Middle Senior School Communications, 05 September 2024

Term 3 - Week 9

Friday 13 September: Free Dress, Chapel, Colour Fun Run


Coming up - Week 10

4-12 Sept: 11-12 Examination Block
10-13 Sept: Yr 9 Service Trip 
13 Sept:
EXO Day / Colour Run
13 Sept:
Term Concludes - Free Dress


Future dates


30 Sept: Term 4 commences
04 Sept: ADF Presentation
07 Sept: Public Holiday
07 Nov: 
CPA Soiree / Calvary Sport Awards

A note from the Head of Student Wellbeing and Community Dino Arraiol

Last Day of Term

On the last day of term, we will celebrate "Exo Day," an event partly led by our students. This day serves as a beautiful opportunity to celebrate the excellence of life and recognize the uniqueness of each individual, created in the image of God.
Exo Day
Our Exo Day festivities will commence with a student-led Chapel session, setting a tone of unity and celebration. Following this, there will be an array of engaging games and activities for our students to enjoy. These include painting, sports activities, eating competitions, karaoke sessions, and much more. As part of the Exo Day celebrations, we have arranged for two food trucks (one savoury and one sweet) to sell their items to the students during first break. It is important that students have access to funds to purchase items from these food vendors to avoid disappointment.
RUOK Presentation
Our Counselling team, with our student connectors, is preparing a presentation in the form of a panel to discuss ways we can ensure that our personal mental health and the well-being of others are maintained. This topic is especially relevant to students heading into the holiday period and having the time to take care of themselves and those they cherish with some of the skills and techniques to be discussed. The session will also include some practical areas where students can relieve stress appropriately and in a way that best suits them.
Active Afternoon
To conclude the day on a high note, we have organised an Active Afternoon during which our students will have the opportunity to choose two activities from the following options: table tennis, chess, scavenger hunt, basketball, beach volleyball, a colorful run (complete with water points), and a lively Just Dance session.

Cafe Specials - Week 10 of Term 3

General Notices

Free Dress Guidelines for the Last Day of Term

Please take note that students are encouraged to come dressed in Free Dress on the last day of term.

The free dress guidelines are attached for reference to avoid students being requested to change or be picked up from school.  We also kindly request that they bring gold coins for various fundraising activities that will be organised throughout the day.

Important Note about Colour Run Participation

All students participating in the Calvary Colour Run should ensure they wear a plain white T-shirt. The colour powder used is non-staining but we would like to avoid unnecessary laundry expenses related to school uniforms or expensive clothing for parents. We also strongly recommend that students come prepared with sunglasses or goggles, as well as a bandana to cover their mouths and noses during the colour zones for added protection.
When not participating in the Calvary Colour Run our students will have the opportunity to participate in various outdoor activities as we end the term enjoying some much deserved fun.

Reggie Dabs Presentation

On Wednesday afternoon, we were fortunate to welcome Reggie Dabs to Calvary, where he addressed our staff and students from Stage 2 - 12. Reggie Dabs, an American Pastor and motivational speaker entertained our staff and students as he brought his message of hope and love. Reggie left our students with a challenge to be kind to 10 ppl for 10 days to help spread hope and love among our Calvary Community and be agents for positive change. Please take the time to chat with your child (who are in Stages 2 - 12) about this challenge and maybe take the challenge up as a family. Modelling kindness and sharing hope and love is a powerful way to shape the character of our youth, when they are bombarded with a very different message online in our society.

Inspire Challenge

Coming Up Events @ Calvary

Our current College events can be found on our website: https://www.calvarycc.qld.edu.au/events/

Chinchilla Trip

Next week, our Year 9 students, along with several dedicated staff members, will embark on an enriching journey to Chinchilla for a service trip. Our collective hope and prayer is for their safe return, accompanied by the profound joy that comes from selfless service to others.

They will donate the hygiene products from the supportive Calvary Community to Farm Angels and provide some much-needed assistance to farmers, communities and organisations in the area. This year our fundraising from the Bush Dance, Quiz and other Show Team related events, totals just over $10 000.00 which will be used to support farming communities experiencing hardship over the Christmas season.

We wanted to thank our community for supporting us in these initiatives to support Farm Angels!

MEM (Cert II Engineering Pathways)

The MEM (Cert II Engineering Pathways) information is relevant to students in Years 10, 11 and 12 in 2025.

Please click the Link for more details.

AVI (Cert III Aviation)

The AVI (Cert III Aviation) information is relevant to students in Year 11 in 2025.

Please click the Link for more information

Sport Aerobics

Congratulations to all the teams on your fantastic results at Nationals last weekend. A special thanks to your coaches and Mrs Arriaol for coordinating the teams.

A huge shoutout to the CBK Emeralds for taking 3rd place!

🥈CBK Diamonds – 2nd place, competing against 9 other schools.

🥉CBK Rubies – 3rd place, facing 10 schools, including teams from Victoria and New South Wales.

🥉SWD Opals – 3rd place, competing against 4 other schools.

A special shoutout to SWD Sapphires—we’re so proud of you!


We look forward to seeing your routines again at the Soiree on Thursday 7 November.

Showcase - Journey Through Time

Senior Showcase is happening again on Saturday 7 September 2024 at CCC Carbrook. The concert begins at 7pm and will celebrate the 40 years of Calvary. Showcase sound check Saturday 7 September for students performing from 12pm onwards.  


12pm  Check final sound and meet with Sound and lighting.
1pm  Lara Morton
1.30pm Intermediate Band – The great gate of Kiev and Bunyip Blues
2pm  Massed Band – In the Mood
2.30pm Finale - Grease
3pm  Opening - Waka Waka
3.30pm Voices
3.50pm  Dance Ensemble
4.10pm Girls Ensemble
4.30pm  Boys Ensemble
4.50pm Chorale
5.10pm Brent Robinson and Daniel Robertson
5.30pm Guitar Ensemble
5.50pm Junior and Senior Percussion
6.10pm Intermediate Strings
6.25pm Cello Ensemble
6.40pm Doors Open


All students return by 6.30pm in full formal uniform


There will be no Boys or Girls Ensemble next week on the Monday and Wednesday.  All other ensembles will be as per normal.

Instrumental Program

Private Individual Instrumental Music lesson enrolment:  Register Here

Handbook: Instrumental Music Manual 2024.V3.pdf


Calvary Performing Arts Facebook

Please feel free to join the Calvary Performing Arts Facebook page to be kept up to date, and to see the details and pictures of our performances and activities over the year.



All correspondence regarding CPA, including questions, please send to Emma at: performingartsacademy@calvarycc.qld.edu.au



Dr Gary Holley

Head of Calvary Performing Arts