Middle Senior School Communications, 28 March 2024
Term 1 - Week 10
Coming Up in Term 2
15 April First day of Term 2
23 April Parent Teacher Student Interviews (3:30pm-8:00pm)
24 April ANZAC service
25 April ANZAC Day public holiday
Dear Parents and Carers
We have reached the end of a busy and successful term. I know many of our students are feeling very tired and are eagerly looking forward to the Easter break. I pray that our students have a restful, safe, and blessed Easter break with their families and loved ones. If your family doesn’t have a local church family and would like to attend an Easter service this weekend, you are warmly invited to join Real Life Christian Church’s services. The church is located at our Springwood Campus and has a Good Friday service starting at 9:30am and an Easter Sunday service at 9:30am.
This term we have been working at reinvigorating our House culture and House structures in the MSS. While I would like to thank all of our House Captains and House Leaders for the work they have been doing this term, I would like to make special mention of Mackenzee Boyce (King House Captain) and Rustie Willshire (Liddell House Captain) for the dedication they have displayed to really lifting their House culture and spirit. Well done Mackenzee and Rustie.
Mr Josh Wilson
Head of Middle & Senior School & Innovative Learning Design
Parent Teacher Student Interviews (23 April)
Our Parent Teacher Student Interviews are on Tuesday 23 April from 3:30-8:00pm. We would encourage you to bring your child with you to interviews so that they can talk to their learning progress and can discuss what is going well and what can be better. Their attendance can help improve their accountability to their studies. Attached to this communication is a PDF guide on how to book interviews on Parent Lounge.
Interviews will be open for booking from the start of the first week of the holidays.
If you are unable to attend our interview times and would like to engage directly with your child’s teacher around how they are progressing in their learning, I would encourage you to contact them and arrange a phone call or a teams meeting at a later date.
How 2 Book Parent Teacher Interviews
Term 2 Uniform
As we move into Term 2, can I please remind everyone that students need to be meeting the uniform requirements from the very first day of Term 2. Hair should be off the shoulders, off the ears, and at least one centimetre above the eyebrows from the start of term. Students cannot mix and match sport and formal uniform items and all students should have a hat.
Term 2 Equipment
Just a reminder that all students need a physical notebook for every subject. We do use computers regularly but there will be lessons each week where we do not use a computer and students will need a notebook.
General Notices
SALE! College Second Hand Laptops
The College has a number of 2nd hand laptops for sale for only $80 each. The laptops are a Lenovo Yoga 11e 5th Gen, 11.5 inch, Pentium Silver N5030, 4GB RAM, 128GB which are just over 3 years old. You are welcome to purchase as many as you would like for family or friends. Please contact our ICT team at staff-ICT@calvarycc.qld.edu.au if you would like to purchase a laptop.

School Locker Update
We apologise for the inconvenience caused to our families by the closure of School Locker. We have not received an update on when School Locker will be reopening. While School Locker is closed orders are online only with free shipping.
The College has a selection of the black jackets available for trying on. Over the holiday period the jackets can be tried on at the Carbrook Campus from 9am – 4pm. Please note the black jacket can only be worn with the formal uniform.
Reminder from Mr Arraiol (Head of Wellbeing and Community)
Student Laptop Monitoring
In recent discussions with parents regarding student laptop use and monitoring, I thought it relevant and pertinent to provide parents with the following information:
- Our schools firewall and online monitoring system actively track all data passing through our onsite firewall. This enables us to monitor usage, block access to certain websites, and receive alerts for any inappropriate words or phrases searched.
- We provide students with online safety education both internally and through external service providers.
- It's important to note that once students leave the college premises, their laptop usage is no longer subject to monitoring by the school.
- We strongly encourage parents to take an active role in monitoring the use of College laptops while students are at home. Consideration may be given to installing web-based software to assist with this task.
Furthermore, as we address the topic of device monitoring, I urge parents to discuss and potentially monitor student mobile phone usage. While some teenagers may resist such oversight, asserting ownership of their devices and arguing against parental intervention, it's essential to recognise that parents typically provide and finance these devices. Consequently, parents are entitled to and strongly urged to monitor their usage. The potential influence and risks associated with student use of smart devices underscore the importance of adult supervision, and as many of our external service providers advocate for.
Easter @ Real Life Christian Church
Real Life Christian Church warmly invites you and your family and friends to join with us as we celebrate Easter!
We will gather at 9:30-10:30am on both Good Friday and Easter Sunday for worship followed by morning tea in our courtyard.
Hot Cross Buns on Good Friday
Donuts (empty tombs!) on Easter Sunday
Calvary Coffee Cup Design Competition
We are excited to launch our Calvary Coffee Cup design competition!!
All students can get creative and submit a hand drawn design of their choice! Check out the video by our students for the details!
Students can collect the template from the office or café at each campus. Parents, could you please assist in making sure the students artwork is protected and doesn’t get damaged when submitting.
There will be three $50 Gift Card winners across our campuses. Two Junior Schools winners, and one Middle Senior Winner.
Artwork MUST be completed and submitted (with name and student number) to the office by Friday, end of Week 1, Term 2. Please ensure you have read the rules of participation.
GOOD LUCK and we can't wait to see our students at work!
Shrek Parent Volunteers
We would love some Parent Helpers to assist with the Musical. This is in the areas of Hair and Makeup, Canteen and Barbeque. Please use the link below to sign up for a time to help.
We'd love for as many parents to help as possible to ensure the success of the event.

We have made it to Week 10 in the Performing Arts space. Lots of exciting things are happening next term and we are looking forward to this. The Performing Arts Team wishes all families a safe and blessed Easter and holiday period.
As the term ends, we farewell Mrs Esther McDonald and Mr John Ong as they conclude their time with the College. They have both been amazing contributors to the Performing Arts space and will be greatly missed by our community. We wish them all the very best in their future endeavours and we hope to see you around, particularly during the musical week.
Please encourage students to have their instruments and music at home over the holidays and to play them a few times during the break.
The musical is taking shape now, which is very exciting for everyone. Costumes are here and makeup trials have happened. Please keep an eye out for an email coming shortly with a few changes to the rehearsal schedule as we near the final weeks of production.
Junior Showcase and Recitals
On Friday 7 June 2024 we will be having a Junior Showcase and Recital Evening at the Carbrook Campus commencing at 6pm, with students arriving at 5.30pm. All students from both campuses in Junior and Intermediate Ensembles will be performing as well as all students doing private lessons within the College. Please add this to your Calendars. An email will come at the start of Term 2 outlining what students need to wear and bring.
Instrumental Program
Private Individual Instrumental Music lesson enrolment: Register Here
Handbook: Instrumental Music Manual 2024.V3.pdf
Calvary Performing Arts Facebook
Please feel free to join the Calvary Performing Arts Facebook page to be kept up to date, and to see the details and pictures of our performances and activities over the year.
All correspondence regarding CPA, including questions, please send to Emma at: performingartsacademy@calvarycc.qld.edu.au
Dr Gary Holley
Head of Calvary Performing Arts
Events at Calvary
Our current College events can be found on our website: https://www.calvarycc.qld.edu.au/events/
All of our Parent Information can be found on our Website: https://www.calvarycc.qld.edu.au/parent-information/