Middle Senior School Communications, 19 October 2023
Term 4 - Week 3
Monday: Year 12 QCAA Exams (23 Oct – 27 Oct) / Year 11 Exam block (23 Oct – 27 Oct)
Friday: World Teachers Day
20 Oct – 22 Oct Volleyball - MS Schools Cup Year 7-8
27 Oct – World Teacher's Day
2 Nov - CAPA Soiree / Sports Awards Evening
6 Nov – 10 Nov - Emu Gully Year 11 Camp / Y10 Work Experience
14 Nov - 12 Hour Relay – Y12
15 Nov - MSS Celebration Service 7-11
17 Nov – Final Y12 Chapel / Valedictory and Graduation
22 Nov – Calvary MSS Futsal Cup
26 Nov - Carols @ Calvary – Springwood
30 Nov - MSS Christmas Themed Free Dress Day
01 Dec – Bounce Year 7-12 / Term 4 concludes
Dear Parents and Carers
Our MSS focus for this year has been on – greeting, grounds, and soigné. I reminded our students of this at the start of term and would love parents to support these concepts at home, where and when possible.
Saying hello as we pass, greeting someone, or just simply nodding a greeting acknowledges the existence of another person. This adds value and reinforces to each other the idea that ‘I see you and you matter’. We want to raise young people who acknowledge the worth of those around them and show respect to other people.
While we are keen to have clean and beautiful grounds, this is a secondary concern for us to raising young people who don’t leave behind a mess, both physically and figurately. Encouraging our children to pick up after themselves and leave something better than you found it has valuable application both for respecting the physical environments in which we find ourselves and is a good principle to apply to human relationships too.
‘Soigné’ comes from the French and means ‘to take care of’ how one looks. It conveys the notion of putting effort into how we physically represent ourselves to the world around us. We don’t want to encourage anyone to fixate on how they look, rather we want to encourage students to consider that ‘looking like you bothered/cared’ is an important part of respecting yourself and becomes a good principle for the future.
Ultimately, this focus above is just another variation of our MSS rules: respect yourself, respect others, respect your environment - wouldn’t it be wonderful if we lived in a world that embraced these ideas!
Mr Josh Wilson
Head of Middle & Senior School & Innovative Learning Design
General Notices:
This week marked a significant milestone as we unveiled the new College logo to see more on this, here is a video link from Cherylynne, our Principal and CEO:
Chewing Gum
We would like to bring to your attention a matter of concern at our school regarding the prevalence of students bringing and chewing gum during school hours. Despite previous communications clearly stating that gum is not allowed on the premises, we have continued to find gum stuck on carpets, under desks, on chairs and littering our walkways. This not only creates a cleanliness issue but also disrupts the learning environment for all students. To address this issue and emphasize the importance of adhering to our school rules, we have decided that students caught chewing gum will receive a Monday afternoon reflection as a consequence. We kindly request your support in reinforcing this message at home and ensuring that gum is not brought to school.
Interhouse Beach Volleyball Competition
In Week 7 of this term, we will be hosting an inter-house beach volleyball competition, with students competing for a voucher to the Mango Cafe. Students will form teams of 4-6 individuals from their respective houses and grades to compete on our Beach Sports Arena courts for the aforementioned prize (1 voucher per year level is available). We are eagerly anticipating the crowning of the winners for this competition, which is being hosted by our Stage 5 Leaders. Students interested in participating should read the communication in the Student Cafe or contact Mr. Arraiol for more details.
Calvary's Got Talent and So You Think You Can Dance
Last Friday, the Calvary's Got Talent competition and So You Think You Can Dance event wowed the audience with an array of incredible performances. The afternoon was a celebration of talent in its many forms, as it featured singers who belted out beautiful melodies, music performers who had the crowd tapping their feet, comedians who delivered side-splitting dad jokes, mesmerizing dancers who left us in awe, and even some talented individuals who showcased their juggling skills. It was an afternoon of pure entertainment and a testament to the incredible talent within our Calvary community. To relive the magic of this memorable event, we invite you to visit the Calvary MSS 2023 Facebook page.
Conclusion of Year 9 & Year 12 Laptop Program
Below is essential information concerning the Year 9 and Year 12 laptop program, which concludes at the end of Term 4. We appreciate your student's involvement and your support. As the agreement concludes, you have two available options please complete the online form below by Friday 10 November 2023 (Week 6).
Sports Awards 2023
We will be holding our 2023 Sports Awards Night in the Community Centre on Thursday 2 November - we will have our Junior School Presentation from 6.00-6.30pm, followed by the MSS Presentation from 6.45-7.45pm. The evening will be predominantly for our Futsal, Netball, Volleyball, Basketball and Rugby 7’s teams, as well for students who excelled as individuals this year in sport.
Students are required to wear their sports uniform for the night.
We are looking forward to celebrating the year of Calvary Sport with you all.
CAPA Awards Soiree
We will be holding our very first CAPA Awards Soiree at the Cunningham Pavilion on Thursday 2 November from 4.00-5.30pm which will include performances and presentations. All are welcome to attend, we look forward to seeing our community coming together to celebrate the successes of our students. Please use the QR Code on the poster in our Events Section to RSVP for catering purposes.
End of Year Awards Services & Year 12 Valedictory
As the end of the year approaches, we take time to look back and celebrate the achievement and growth of our students in many different areas. If your child is receiving an award at any of these events, you will receive an email alerting you to this. Please refer to the events section in this communication for more information and use the QR Code on the poster for booking details.
Twilight Agriculture Farm Tour
We are VERY excited to launch our first Twilight Agriculture Farm Tour!
Wednesday 25 October, 4.30pm & 5.30pm sessions available!
- Join Mrs Haupt (Farmer H to our preppies) and Mrs Bullas as they guide tour groups through our farm, providing insights into our rich agricultural experience.
- Come and learn about our successful Calvary Show Team, farm life and sustainable agriculture.
Bring the whole family and see for yourself why our students are passionate about our Agriculture programs.
Register here: https://www.calvarycc.qld.edu.au/.../agriculture-farm-tour/
Please feel free to share this wonderful opportunity with your friends and family who share a love for agriculture and the farm life.
Watch the welcome video from Mrs Haupt & Mrs Bullas here: https://www.calvarycc.qld.edu.au/calvary-tv/2023/#Agriculture

