Campus Locations

About Carbrook Campus

Welcome to our Carbrook Campus!

The campus at Carbrook opened in 1992 on a former rural property adjacent to the Logan River.  This second campus was established to offer both primary and secondary programs with the first Year 12 class graduating in 1996. 

Calvary Christian College, Carbrook campus, offers an authentic, Christian education to students from Prep through to Year 12. Enjoying a lush, natural environment that brings with it a sense of peace and enjoyment in nature, Carbrook students have access to a variety of outdoor /indoor learning spaces.


The campus reaches down to the Logan River, the site used for Bush Kindy. With the College Farm wrapping two sides of the oval, there is always opportunity to pause in a busy day and take in our peaceful surroundings.


The Carbrook campus enjoys a large multi purpose court lit at night for its vibrant sports program, the CAPA buildings for the Creative and Performing Arts as well as the Calvary Community Centre. At the heart of the campus stands a magnificent mango tree and the recently repurposed Cunningham Pavilion. This central community space is enjoyed by all and includes a canteen where students, staff and parents can linger over refreshments.


The Carbrook campus values community and connection. Students engage in a number of activities that invites them ot interact in mutually supportive programs that extend them across all stages. Discover Calvary’s vibrant community for yourself, at the Carbrook campus.


At the College, on each campus, we seek to live out our faith with the focus on being a Fearlessly Authentic Christian community.

Leadership Team

Cherylynne Gostelow

Principal and CEO

Zoe O'Donnell

Acting Head of Junior School,

Josh Wilson

Head of Middle and Senior School,

Carlee Johnston

Acting Head of Wellbeing and Community,
Carbrook (JS)

Dino Arraiol

Head of Wellbeing and Community,
Carbrook (MSS)

Learning Model

Exceptional Learning opportunities are designed for students at each of six stages of learning.


Curiosity is a doorway to powerful learning. Awakening and sustaining a habit of curiosity in students supports and sustains the inquiry focused model of learning at the heart of the Calvary learning journey. Unleashing potential for students in inviting them to be active participants in exceptional learning is made possible through exceptional educators. We design learning using shared understandings of the teaching and leadership practices that offer each child opportunity to learn effectively. Our objective is to set students on a journey to become exceptional lifelong learners.


Our stage-based learning community provides flexibility for children to learn at their point of stretch; whether they are hungry for richer learning or need to master concepts and curriculum content they find challenging.


Working in stages provides students with a team of learning designers, invested in personalising the learning experience of each child.


Children grow in confidence when they, too, become part of the learning team. They develop learning habits such as communication skills, resilience, creativity and resourcefulness, equipping them for a life of learning. As they move through the stages, students become increasingly skilled learners invested in their learning. They contribute to learning design and graduate equipped for a lifelong learning journey that ensures they live productive and fulfilling lives. They forge their futures, making a positive contribution to their communities.


A strong team of quality educators, as well as positive relationships between your child and their learning designers, underpins a successful year at school. Calvary delivers a teaching and learning framework that is foundational to your child’s future.