Middle Senior School Communications, 8 February 2024
Term 1 - Week 3
Upcoming Events
10 February: Show Team Induction Morning
Term 1 - Week 4
14-16 February: Year 7-10 Camp week (Wednesday to Friday)
16 February: Year 12 Formal
Coming Up
21 February: College Photo Day (Formal Uniform Required)
24-25 February: Calvary Schools Livestock Challenge
2 March: ACER Scholarship Examinations
6 March: Swimming Carnival
8 March: Yr7 & 10 Immunisations
Dear Parents and Carers
Thank you to everyone who attended our Leadership Induction service on Wednesday. It was a lovely opportunity to welcome our Year 7 students to the high school and acknowledge our incoming leaders and seniors.
I hope our Years 7-10 students are looking forward to camps next week. Camps are an exciting and valuable part of our educational program that give kids the opportunity to develop their character and virtues, and make new friends.
Just a quick reminder that there is no supervision available for 7-10 students onsite at school from Wednesday to Friday as all our teachers will be at camps. Our Years 11-12 students will have an alternative academic program running during this time. Our Year 12 Formal is also next Friday, and I apologise to anyone who has encountered some logistical problems with this occurring the same day as camps concluding in 7-10. We are arranging an alternative date (around the same time) for the formal next year.
Before we embark on our camps, I wanted to provide you with an outline of the types of social media output you can expect from our teaching team during this time. We are committed to:
- Uploading a photo when we arrive at the camp ground to our facebook page (indicating that we have all arrived safe and sound). This will likely be a photo of the bus or the camp ground, not your child.
- Uploading a few photos or videos each night of the day’s activities (there may or may not be a photo of your child in these few photos).
- Uploading a significant number of photos and videos after we return from camp (there will definitely be a photo of your child in this set).
Some reminders for parents:
- School pickup for camps is the end of the normal school day (3:20pm), not before. All our buses will be back before this time (unless there is an unforeseen issue – in which case we would update you). Please just treat Friday like another school day.
- Please do not expect teachers to respond to facebook comments while away on camp and if you do post comments on any staff photos, etc., please be gracious – we are not all trained photographers.
Finally, a few quick requests about uniform:
- Length (bottoms): you can identify the correct length of the green sports shorts through a simple test: if your child puts their hands down at their sides, the green shorts should go past the ends of their fingers. There are a few students rolling up their green shorts (and some culottes) to go halfway up the thigh – this is not the correct way to wear these items.
- Length (shirts): boys’ shirts shouldn’t be longer than the bottom of their pockets (the correct length is actually closer to the top of the pants pocket). If the boys’ tuck out shirts go longer than their pockets and essentially go past their bottom, they will be asked to tuck in those shirts.
- Sport shoes: should be either mesh or leather. Canvas shoes, skate shoes, cloth shoes, etc., are not appropriate shoes.
I am sorry to keep talking about uniform, however it is important part of school life and culture. On a positive note, thank you to the many families who have adopted to the new uniform so well – the new formal pieces, particularly the girls’ blouse looks nice on the students. It has also been interesting to see that a significant number of senior students have started wearing the culottes. The new black jumper is now in and available at school locker – these should look good on students as we move into the winter months.
Mr Josh Wilson
Head of Middle & Senior School & Innovative Learning Design
NOTICES : Mr Arraiol (Head of Wellbeing and Community)
Year 7 - 10 Camps
Our Year 7 - 10 students are eagerly preparing for their respective camps, scheduled to take place from 14 - 16 February. These camps are a significant part of their educational journey and offer valuable opportunities for personal growth and team building. To ensure a successful and enjoyable experience for your child, please make certain that they have all the necessary items listed on their camp itineraries. Parents are also reminded that if any students are not attending camp they need to provide a medical certificate to the College.
