Springwood Junior School Communications, 31 October 2024
Term 4 - Week 5
Friday 1 Nov: Stg 3 IS Sport
Term 4 - Week 6
Wednesday 6 Nov: Prep Stepping Up & Parent Information Morning / Year 6 Chapel
Thursday 7 Nov: CPA Soiree, Sports Awards Evening
Friday 8 Nov: Last Stg 3 IS Sport
Coming Up
Stg 1 Excursion, Awards Assembly, Individual Music Recitals
Important Dates
Thursday 7 Nov: CPA Soiree / Calvary Sport Awards
Wednesday 13 Nov: 2.00pm Awards Service - Springwood Campus
Tuesday 26 Nov: 2.00pm Year 6 Affirmation Service - Springwood Campus
Thursday 28 Nov: 5.30pm Celebration Service - Springwood Campus
Dear Parents and Carers,
As our end of year events are approaching, our weekly communications will help you track all the important things related to your child that we encourage you to be a part of. Reach out to your child’s teacher or the office staff if you need further details.
CPA Soiree / Sports Awards Evening
On Thursday 7 November we celebrate the efforts and achievement of our Performing Arts and Ensemble members at the CPA Soiree. This event begins at 4.00pm and flows into the Sports Awards evening, with the Junior School Awards commencing at 6.00pm and the MSS School at 6.45pm, recognising our Netball, Futsal and Volleyball team members. The flyers below provides further details. Junior School-based Performing Arts and Sports Awards will be presented at the upcoming Awards Assembly service.
Awards Assembly - Photo Challenge
At the Awards Assembly on Wednesday 13 November 2024, we would like to celebrate the special achievements and passion areas of all our students through a video. To do this, we are asking that you send in a photo (in JPEG format) of your child/ren doing something that they are passionate about, or love doing. It could be of them doing a sport, cooking, caring for a sibling or anything else you can think of.
Please send your photos in by Wednesday 6 November to spr.administration@calvarycc.qld.edu.au
Stepping Up to the Next Stage
Stepping up to the next stage is a bit of a milestone for our students and it’s our intent to make this a smooth transition. On the morning of Wednesday 6 November all students will experience time in their 2025 Junior School stage, and meet a buddy who they can connect with when the new year begins. Year 6 students will be assisting with these Step Up activities.
Our official Step Up morning, with new students to Calvary joining and Year 6 students travelling to Carbrook, is on Friday 22 November.

Wednesday evening was the final round of Junior School debating. Teams from both Year 5 and Year 6 have represented Calvary with excellence. All of our teams have competed with impressive results throughout the season, and have grown in their ability to structure a speech and deliver their arguments with confidence.
Debating allows our students to grow in their public speaking, resilience, critical thinking and collaboration. Recently, we published a blog post, all about the benefits of the debating program available to our students. Please see the Blog link in the image below.

Celebration 2024
Our Celebration event is drawing near. The student’s rehearsals are going so well, and we have costumes coming together. On Thursday 28 November, bring your camping chairs and picnic rugs down to the oval as we celebrate a fantastic 2024.
Mrs Kim Winton
Head of Junior School - Springwood Campus
From Our Counselling Team
Parent Book Club
Dear Parents, we are excited to announce the launch of our Parenting Book Club in 2025 next year! This unique opportunity will be led by our counselling team and will focus on exploring key themes in parenting across different age stages, from Prep to Grade 12.
Attached in the link below is a curated list of books tailored to the developmental needs of children at different ages.
Click Here for Recommended Parenting Books.
If you are interested in joining our Parent Book club, please register your interest on the link: Book Club Registration
School Shoes 2025 - Athlete's Foot, Capalaba Store
The Athlete's Foot store in Capalaba support Calvary Christian College by donating $5 to the School's Sports program for every pair of shoes sold. Just mention that you are a Calvary family at the time of purchase.
To see their range of 2025 Back to School shoes, please click on the link below. Please note, as per our Uniform Policy, Sport Shoes must be predominately black or white. 2025 School Shoe Shopping
Sports/Clubs News
Round 10 - 1 November 2024

New Music Bags
We are releasing a performing arts bag for students to be able to carry music books, guitar footrests etc. These will be available to purchase for $5 from Dr Holley at morning tea on Mondays in the reception. Please bring $5 cash if you would like to purchase one for your child.

Performing Arts Soiree
On Thursday afternoon 7th November from 4pm – 6pm we will have our presentation evening in the Cunningham Pavilion at the Carbrook Campus. This will be a time when Individual students will be recognized for their contribution to the performing arts co-curricular program in 2024. Sport Aerobics will be performing. Times are as below:
Rehearsal in the Cunningham Pavillion (Junior Teams don’t need to be leotards for this rehearsal only for performance)
3.10pm – Carbrook Junior School Teams
3:30pm – Springwood Junior School Teams
3:40pm – MSS Team
4:15pm – All Teams perform
End of Term Recital
All students learning instruments in private lessons will have a performance on Sunday 17th November in the afternoon. Please add this to your calendars.
Instrumental Program
Private Individual Instrumental Music lesson enrolment: Register Here
Handbook: Instrumental Music Manual 2024.V3.pdf
Calvary Performing Arts Facebook
Please feel free to join the Calvary Performing Arts Facebook page to be kept up to date, and to see the details and pictures of our performances and activities over the year.
All correspondence regarding CPA, including questions, please send to Emma at: performingartsacademy@calvarycc.qld.edu.au