Middle Senior School Communications, 31 August 2023
Term 3 - Week 8
Thursday - Showcase Rehearsal /Senior Drama production (10 Ways to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse).
Friday - Visual Art & Hospitality Excursion / Wakakirri Dance Competition
Saturday - Showcase Concert
1 Sept - Pupil Free Day
9 Sept - Showcase Concert
12-15 Sept - Y9 Service Trip Chinchilla / Y7 Water Walk
15 Sep – Exo Day / Active Afternoon Colour Fun Run / Free Dress / Term 3 concludes
Dear Parents and Carers
The Arts at Calvary are flourishing! We recently announced our 2024 MSS musical Shrek and auditions have started for key roles this week. We expect the production to occur in early May 2024. Next Friday our Drama teacher Mr Gibson and our Seniors are running a short one-night comedy 10 Ways to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse – tickets are still available (you can find the link below in this week's communication).
I would like to congratulate Mrs Francesca Thompson our Visual Art teacher for the work she has done with our student artists as a record number of student work has been selected for Artwaves 2023. The following students will have their artworks showing in the Logan Art Gallery between the 8th September and the 14th October: April Lang, Charlotte Badcock, Alyssa Leach, Charlotte Parker and Rene Moolman. If you get a chance, try to attend to see some of the wonderful work created by our talented students.
I would also like to congratulate our Dance teacher Mrs Esther McDonald and the student group who entered Wakakirri (the largest school level performing arts competition nationwide). This was our first entry into Wakakirri and after our talented troupe performed last week, they were informed that they had qualified for the state finals and will be competing at the Logan Entertainment Centre on Thursday 7th of September (details are below if you want to go and cheer on our students).
It is wonderful to see the growth of the Arts and the opportunities for our students to showcase their talents. There are always more opportunities to be involved, so please encourage your child to get involved.
Mr Josh Wilson
Head of Middle & Senior School & Innovative Learning Design
Pupil Free Day
Tomorrow is a day off for students, and a day of learning for our staff. We love what we do, and tomorrow will be a day of professional development and team planning to ensure we are always forward-focused.

Subway/Sushi Meal Deal
We are inviting all students that wish to order Subway/Sushi for delivery to the College on the 15 September 2023 to use the link below or scan the QR code on the flyer that was sent home with your child. This is a great way for our students to celebrate the end of the school term with some delicious food. Please note that all orders must be completed online before 9am on the 12 September 2023. Click on the button below to place your order.
Wakakirri Dance Ensemble
Congratulations to the Wakakirri Dance Ensemble for making it through to the state finals. They will be performing next Thursday evening at the Logan Entertainment Centre. If you are interested in watching and cheering the Wakakirri show live on Thursday night, here are the details:
Show: 7.15 - 9.00pm
Doors open: 6.00pm
Date: 7th of September
Venue: Logan Entertainment Centre
Price: $37 a ticket
Bookings at the Entertainment Centre Box Office: 07 34125626 or online: www.loganarts.com.au

There are a large number of students across the college enjoying the CAPA (Performing Arts) program. Showcase is an event where you will see students’ individual instrumental performances, as well as ensembles, orchestral and dance performances. Come along and enjoy a musical trip around the globe as they perform pieces from all different countries. Showcase rehearsal is next Thursday 7 September in preparation for the Saturday 9 September Evening event.
Drought Angels - Hygiene Collection
The Year 9 students are travelling to Chinchilla in the last week of school this term to be of service to the Chinchilla community and present our Hygiene Product collections to Drought Angels. Drought Angels will use these donations to create care packages for farmers that are hard at work producing food for us and may not have the time or resources to care for themselves. Year 9 students will visit Form classes regularly to collect the donations that will "Help us Help the Farmer that Feed Us". We ask that all Hygiene products (as listed on the poster) are sent to school by Friday 8 September 2023 to be able to be packed and sent with our Y9 students.

Year 12 Production
Do you think you have what it takes to survive a zombie apocalypse? Well never fear, the Year 12 graduating class is here to give you ten helpful (and if we're honest, some not so helpful) tips for your survival. Come see this hilarious performance of Don Zolidis' 10 Ways to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse, for one night only Friday 8th September, 7pm-8pm. Drinks and food available for purchase before performance and during intermission. Admission is free with an optional donation through the Trybooking link below:
Mango CAFE Specials for Week 9
Upcoming Events
We have a number of new events happening during Term 3. Please click on the link to go to our Events Page: https://www.calvarycc.qld.edu.au/events/
Sports News
Last week our year 10 Volleyball team played Woodridge State Highschool. It was a very close game with all sets being very close and both teams leading the sets at some point. Unfortunately, Calvary fell short in the end and lost 3-0 all sets finished within two points of each other. The boys were leading in the last two sets but a few really good plays from the other team clinched it for them.
First set: 24-26
Second set: 23-25
Third set: 26-28

Congratulations to the Wakakirri Dance Ensemble for making it through to the State Finals. They will be performing next Thursday evening at the Logan Entertainment Centre.
Rehearsals Schedule
Monday - 7.30am Chorale / 1.00pm Boys Ensemble / 3.30pm Orchestra
Tuesday - 1.00pm Guitar Ensemble
Friday - 7.30am Senior Strings
Showcase is on Saturday 9 September in the CCC Auditorium. Tickets are available here.
Ensembles performing include:
- Voices
- Chorale
- Boys Ensemble
- Junior and Senior Percussion
- Orchestra
- Senior Strings
- Y10 Dance
- Wakakirri Ensemble
On Thursday 7 September there will be a Showcase Rehearsal in the CCC. Chorale and Boys Ensemble will be needed in the morning session and Orchestra in the afternoon.
2024 College Musical
All students should now have an audition time for next week. If your child has not received an email with a time please get in contact with us.
Click here for the Shrek audition monologue pack: Shrek Audition Monologues.pdf
Password: Calvary2024Musical
Save the Date
12 November - Music Recital for all private students
26 November - Carols @ Calvary
All correspondence regarding CAPA, including questions, please send to Emma at: