Middle Senior School Communications, 13 July 2023
Term 3 - Week 1
Tuesday - Parent Teacher Student Interviews
Thursday - CSSAQ Volleyball
Friday - Gatton Show - Show Team
Saturday - Gatton Show - Show Team
25 Jul – 26 Jul - Y10 Classroom in the City
07 Aug – 11 Aug - Prayer and Mission Week
11 Aug – College Bush Dance
14 Aug – Logan Public Holiday – EKKA
15 Aug – 20 Aug - Ekka Show - Show Team / Science Week
24 Aug – College Book Week Parade
25 Aug - Outdoor Movie Night
31 Aug - Active Afternoon Colour Fun Run
01 Sep - Pupil Free Day
09 Sep - Showcase Concert
12 Sep – 15 Sep Y9 Service Trip Chinchilla / Y7 Water Walk
15 Sep – Exo Day / Free Dress / Term 3 concludes
Dear Parents and Carers
There is a lot of information in this week’s communication, so I will be brief. It was wonderful to hear the noise of students talking and laughing filtering across our campus this week as students returned from holidays. We hope everyone had a relaxing break and has come back ready for a busy term. I would just like to remind everyone that parent teacher student interviews are on Tuesday next week. If you are attending, we would encourage you to bring your child with you so that they can speak about their learning, their successes, and what areas they need to improve upon.
On the 26th of July we are officially opening our Beach Sporting Arena and if you are around, you are more than welcome to attend our assembly (Wednesday 8:45am at the new courts). Volleyball Queensland is coming to help us open our courts and play a trial match for our students. The creation of the courts are a testament to Calvary’s intention to honour student voice and choice, as the addition of volleyball courts to our campus grounds came at the request of our Year 10 girls, a number of whom will help officiate the opening of the courts at the ceremony.
Mr Josh Wilson
Head of Middle & Senior School & Innovative Learning Design
General Notices:
The College App can be downloaded on your smart phone by using this download link* or by going to the App Store/Google Play and search for 'Parent Orbit'. The school code is calvarycc.
Please note the link will only work on a device that has access to the App Store or Google Play.
Parent Teacher Interviews
We will be holding Parent Teacher Interviews next week Tuesday 18 July 2023 from 4:00pm to 8:00pm. Please see the links below on how to book these interviews through the new Parent App or Parent Lounge. Bookings will close Sunday 16 July.
MSS Cultural and Leadership Awards
In our first MSS Assembly of the term, students received their College Leader Badges for dedicated service at Calvary and consistently improving the lives of others in the community. The recipients are nominated by staff who identify and recognise the significant contributions and sacrifices that students make in serving our community. We wanted to take this opportunity to share the list of recipients with you as we believe that leadership is an action not a title at Calvary.
Showing excellent leadership in debating
- Zoe Vidins
- Hayley Bruce
Excellence in leadership and coordination of the newly formed e-sports co-curricular
- Liam Mawoyo
Dedication and leadership skills in coaching basketball
- Isaiah Noonan
Dedication and leadership skills in coaching volleyball
- Seth Winton
- Zachary Winton
- Joshua Biddle
- Lachlan Stone
- Samuel Glancy
- Jack Hopkins
Dedication and leadership skills in serving as Show Team Captain
- Emma Haupt
Dedication and leadership skills in serving as Show team Vice-Captain
- Ashlee de Vries
Dedication and leadership skills in assisting to coordinate JAG
- Brooke Bullas
Dedication and leadership skills in coaching futsal
- Joshua Ballantyne
- Benjamin Nam
- Rogan Steyn
- Alexander Bubb
- Lachlan Terry
- Benjamin Hughes
- Jacob Dunmore
- Elena Ocana-Morton
Teaching Junior School students dance performances and starting a Junior School Dance Club
- Zoey Hawkins
At this assembly the College also acknowledged a group of outstanding students who have been recognized by our staff for their remarkable display of key characteristics throughout the academic year thus far. These students have consistently demonstrated responsibility, resourcefulness, resilience, courage, and compassion in various aspects of their interactions within the Calvary Community. We believe that these qualities are not only worth celebrating but will enable these students to be a blessing to any community lucky enough to welcome them into their group.
Upcoming Student Presentations
As a College we understand that our students need assistance to use their personal devices and social media responsibility. As a means of assisting them to understand their responsibilities in using these devices and digital platforms, we have arranged the following presentations to take place during regular school hours:
- Safe on Social Presentation 27 July 2023
- QPS ThinkUKnow Presentation 28 July 2023
We encourage all parents to engage with their children about these important presentations and continue to have guiding conversations about the use of personal technology
During the holidays there have been a few projects underway one being the update of our G Block outdoor space. Our handball courts are now completed and students are enjoying this new space.
Mango CAFE Specials for Week 2
Calvary Blog
Calvary Events
We have a number of new events happening during Term 3. Please click on the link to go to our Events Page:

Welcome back to Term 3! All ensembles and lessons have resumed for the term.
Instrumental Teachers Update
At the end of last Term Mrs Sandi Ong (Woodwind) finished with college. We thank her for all of the passion and enthusiasm that she brought to the college and the program. You will be missed.
We welcome Mr Maxwell Judge-Mears to the team as the new Woodwind tutor for both campuses. Please welcome him to the college.
We also welcome back Mr Dominic Ward as our Guitar Ensemble Director and guitar teaching.
Showcase is on Saturday 9 September in the CCC Auditorium. Tickets for this event open on Monday 17 July 2023.
Ensembles performing include:
- Voices
- Chorale
- Boys Ensemble
- Junior and Senior Percussion
- Orchestra
- Senior Strings
- Y10 Dance
- Wakakirri Ensemble
2024 College Musical
Later this term we will be auditioning for the 2024 MSS Musical with rehearsals commencing in Term 4.
Watch this space for the announcement of the show.
All correspondence regarding CAPA, including questions, please send to Emma at: