Principal’s Introduction

Cherylynne Gostelow
Principal & CEO
Home and School are the two strongest influences on a child’s growth and development. This is why Calvary Christian College invites you to be an active partner in the education of your children. You were your child’s first teachers, and we will work with you to unleash the potential of your child. We bring our expertise as learning designers supported by a team who understand and encourage student development to ensure we ‘grow the whole child’.

Faith and Character Formation
For many of our families, working together to provide the environment that nurtures a child’s faith and character formation is the primary reason for choosing Calvary.
Children from all faith backgrounds are welcome and we encourage all to encounter God, who gives meaning and purpose to life. For us, the acknowledgement that we are created in the image of God, who seeks to bring us into full and restorative relationship with him and each other, is the foundation of our community.
We work with parents and carers to help them ensure age-appropriate character formation so that children are armed with the skills, character and knowledge that ensure a productive and fulfilling life. Character Formation is biblically based as we believe that the Bible provides us with insight into what it means to be fully human and to live well.