Middle Senior School Communications, 03 October 2024

Term 4 - Week 1

04 Oct: ADF Presentation


Term 4 - Week 2

Monday 7 Oct:  King's Birthday Public Holiday

Friday 11 Oct:  Culbert Opening Event


Future Dates

21 Oct - 12 Nov:  Yr 12 QCAA Exams


Important Dates

Thursday 7 Nov:  CPA Soiree / Calvary Sport Awards

Friday 15 Nov:  Year 12 Final Chapter / Graduation

Thursday 28 Nov:  7-11 Awards Service 

A note from the Head of Middle and Senior School (Mr Wilson)

Dear Parents and Carers



Hopes vs Habits – What is something in your life you wish was different?



On the first day of term, we welcomed our students back at assembly and reminded them of the expectations we have for behaviour at Calvary. At the end of this, I spoke to students about hopes vs habits and encouraged them to set one new positive habit this term. Setting a good habit is hard and comes at a cost, which is why most of our ‘resolutions’ to change fail. Lately, I have been trying to be more conscious of my health and have decided to start a new habit of walking early in the morning. I get myself ready the night before, get all my clothes and my shoes out and set my alarm for 5:10 am. When my alarm starts in the morning, I force myself to move and do my best to follow Arnold Schwarzenegger’s advice for exercise ‘don’t think – just do’. From there, I get up and do a 3 kilometre walk most mornings as the sun rises and I love it! Walking puts me in a good headspace at the start of the day. I am getting healthier and I get to enjoy the beautiful landscape of the Redland Bay area. It does come at a cost though – I had to lose about half an hour of sleep every morning to set this habit, which was hard.



Every term we talk about goal setting with our students and generally everyone has good intentions to make positive changes, but it is rare for them to take hold – these I think of as ‘hopes’. Habits take work – hard work and consistency – because, unlike hopes, they change us. There are thousands of websites and books talking about building good habits because we all know we can be better at something and usually we all want to be better at something. However, the discipline to change is hard and we have to be willing to suffer some inconvenience to achieve it.



I would encourage our families to chat around the dinner table about habits and goals they want to set and have the hard conversation about the type of discipline required to make that change. The Bible, in Proverbs 14:23, tells us that ‘those who work hard will make a profit, but those who only talk will be poor’. We all want the best for our children, so let’s stand shoulder to shoulder with them in the difficulty of setting good habits. Let’s support and equip them with the discipline to make good choices, help them to experience that they can survive inconvenience (this is a big area of growth for many of us), and celebrate with them when they make positive changes. What is something in your life you wish was different?


Mr Josh Wilson
Head of Middle & Senior School & Innovative Learning Design

General Notices from Mr Arraiol (Head of Wellbeing and Culture)

ADF Presentation for Year 10, 11 and 12 Students

We are excited to announce that a representative from the Australian Defence Force (ADF) will be visiting the school this Friday during second break to present to students interested in pursuing a career with the ADF. This is a fantastic opportunity for Years 10-12 students to gain insight into the career paths available, the recruitment process, and the various roles within the ADF. The presentation will take place in the Burnett Theatre and is open exclusively to these year levels. We encourage students with an interest in the defence forces to attend and explore the opportunities available to them after graduation.



Maintaining Behavioural and Dress Standards in the Final Term

As we enter the final term of the year, it is important to remind students of the high standards we set for behaviour and dress, which reflect the values of our school community. We kindly ask for continued support from parents in ensuring that students meet these expectations daily, both in and out of the classroom. By reinforcing these standards, we aim to finish the year on a positive note, upholding the strong reputation of our school and further enhancing our good name within the community. Your cooperation in encouraging your child to adhere to these expectations is greatly appreciated and assists in developing good habits that will serve them well in their lives outside of the College.



Term 4 Co-curricular Offerings

We are pleased to share with you the details of our co-curricular offerings for Term 4. Our school continues to provide a diverse range of activities designed to engage students beyond the classroom. Participation in these programs offers students a chance to develop new skills, pursue personal interests, and form connections with peers. Please review the attached schedule to find opportunities that best suit your child’s interests and availability. We encourage all students to get involved and make the most of what’s on offer this term.

Cafe Specials - Week 2 Term 4

General Notices

Coming Up Events @ Calvary

Our current College events can be found on our website: https://www.calvarycc.qld.edu.au/events/

Welcome back to Term 4. Looking forward to a great term in performing arts. Junior School Auditions for the musical happened yesterday and it was so good to see so many students prepared and ready to go for auditions. The production is going to be great.


Performing Arts Soiree


On Thursday afternoon 7 November from 4pm – 6pm we will have our presentation evening in the Cunningham Pavilion at the Carbrook Campus. This will be a time when Individual students will be recognized for their contribution to the performing arts co-curricular program in 2024. More information will be sent shortly.


End of Term Recital


All students learning instruments in private lessons will have a performance on Sunday 17th of November in the afternoon. Please add this to your calendars.

Instrumental Program

Private Individual Instrumental Music lesson enrolment:  Register Here

Handbook: Instrumental Music Manual 2024.V3.pdf


Calvary Performing Arts Facebook

Please feel free to join the Calvary Performing Arts Facebook page to be kept up to date, and to see the details and pictures of our performances and activities over the year.



All correspondence regarding CPA, including questions, please send to Emma at: performingartsacademy@calvarycc.qld.edu.au



Dr Gary Holley

Head of Calvary Performing Arts