If you have any questions or need guidance on what to pack, please refer to the emails sent by our dedicated camp coordinators:
- Years 7 & 8 Camp Coordinator: Nicole O'Donnell
- Year 9 Camp Coordinator: Cameron Handley
- Year 10 Camp Coordinator: Dino Arraiol
On Wednesday morning (14th Feb) you are welcome to drop your children near the following areas with their camp gear:
- Y10 - Bus Bay
- Y9 - Cunningham Pavilion
- Y8 - Western Car Park
- Y7 - Western Car Park
Calvary Photo Day
Please note that Calvary Photo Day is scheduled for 21 February 2024. On this day, formal student photographs will be taken, and all students are required to wear their formal uniforms. At this stage you should have received your order forms, if these have been misplaced please contact Reception to be able to provide you with your Shootkey to complete your order online before 21 February 2024.
Families wishing to have sibling photographs can collect an order form from Reception and will need to arrive at the CCC between 8:15 and 8:30 am as per the schedule below.
1 | 8:00 | Staff |
2 | 8:15 | Sibling & Family Photos |
3 | 8:50 | Prep A & B |
4 | 9:10 | Stage 1A |
5 | 9:20 | Stage 1B |
6 | 9:30 | Stage 1C |
7 | 9:40 | Stage 2A |
8 | 9:50 | Stage 2B |
9 | 10:00 | Stage 2C |
10 | 10:10 | Stage 2D |
11 | 10:20 | Stage 3A |
12 | 10:30 | Stage 3B |
13 | 10:40 | Stage 3C |
14 | 11:00 | 1st Break 11:00 - 11:30 |
15 | 11:40 | Year 12 |
16 | 11:50 | Year 11 |
17 | 12:00 | Stage 5 (Year 10) |
18 | 12:15 | Stage 5 (Year 9) |
19 | 12:30 | Stage 4 A - C |
20 | 12:45 | Stage 4 D - F |
21 | 1:00 | 2nd Break 1:00 - 1:50 |
General Notices
Cafe Specials - Week 4
At Calvary Christian College we believe that when parents and carers are engaged in our community, everyone benefits. We want to make it easy for you to participate, and have many opportunities throughout the College where you can be involved.
We are currently looking for volunteers in our Mango Cafe. Hours can be flexible from 7:00am - 2:30pm and as short as 30minutes. Please email linda.luck@calvarycc.qld.edu.au if you are interested.
If you are interested in volunteering at Calvary, please see the attached flyer which outlines what you need to know as a volunteer and how you can register with us.
Please note if you hoping to assist us on a regular basis, or more than 7 times in the year, you will require a Blue Card.
2024 Government Student Residential Address Collection
Each year the College is required to submit data for the Student Residential Address Collection (the collection). The collection informs Australian Government school education policy and helps ensure funding for non-government schools is based on need. The information collected is used to inform school funding calculations. It is combined with Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data to calculate a non-government school community’s anticipated capacity to contribute to schooling costs.
To view the privacy statement please click here.
Events at Calvary
Our current College events can be found on our website: https://www.calvarycc.qld.edu.au/events/
All of our Parent Information can be found on our Website: https://www.calvarycc.qld.edu.au/parent-information/
Emma Tabacaru Parent Seminar
All parents are welcome to come and listen to our special guest speaker, Emma Tabacaru on the topic of conversations with your child about Sex, Love & Relationships. Emma will be hosting two sessions for parents Prep-Stage 2 and Stage 3-6. Please view this intro video from Emma for more information.
This will take place on the evening of Thursday 29 February at our Carbrook.
Bookings for all of these events are available via this link: https://www.trybooking.com/COLGG

More Than Mates Fundraiser

Welcome to Week 3. Please see below the updated schedule for Performing Arts:
Instrumental Program
Year 3 Beginner String Program: Register Here
Years 4-10 Beginner String program: Register Here
Year 4 Beginner Band Program: Register Here
Year 5-10 Beginner Band Program: Register Here
Continuing Band and String Program: Register Here
Private Individual Instrumental Music lesson enrolment: Register Here
Handbook: Instrumental Music Manual 2024.V3.pdf
Calvary Performing Arts Facebook
Please feel free to join the Calvary Performing Arts Facebook page to be kept up to date, and to see the details and pictures of our performances and activities over the year.
All correspondence regarding CPA, including questions, please send to Emma at: performingartsacademy@calvarycc.qld.edu.au