Principal Carbrook Junior School Springwood Junior School Middle & Senior School

Principal Communications

View previous communications here

Cherylynne Gostelow

Principal & CEO

Principal Communications


Principal Communications, 22 July 2024

22 July 2024


Dear Parent and Carers


One of my goals when I took on the role of Principal five years ago was to distribute leadership widely across the staff community. Regulatory compliance practices in education are essentially hierarchical in nature and we have succeeded at Calvary in blending traditional leadership responsibilities with a widely collaborative approach to leading.

During term 3 the focus of the College Executive Leadership Team includes planning for the coming year, and this year is no different. Each year there are adjustments made to the way in which the College is staffed so that we can respond to emerging opportunities. Today I met with staff on both campuses to take them through some new leadership opportunities.


The most recent update of our formal Organisation Chart can be found here (LINK). This chart reveals that there are now two Deputy Principal positions and three Heads of School positions. This offers the potential for five people to engage in positions that provide them with additional growth and responsibility. There are also three new leadership positions in the Junior schools as I will be appointing three Heads of Stage. These roles are much like the current successful Head of Stage 4 position held by Mrs Nicky O’Donnell. 


I am very proud of the staff culture at Calvary. The commitment of our staff contributes to the stable environment for your children. Our current staff retention rate this year is 94% which is excellent. Like other schools, we have struggled with successive waves of sickness and at Calvary I am grateful for the stable relief pool who make themselves available to provide stability for our students. I would particularly mention my gratitude to staff who have retired or have taken extended leave and yet are prepared to step in when the College needs them.


There are many ways in which we seek to continue to retain valued staff. One important way is building leadership capacity among our staff and both last year and this year I have worked with small groups of teachers in workshops that centred on the application of leadership theory to our practices. Many of you will be aware that the College’s focus on building positive leaders extends from the youngest child to the oldest staff member!


In the coming weeks,  I look forward to being able to share with you the outcome of our internal recruitment process which I anticipate will be completed this term. I am sure you will join me in acknowledging the wealth of talent across our staff and the deep commitment of Calvary staff to our mission and vision. The depth of talent within our staff leaves me with no doubt that we will fill each position in a way that will benefit both the leadership team and the College community.


During our Morning / Evening with the Principal events planned for August (LINK) I will be able to share more details with you and take any questions you might have. Please remember that you are always welcome to reach out via email or a phone call if you either cannot attend or would like to connect with me at another time.


Yours sincerely

Cherylynne Gostelow




Previous Communications

Principal Communications, 10 June 2024

10 June 2024

Principal Communications, 03 June 2024

03 June 2024

Principal Communications, 22 May 2024

22 May 2024

Principal Communications, 29 April 2024

29 April 2024

Principal Communications, 25 March 2024

25 March 2024

Principal Communications, 5 February 2024

05 February 2024

Principal Communications, 01 December 2023

01 December 2023

Principal Communications, 6 November 2023

06 November 2023

Principal Communications, 13 November 2023

13 November 2023

Principal Communications, 23 October 2023

23 October 2023

Principal Communications, 16 October 2023

16 October 2023

Principal Communications, 29 September 2023

29 September 2023

Principal Communications, 11 September

11 September 2023

Principal Communications, 8 September

08 September 2023

Principal Communications, 21 August

21 August 2023

Principal Communications, 4 August

04 August 2023

Principal Communications, 31 July

31 July 2023

Principal Communications, 17 July

17 July 2023

Principal Communications, 12 June

12 June 2023

Principal Communications, 15 May

15 May 2023

Principal Communications, 17 April 2023

17 April 2023

Principal Communications, 27 March

27 February 2023

Principal Communications, 20 February

20 February 2023

Principal Communications, 30 January

30 January 2023

Principal Communications, 17 January

17 January 2022

Full comms history available on the Parent App.