Message for Junior School Heads Stage 1 – Years 1 and 2 Stage 2 – Years 3 and 4 Stage 3 – Years 5 and 6

Stage 1 – Years 1 and 2

Forming Firm Foundations. Deepening curiosity and inquiry, primarily through Play-Based learning provocations.

Stage 1 - Years 1 and 2

Firm Foundations

Forming Firm Foundations


Deepening curiosity and inquiry begins with Play-Based learning provocations. These carefully designed activities provoke, nudge, and invite children to engage in meaningful exploration, fostering mastery of curriculum content while cultivating lifelong learning skills.

In Stage 1 (Years 1-2), we embrace our students’ natural curiosity and inquiring minds. Through a guided, play-based, and hands-on inquiry approach, students explore their world with wonder and purpose.


Numeracy and Literacy remain central, providing the essential building blocks for future learning. At the same time, learning is not confined to the classroom—our flexible and agile learning spaces, both indoors and outdoors, support an inquiry model that encourages discovery anywhere, anytime. The thoughtful questions our children ask lead to exciting and meaningful learning experiences.


Biblical perspectives, faith and character formation, and social and emotional wellbeing are seamlessly embedded into every aspect of the curriculum. These values underpin our Units of Inquiry, which are carefully crafted to integrate the fundamentals of Literacy and Numeracy.


Useful Links
Junior School - Parent Manual

Campion Resource List


Kim Winton

Deputy Principal,

Prep - Stage 3

Claire Turvey

Head of Stage 1