Springwood Junior School Communications, 9 November 2023
Term 4 - Week 6
Upcoming Events
Friday 10 November: Stg 3 Final IS Sport
Term 4 - Week 7
Monday 13 November: 2024 Prep Transition Morning
Wednesday 15 November: 2024 Captain's Speeches / Awards Assembly
Thursday 16 November: Public Speaking Afternoon
Friday 17 November: Prep Mini Expo
Coming Up
Chapel, P-6 Celebration Evening, 2024 Y1-7 Step Up & Calvary Carols
Dear Parents and Carers,
Remembrance Day
Although Remembrance Day falls over the weekend, tomorrow, as a whole college we will stop, pause and honour those who have and continue to actively serve our country. Perspective and empathy are powerful attributes, and as the term becomes busy this is a timely reminder to be grateful for the many blessings we enjoy.
Bake Sale
Today, Stage 2 students ran a Bake Sale, raising over $550 of much needed funds for the Drought Angels appeal and our sponsor Compassion Children. Thank you to everyone who supported this effort by either baking or buying or both.
The College would love to invite our community to continue to show support for those families impacted by recent bushfires through this Drought Angels appeal . Further information is below, and you can click here for a link to make a cash donation towards this effort.
Awards Assembly
Students selected to receive special awards will be presented at our upcoming Awards Assembly, Wednesday 15 November. Parents of recipients have been notified and we welcome parents to attend, Real Life Christian Church from 2:00pm.
School Captain speeches will be running at the Undercover Area, with Stage 2 and 3 students casting votes, prior to this Assembly at 12:40pm.
Christmas Cards/Treats
We ask that if you would like to send Christmas cards for your child to give to their peers, that you wait until Week 9 of school. It is important to us that we continue with the business of learning right up until the end of term. If your child would like to hand out cards, they can ask their teacher to help them. It is our expectation that students will save all treats and candy canes for eating at home.
Spare Books/Stationary
Our staff are busy sorting any stationary or books that have not been used throughout the year. Any additional items will be sent home by Friday to assist you in ordering booklist items for 2024.
Booklists are available via the college website. You can order online by following the directions on the front page of the booklist. Campion orders close on Friday 13 December 2023. You are welcome to source items in other convenient ways as well.
If you select the option to collect your Campion order from school, packs will be ready to collect from the Springwood staffroom on Friday 12 January from 9am – 10am.
In two weeks, we will gather on the oval to celebrate another incredible year together. Student performances are being polished and we look forward to sharing their efforts and talent with their families. BYO seating for this event – camping chairs or picnic rugs.
2024 Prep Transition Morning
Meeting new families to the college is always a great joy. This coming Monday, we are hosting our Transition Morning for all our 2024 Prep families. Starting a new school can be a little daunting for the children and parents. Knowing this beautiful community, it won't take long for them to feel your warm welcome and support as they settle in.
LIC Request for Parent Assistance
We are currently looking for some parent helpers on Thursday's and Friday's, until the end of the school year, to come in and help out in the Library with some odd jobs.
Jobs would include:
- Covering books with contact paper (Can be done at home. Instructions will be provided.);
- Assistance with putting books away;
- Assistance with straightening up the Library and tidying it up;
- Laminating.
If you have any questions or are able to assist please email Mrs Ashley Wong. ashley.wong@calvarycc.qld.edu.au
Request for Photos
As you will have seen in your emails, we are hoping to start next week's Awards Assembly, with a showcase all of our exceptional Junior School students and celebrate some of their special achievements and passion areas. To do this, we are asking that you send in a photo (in JPEG format) of your child/ren doing something that they are passionate about, or something that they excel in. It could be of them doing a sport, cooking, caring for a sibling or anything else you can think of.
We need all photos to be sent by COB Monday 13 November to spr.administration@calvarycc.qld.edu.au
Thank you for your ongoing support as we head in to the last weeks of our school year.
Mrs Kim Winton
Head of Junior School - Springwood Campus
Drought Angels - Fire Relief Fundraising
As you have seen in the news, parts of our country are being devastated by fires. The College would love to invite our community to support these families at this time. Please see the information below about how we can help. Please click here for a link to make a cash donation towards this effort.
Click here to hear from Mrs Gostelow regarding this fundraising event.
Uniforms - Update
Just a reminder about the changes to our uniforms.
Sport uniform items with the old logos may be worn until December 2027. School bags are included in this.
For Junior School students:
- The dress with tie cannot be worn beyond December 2025
- The girls’ blouse with tie cannot be worn beyond December 2025
- Boys’ shirts (as they have no ties) can be worn with either logo until December 2027

CAPA Awards Soiree
Congratulations to our Award Recipients at our first CAPA Awards Soiree last week! Please see below the list of Award recipients.
Private Instrumental Recital
This Sunday 12 November is the Recital afternoon for the Private Instrumental Students, commencing at 1.00pm in the Springwood Music Room. Please see the timetable below:
Calvary Carols
Calvary Carols is on the evening of Sunday 26 November. Students required for this event include:
- Piccolos,
- Voices,
- Beginner and Junior Bands,
- Beginner and Junior Strings,
- Jnr & Snr Percussion Ensemble.
A memo will follow shortly with the exact times of arrival, soundchecks and performances.
2024 Years 4&5 Beginner Band Program
Today your child had the opportunity to participate in a demonstration from the teachers and students in the 2023 Band Program. Applications are now open for current Year 3&4 students to join the Beginner Band program in 2024.
Students currently in the program will re-enroll separate to this.
Year 4 Beginner Band Program: Register Here
Year 5 Beginner Band Program: Register Here
Instrumental Program 2024
Shortly there will be links sent for enrolments for Instrumental Lessons for 2024. Please keep an eye out for this information.
All correspondence regarding CAPA, including questions, please send to Emma at:
Dr Gary Holley
Head of Calvary Academy of Performing Arts
Calvary TV & Events
Calvary TV - Please see the link to some of our College's Highlights for 2023: https://www.calvarycc.qld.edu.au/calvary-tv/2023/
Coming Up in Term 4
Springwood Awards Service
Springwood Celebration
Year 6 Affirmation
Carols @ Calvary
Great Water Fight

Calvary Carols
We are looking forward to the Real Life Church & Calvary Carols evening, Sunday 26 November, here at the Springwood Campus.
Picnic boxes are also available to be pre-ordered through Lily of the Valley Events. Order by the 19 November to not miss out! Boxes will be available for pick up from 5.30pm.
Volunteering opportunities
We would love some support from our community. If you have time available, please register via the link to the volunteer portal. We appreciate your help!! Thank you. volunteersignup.org/THETB