Middle Senior School Communications, 23 March 2023
Term 1 Week 9
Wednesday: Rivers B&G Futsal and G Volleyball/ Easter Chapel / Show Team (Toowoomba Royal Show)
Friday: Crazy Hair Themed Dress / SS Leadership Development Day/ Show Team (Toowoomba Royal Show)
31 Mar - SS Leadership Development Day
Cafe Specials/Highlights for Week 10
Important Notice:
Absentee Number Update
The absentee notification numbers have changed. Please see the updated numbers below.
- Carbrook Campus - 07 3209 0003
- Springwood Campus - 07 3209 0004
Absentee can also be advised by Parent Lounge.
General Notices:
Worship Afternoon:
On Tuesday 28 March 2023 the Chapel team will be hosting a worship afternoon for anyone interested. This event will run from 15:30 - 17:00 and includes singing worship songs, some games, a BBQ and more. All students who are interested are welcome to join. Look out for more communications in the following weeks.
We are inviting all students that wish to order Subway for delivery to the College on the 31st of March 2023 to use the link below or scan the QR code on the flyer that was sent home with your child:
Click this link to order subways:
This is a great way for our students to celebrate the end of the first school term with some delicious food and a small percentage of the proceeds of these orders will help to raise funds for our sponsor Children of Compassion.
Please note that all orders must be completed online before 9 am on the 29th of March so dietary requirements can be catered for during the ordering process.
Bake for Change Fundraiser:
Cupcakes will be on sale in the Café area next Thursday 30th March.
Winter Uniform reminder:
Just a reminder that Term 2 is approaching quickly. Boys will need to have ties for Terms 2 and 3 and students will need to have a jumper or jacket that is appropriate for their respective formal or sports uniform.
Years 10 - 12 Leadership Development Day:
On the 31st of March 2023, we will be hosting a Leadership Development Day for all Year 10 - 12 students. The event will take place on-site, with Character Builders running various team-based challenges and initiatives to help our students grow their capacity for leadership. We hope this event will help our senior students understand the important role they have in shaping the culture of our College and how they can use their influence to uplift those around them.
Free Dress:
On the last day of term, students will be allowed to attend school in Free Dress for a gold coin donation (funds will be used to support our Children of Compassion across the College). The theme for this term's Free Dress is "Crazy Hair" to celebrate the end of our Hairspray fundraiser. Please note that this does not permit students to permanently change the colour of their hair. Students are reminded to adhere to the College Free Dress Policy to avoid being sent home.
Free Dress requirements:
- Shorts should reach to just above the knees and cannot be shorter than mid-thigh
- Students may not wear make-up
- Stomach regions should not be exposed
- Students should wear a t-shirt or equivalent. No bare midriffs, low necklines, singlets or strappy tops
- Practical closed shoes to be worn that do not impede the ability of students to participate in class or scheduled activities
- Students must wear respectable tops (clothing that has negative slogans or images will not be permitted)
School Locker - Closed Monday 27 March
We've been notified by our Uniform provider, School Locker, that their Loganholme store will be closed to do a stock-take on Monday 27 March 2023
Yours sincerely
Josh Wilson
Head of Middle and Senior School and Innovative Learning Design

CAPA Update
Dr Gary Holley, Head of Calvary Academy of Performing Arts
Battle of the Bands
Coming Up in Term 2:
Thank you to the parents and students for being in attendance for rehearsals and lessons. Just a reminder that if students are going to absent from rehearsal parents need to email the conductor by 9.00am. For private lessons, parents need to notify the teacher by 7.00am, if your child is going to be absent. No Make Up lessons will be provided for late notifications or failure to notify/attend.
We are looking for students that are interested in joining ensembles for 2023. Below are the opportunities available.
Chorale: Girls Ensemble – Monday 7.30am – 8.25am
Orchestra: Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Trumpet, Trombone, Percussion – Tuesday 3.30-4.30pm
Boys Ensemble: Open to any boys Years 5 – 12. Monday Second Break (1pm)
All students in the college are invited to join the Ensemble Program for 2023. Please see below the Ensemble Table for 2023:
Please use the following link to sign your child up for the Ensemble program:
All correspondence regarding CAPA, including questions, please send to Emma at performingartsacademy@calvarycc.qld.edu.au