Junior School Carbrook Communications, 9 March 2023
Term 2 - Week 9 (Term 3 Week 1)
Friday 16 June: Free Dress Day / Term 2 Concludes
Monday: Pupil free day
Tuesday: Term 3 Commences
18 Jul - Parent Teacher Student Interviews
25 Jul – 26 Jul - Y10 Classroom in the City
07 Aug – 11 Aug - Prayer and Mission
Week 11 Aug – College Bush Dance
14 Aug – Logan Public Holiday – EKKA
15 Aug – 20 Aug - Ekka Show - Show Team / Science Week
24 Aug – College Book Week Parade
25 Aug - Outdoor Movie Night 31 Aug - Active Afternoon Colour Fun Run
01 Sep - Pupil Free Day 09 Sep - Showcase Concert
12 Sep – 15 Sep Y9 Service Trip Chinchilla / Y7 Water Walk
15 Sep – Exo Day / Free Dress / Term 3 concludes
- Outdoor Movie Nigh
- Outdoor Movie Nigh
- Outdoor Movie Nigh
- Outdoor Movie Nigh
Head of MSS report, Josh Wilson
Dear Parents and Carers
It has been an incredibly busy term in Middle and Senior School. If you don’t follow our sector Facebook page, I would really encourage you to join so that you can see pictures and videos of the many activities that shape life at Calvary for our students. Here is the link to the Facebook page if you haven’t joined already: https://www.facebook.com/groups/calvaryccmss2023
Currently we are enjoying Arts week in the high school and this will culminate in a competitive house choral competition on Friday. Our last day of school for the term is also a free dress day (gold coin charity donation). Just a reminder that the first Monday of Term 3 is a pupil free day and school does not resume until Tuesday 11th July.
Many of our Year 12 students will be travelling over the holiday break on their snow tour. We will pray for a safe travelling experience for them (and hopefully some snow!). I hope that all our students (and any parents who get a break) have a peaceful, restful, and well-deserved winter holiday break.
Yours sincerely
Josh Wilson
Head of Middle and Senior School and Innovative Learning Design
Semester Reports
Middle Senior School reports will be accessible via the Parent Lounge (through the website or Calvary app) on Monday 19th June.
Parent Teacher Interviews
We will be holding Parent Teacher Interviews in Week 2 of Term 3, Tuesday 18 July 2023 from 4:00pm to 8:00pm. Please see the attachment below on how to book these interviews. Bookings are open and will close at midnight Sunday 16 July.
Calvary Eisteddfod
Win Points for your house
As part of the annual MSS Eisteddfod we have been celebrating the arts at Calvary with house points awarded for participation and enjoyment in each of the activities offered.
The Eisteddfod will culminate in the final event consisting of several competitions including the Battle of Bands and the first-ever inter-house choir. The overall winning house will be presented with the Calvary Eisteddfod Plaque and bragging rights for the next year!
Week 9
Friday: Interhouse Choirs, Battle of the Bands, Theatre Sports, Dance performances (between choirs)

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Free Dress
Students will be allowed to attend school in Free Dress tomorrow for a gold coin donation (where funds will be used to support our Children of Compassion across the College). The theme for this term's Free Dress is "House Colours” Students are reminded to adhere to the College Free Dress Policy to avoid being sent home.

Calvary Building Fund
CAPA is rejuvenating its Springwood & Carbrook spaces and we’d love your help by contributing to the Building Fund!
June 30th is only a few weeks away and you might be looking to support some last-minute tax-deductible causes.
We are setting a target of raising $10K at Springwood and $20K at Carbrook to improve our CAPA spaces which include:
Refurbish the ensemble room (new flooring & paint, external entrance)
Renovate bathrooms & change rooms
Create an outdoor performance space
To make a building fund donation, deposit the funds as below:
Calvary Christian College BSB: 064 167 ACC: 0090 1845
The reference must be: Building Fund-Parent Name
Then email: fees@calvarycc.qld.edu.au advising of the payment so we can send you a receipt. Payment MUST be made by 30 June 2023 to obtain a Tax Deduction for the 2023 year.
Thank you for your ongoing support!
Note: For all visual concepts, the final product may differ from the proposed concepts.

Arts week
Arts Week is currently happening. With one day left we have the Battle of the Bands and Official Eisteddfod, which includes our House Choir Competition, commencing at 1.30pm in the CCC Building. Parents are welcome.