Principal and CEO

Cherylynne Gostelow

Principal and CEO

Clear Expectations and Warm Responsiveness

Dear Parents and Carers


Here we are starting week 3 of the term and I hope that your family is settling happily into your 2025 school routine. I am aware that there has been so much for you to do in getting ready for school as you have supported your children with the start of the school year. Like you, I have been involved in purchasing stationery, uniforms, conversations about what school might be like this year, conversations and decisions about cocurricular commitments as well as continuing to keep up with the seemingly endless stream of information that comes to you from the College. You will see that we have revised our Thursday communications to make the information more easily accessible.


This year, now that we manage our uniform supply, we are encouraging our students to wear their uniforms with pride. MSS students have been outstanding in their response to meeting the expectations we have of uniform, understanding too that this is a way we demonstrate our attitude to all that we do at school each day. It also signals our commitment to our community and students are beginning to understand the power they have to build the community culture they so earnestly desire.


Following our JS Information events last week we are working with our JS students to ensure they, too, meet the uniform requirements, understanding why this is an important part of being and belonging in a school community.


You can also expect to hear over and over this year that we have agreed three expectations we hold of one another across our community to ensure a good community culture. These are from Micah 6:8 and I am sure there is not a person who would object to being part of a community where we will

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These expectations align with our College values and the vision we have for each Calvary student to flourish. These three expectations are within the grasp of every student. And we are here to provide the support our students need to meet these expectations.


Preparing students for life is central to our purpose as providers of education. And at Calvary we will balance clear expectations with warm responsiveness (support) as needed by each child in any situation. We will maintain this balance in ways that ensure every student:


Learns to do the work

Learns to cope with disappointment and difficulty

Learns to cope with difficult feelings


Our desire is that our students can know what it is to be happy, independent adults who make positive contributions to the world. Our unwavering commitment is to support them through their schooling years, holding them accountable to their growth to meet that goal.


There will be many opportunities for you to deepen your partnership with us as we work together to secure good outcomes for your children. Raising children is arguably the most worthwhile and the most challenging thing you will do. We are here for you!


Yours sincerely

Cherylynne Gostelow

Cherylynne Gostelow

Principal and CEO