Principal Communications, 20 February 2023
Principal Communications, 27 March 2023
Dear Parents and Carers
Over the weekend I had the privilege of spending some time with the Show Team at Warwick and conversations with students, parents and staff reflected our shared sense of what a BIG and successful term it has been! As I was talking with people about their term highlights, I realised that along with all the cocurricular and extracurricular activities provided by our staff, there is also the exemplary care and personal attention for each child as well as the focus we maintain on fostering exceptional learning for each student. Calvary is an outstanding learning community.
Today your child will be bringing home the 2022 Journal. Our hope is that you will enjoy reflecting on the year that was, while looking forward with anticipation to the adventures that lie ahead of us in 2023. I want to extend my personal thanks to Phil Winton, our marketing consultant, who stepped in and worked with the team on the journal reprint project to ensure we offered you an excellent review of 2022. Phil’s passionate commitment to Calvary was evident in the many hours he devoted to this work. We have learned from this experience and have an improved process for the preparation of the journal for 2023. Our commitment is to sign off for printing in early December and deliver an excellent journal to you in the first week of 2024.
Many parents are possibly unaware that the presentation of Calvary on billboards, on buses (both Calvary run and public transport), on digital media, sign boards around the College and on our website are the work of Phil and the College Community Engagement Team. With Phil’s expertise and advice we are proud of the public representation of our Calvary community. Thank you, Phil.
I am also acutely conscious of the hours our staff give to ‘above and beyond’ and wish teaching staff a well-deserved rest over Easter. Some Support staff will be on leave as well.
Parent volunteers have also been a significant part of the experiences available to our students this term. Thank you to those of you who contribute as class parents, work on the farm, feed animals over weekends, coach and support sports teams and those who have already contributed to the preparation of the Junior School Musical. Our Happy Hens and Mango Café volunteers and staff have also made these two spaces places of community feasting and fellowship. Thank you.
I pray that you will enjoy the Easter break and encourage your children to rest and find renewal in the change in rhythm that holidays bring. I am looking forward to some time away camping on the property of one of my daughters who lives in NSW. For me, rest in nature is restorative and, after such a busy term 1, I am in need of this rest!
May God bless you as you reflect on Easter and the grace upon grace of our God extended to us.
Yours sincerely
Principal & CEO