Middle Senior School Communications, 15 February 2024
Term 1 - Week 4
Upcoming Events
16 February: Year 12 Formal (at Victoria Park, Herston)
Term 1 - Week 5
21 February: College Photo Day (Formal Uniform Required)
24-25 February: Calvary Schools Livestock Challenge
Coming Up
28 February: Snow Tour Information Night at 7pm
29 February: Emma Tabacaru Sexual Development Seminar for Parents
2 March: ACER Scholarship Examinations
6 March: Swimming Carnival
8 March: Yr7 & 10 Immunisations
22 March: College Bush Dance
Dear Parents and Carers
This week has been camp week for our Years 7-10 students, giving them lots of opportunities to be physically challenged, to demonstrate character growth, and to enjoy some time in a learning environment outside of the classroom. If you have a child in Years 7-10, I hope you enjoyed your Valentine’s night on us!
I had the privilege of visiting our Year 7 students at camp the other day, and while it was nice to see them enjoying camp and having fun together, as I listened to them chat about the difficulties of being outdoors and in nature, it struck me just how much time our kids stay indoors and locked to screens. When students return, they will have had at least a two and a half days of screen detox, so it might be a good opportunity for families to have another discussion about how much screen time is appropriate in the week or perhaps establish an outdoors habit like a daily walk. If you get resistance to this, perhaps just start with a family challenge of recording the amount of time everyone spends on their phones during the week – most of us can easily lose track of time on infinite scroll social media programs like TikTok. If you find that more hours than are necessary are spent on devices, start small by reallocating one hour of time per week to a different family activity.
Mr Josh Wilson
Head of Middle & Senior School & Innovative Learning Design
NOTICES : Mr Arraiol (Head of Wellbeing and Community)
Post Camp Reflection
As camps are an integral part of the development of our students at Calvary we will be reflecting on the experiences that our students had and using their growth points to encourage them both in and out of the classrooms. We encourage parents to engage with students to ask them what they may have learned about themselves, others, what they enjoyed and possibly what challenged them. These conversations can be a moment to help cement some good new habits and mindsets.
Calvary Photo Day
Please note that Calvary Photo Day is scheduled for 21 February 2024. On this day, formal student photographs will be taken, and all students are required to wear their formal uniforms. At this stage you should have received your order forms, if these have been misplaced please contact Reception to be able to provide you with your Shootkey to complete your order online before 21 February 2024.
If students are away for the photo day, please take note that the catch-up photo day is scheduled for Thursday 29 February 2024.
Families wishing to have sibling photographs taken will need to arrive at the CCC between 8:15am and 8:30am. A detailed schedule for the day will be provided in future parent communications. If your child is absent on the day of the formal photographs, there will be another opportunity for them on 29 February.
1 | 8:00 | Staff |
2 | 8:15 | Sibling & Family Photos |
3 | 8:50 | Prep A & B |
4 | 9:10 | Stage 1A |
5 | 9:20 | Stage 1B |
6 | 9:30 | Stage 1C |
7 | 9:40 | Stage 2A |
8 | 9:50 | Stage 2B |
9 | 10:00 | Stage 2C |
10 | 10:10 | Stage 2D |
11 | 10:20 | Stage 3A |
12 | 10:30 | Stage 3B |
13 | 10:40 | Stage 3C |
14 | 11:00 | 1st Break 11:00 - 11:30 |
15 | 11:40 | Year 12 |
16 | 11:50 | Year 11 |
17 | 12:00 | Stage 5 (Year 10) |
18 | 12:15 | Stage 5 (Year 9) |
19 | 12:30 | Stage 4 A - C |
20 | 12:45 | Stage 4 D - F |
21 | 1:00 | 2nd Break 1:00 - 1:50 |
Clarks Logan City Bus Pass
Parents of student/s that held a 2023 Clarks Logan City Bus Pass that rolled over for 2024 have until Friday, 23rd February 2024 to collect their passes. If these passes are not collected by this date you will need to reapply. Collection times at our depot are Monday – Friday 9:00am – 4:00pm. If you have any enquiries, please contact us at info@clarkslogancity.com.au
As a reminder if parents have not collected their student’s Bus Pass that rolled over for 2024 by Friday, 23 February, students will be required to use a Go Card to board their service.
General Notices
Cafe Specials - Week 5 & Birthday Special
2025 Term Dates
The 2025 Term Dates are available on the College website. Click below to view the dates.
Events at Calvary
Our current College events can be found on our website: https://www.calvarycc.qld.edu.au/events/
Bush Dance
On Friday the 22nd of March the College is hosting it's annual Bush dance. Proceeds of this event will be going towards our Year 9 service trip to Chinchilla and more specifically Drought Angels. Parents and students from both campuses are welcome to join us from 6.30pm until 8.30pm on the ANZAC Lawn. We are very fortunate to have the very experienced and enthusiastic band for the evening Beefa's Bush Band performing and hosting the event for us again. Please note that there will be food and drinks on sale and a photo booth to take some memorable pictures of friends and family on the night.
Please book your tickets online: https://www.trybooking.com/COLHF

Emma Tabacaru Parent Seminar
All parents are welcome to come and listen to our special guest speaker, Emma Tabacaru on the topic of conversations with your child about Sex, Love & Relationships. Emma will be hosting two sessions for parents Prep-Stage 2 and Stage 3-6. Please view this intro video from Emma for more information.
This will take place on the evening of Thursday 29 February at our Carbrook.
Bookings for all of these events are available via this link: https://www.trybooking.com/COLGG

Welcome to Week 4. Please see below the updated schedule for Performing Arts:
Instrumental Program
Year 3 Beginner String Program: Register Here
Years 4-10 Beginner String program: Register Here
Year 4 Beginner Band Program: Register Here
Year 5-10 Beginner Band Program: Register Here
Continuing Band and String Program: Register Here
Private Individual Instrumental Music lesson enrolment: Register Here
Handbook: Instrumental Music Manual 2024.V3.pdf
Calvary Performing Arts Facebook
Please feel free to join the Calvary Performing Arts Facebook page to be kept up to date, and to see the details and pictures of our performances and activities over the year.
All correspondence regarding CPA, including questions, please send to Emma at: performingartsacademy@calvarycc.qld.edu.au