Springwood Junior School Communications, 27 July 2023
Term 3 - Week 3
Upcoming Events
Friday 28 July: Futsal Champion of Champions - Girls 10-12yo
Week 4 - Jnr School Science Week
Tuesday 1 August: Logan District Athletics Carnival / Street Science Incursion
Wednesday 2 August: Chapel
Thursday 3 August: Principal's Tour
Friday 4 August: Stg 3 Interschool Sport Commences
Coming Up: Prayer & Missions Week, Olympian Visit, Stg 2&3 SOS Presentation, Assembly, Japanese Incursion, I/S Sport & Bush Dance
Dear Parents and Carers,
Next time you are visiting the Carbrook campus, be sure to check out the new beach volleyball courts. I attended the opening ceremony yesterday, which saw the courts christened by a match between our Year 12 students and world beach volleyball professional players – Alisha Stevens and Connor O’Neil. The fun at heart match entertained delegates and the crowd of students there to support the opening of a great new facility. I am sure future games between our campuses is on the horizon. There is definitely a large interest in this sport, with many students enjoying playing 9 Square at break times and involved in Mr McInnes’ Volleyball Training club.
Maths Interschools Team Challenge!
We have a lovely culture of clubs at Springwood and one of these has been the Maths Olympiad teams with Mrs Vargas. On Tuesday, we had a sudden opportunity to send a team along to the Maths Interschools Team Challenge at Canterbury College. Competing with 20 schools from the Logan area, our team of Year 5 and 6 students placed 2nd in this event. Congratulations, and we hope you continue to shine your gifts!
Safe on Socials – POSTPONED
Unfortunately, we had to postpone this event today. The new date for the Stage 2&3 Safe on Socials presentation will be on the morning of Wednesday 9 August, at the Springwood Campus. Information about the organisation can be found in the link here: https://www.safeonsocial.com/about-us
Principal Tours
A great way to experience Calvary and hear from our Principal and CEO is by joining our Principal Tours. If you know of a family looking at schools for a Prep age child for 2024 or 2025, (or any other Stage), encourage them to come and take a tour. The next one is running on Thursday 3 August from 9 -10am, where visitors can see the Springwood campus operating in real time, ask questions, hear and sense what we are all about.
Science Week
Next week is Junior School Science Week. I am looking forward to seeing the different experiments and activities the children engage in. Parents, we love your input too. If you have a background or interest in science and want to contribute to the fun, please let the class teachers know. We always love having the community involved in our students’ learning.
Please see a link below to an information pack from Mrs Nadia McEvoy about the fun activities that we have planned. If your child wishes to take part in the #Science Selfies and/or the Experiment Showcase please use the link below, alternatively these documents are available from the office.
Link to Science Week Pack

Thank you for your continual support this term.
Mrs Kim Winton
Head of Junior School - Springwood Campus
New Calvary App
Have you got the new Calvary App? Time is running out for the existing App which will expire on 30 July 2023.
The College App can be downloaded on your smart phone by using this download link* or by going to the App Store/Google Play and search for 'Parent Orbit'. The school code is calvarycc.
* Please note the link will only work on a device that has access to the App Store or Google Play.
Calvary Blog
Calvary Events / TV
We have a number of new events happening during Term 3. Please click on the link to go to our Events Page: https://www.calvarycc.qld.edu.au/events/
Have you seen our Calvary TV reels? Please see the link to some of our College's Highlights for 2023: https://www.calvarycc.qld.edu.au/calvary-tv/2023/

Instrumental Teachers Update
We welcome our new Guitar Teacher, Charlie Crook, to the Springwood Campus. She will commence teaching this week. All guitar students should have received a timetable for lessons.
If your child is interested in learning guitar please sign up using the following link: Enrolment Form
Showcase is on Saturday 9 September in the CCC Auditorium. Tickets for this event open on Monday 17 July 2023.
Ensembles performing include:
- Voices
- Piccolos
- Chorale
- Boys Ensemble
- Junior and Senior Percussion
- Orchestra
- Senior Strings
- Y10 Dance
- Wakakirri Ensemble
Save the Date
12 November - Music Recital for all private students
26 November - Carols @ Calvary
All correspondence regarding CAPA, including questions, please send to Emma at: