Message from Head of Middle and Senior School Stage 4 – Years 7 and 8 Stage 5 – Years 9 and 10 Stage 6 – Years 11 and 12 Beyond Calvary

Stage 5 – Years 9 and 10

Owning My Learning. Deepening capacity to collaborate effectively both through teams and work alone / work together contexts. Contribution to local community.

Stage 5 – Years 9 and 10

Owning My Learning

Owning My Learning


Stage 5 (Years 9 and 10) is a time of specialisation and personal growth, where students begin selecting elective subjects based on their interests and passions. This stage is a critical developmental milestone as students prepare for senior years, and it continues to prioritise student voice and choice in the learning process. 


By engaging in passion projects and inquiry-based learning, students remain motivated, empowered, and invested in their education. Alongside academic growth, Stage 5 places a strong emphasis on educating the whole child. As students mature into young adulthood, we intentionally focus on their personal character and faith development. In Year 9, students participate in the “Classroom in the Country” project, a week-long service trip to rural Queensland that provides practical, real-world experiences and fosters empathy, leadership, and teamwork. This focus on service and leadership equips students to think beyond themselves and contribute meaningfully to their communities.


In Year 10, the focus shifts toward preparing for life beyond school. Students are encouraged to reflect on their future aspirations, considering the type of person they want to become and the careers they hope to pursue. Practical programs help students map out their senior years and plan their pathways. A highlight of this stage is a week of work experience, which helps students explore potential career options and develop confidence as they transition to Stage 6.


Multi-age classes at this level continue to provide social-emotional benefits, fostering collaboration and mutual respect among students of varying ages. These interactions create a rich, supportive learning environment where students are challenged academically while also growing in character and resilience.

Josh Wilson

Deputy Principal,

Head of Middle Senior School

Cameron Handley

Head of Stage 5