.
A memo regarding these two days will be sent shortly.
Calling All Calvary Music Alumni
As part of our 40th Year celebrations we wish to extend an invitation to any former Calvary Music students to participate in our Showcase by joining one, or more, of our Ensemble Groups.
Please use the link below to register your interest.
Sport Aerobics
Details regarding the next two competitions will come shortly. A reminder that you will be sent an additional fee for Nationals as noted in the handbook.
Events to come:
16th & 17th August - Future Champions Cup ( Logan Metro Centre, Crestmead)
31st August - National Championships (Gold Coast Sport & Leisure Centre, Carrara)
Instrumental Program
Private Individual Instrumental Music lesson enrolment: Register Here
Handbook: Instrumental Music Manual 2024.V3.pdf
Calvary Performing Arts Facebook
Please feel free to join the Calvary Performing Arts Facebook page to be kept up to date, and to see the details and pictures of our performances and activities over the year.
All correspondence regarding CPA, including questions, please send to Emma at: performingartsacademy@calvarycc.qld.edu.au
Dr Gary Holley
Head of Calvary Performing Arts
Up Coming Events @ Calvary
Link to our Events Page
Safe on Social Presentation
Calvary is hosting Safe on Social, presented by Kirra Pedergast on Tuesday 27 August. Details on flyer and link below.