The Athlete's Foot - Supporting Calvary
The Athlete’s Foot Capalaba, Carindale and Mt Gravatt will donate $5 from every pair of shoes purchased
from any of our 3 stores back to Calvary Christian College. Simply mention 'Calvary Christian College' at the time of purchasefor the sale to be counted towards the Schools tally. School rewards applies for every pair of shoes purchased, across the complete in-store range of adults and/or kids sports, school, work and casual shoes.

Mango CAFE Specials for Week 4
Upcoming Events
We have a number of new events happening during Term 4. Please click on the link to go to our Events Page or register below: https://www.calvarycc.qld.edu.au/events/
Calvary TV
Please see the link to some of our College's Highlights for 2023:

CAPA Awards Soiree
All CAPA students and parents are invited to the CAPA Awards Soiree to be held at Carbrook on Thursday 2 November from 4.00-5.30pm. Please use the QR Code on the poster in our Events Section to RSVP for catering purposes.
Save the Date
2 November - CAPA Awards Soiree
12 November - Music Recital for all private students
26 November - Carols @ Calvary
Instrumental Program 2024
Shortly there will be links sent for enrolments for Instrumental Lessons for 2024. Please keep an eye out for this information.
Sports Aerobics 2024
In 2024 we will be introducing Sports Aerobics to the college. There will be a Come n Try session on Thursday 2 November at 1.00pm in the CCC. Please click on the Flyer to register for the Come n Try session.
All correspondence regarding CAPA, including questions, please send to Emma at: