Springwood Junior School Communications, 25 January 2024
Term 1 - Week 1
Upcoming Events
Friday 26 January: Australia Day Public Holiday
Term 1 - Week 2
Tuesday 30 January: Parent Information Night - General Session from 6.00pm at RLCC
Wednesday 31 January: Chapel - 2.15pm @ RLCC
Coming Up
Wednesday 7 February: Y6 Leadership Badge Assembly
Dear Parents and Carers
The smiles on the children’s faces as they met up with friends again this week, and engaged in learning and playtime together, speaks volumes of their smooth adjustment. Thank you, parents, for working with us to prepare them for the new school year. We look forward to an exciting Term 1!
Your children should have received their 2023 journal and a very special commemorative badge to highlight our 40th anniversary. We look forward to celebrating this milestone throughout the year.
Drop off and Duty of Care
Another smooth adjustment has been the inter-campus bus service for our Middle and Senior students. Springwood students who are siblings of high students catching the bus are supervised in our Bus Sibs program.
A reminder that supervision for students catching the bus or in Bus Sibs does not begin until 7:30am. We ask parents to remain present with their children until the bus has arrived or supervision has begun.
In the afternoon, the inter-campus bus arrives at Springwood from 4:00pm and we ask all parents to be at pick at this time. Supervision in the afternoon is until 4:15pm.
Pick up and Duty of Care
From time-to-time families may have the need to ask another family friend or extended family member to collect children from school. If this occurs, please email the office prior to 3:00pm with the details of the pick up arrangements.
Pick up from the classroom is a lovely way to greet your child. If arriving for pick up prior to 3:00pm, please be mindful of learning taking place in the classrooms. We love that as parents you are getting to know each other, but please avoid gathering in places where the children might be distracted.
Community Prayer
As a staff we come together each morning for Devotions or prayer before the day begins. It’s a powerful way to express our faith. There is opportunity extended to our parent body to come together in prayer as well. Each Tuesday and Thursday morning from 8:30am a parent prayer group runs outside Happy Hens Café. We invite you to come, meet new faces and spend time reading the Bible and praying for each other and our beautiful community.
Unit of inquiry
This term, we are exploring the concept of Identity in the Junior School. Please have a look at the overviews for each of the Stages.
Parent Information Night
We warmly invite you to come along to our Parent Information night on Tuesday 30 January from 6:00pm in the Real Life Christian Church auditorium. Hear from some key staff members before branching out into your child’s classroom for a meet and greet with the Learning Designers in each Stage. The Stage sessions begin at 6:45pm and a second (repeat) session held at 7:30pm for those who have multiple children in the school. Please bring along, or email class teachers in advance, any questions you might have.
Stage Parents and Parent Helpers
We value the investment of our parents, which we see demonstrated in a variety of ways. Stage Parents and Parent Helpers are one of many ways that you can be involved in and connected to your child’s Stage community. For further details of these roles, please refer to the letter found here:
Co – Curricular Clubs
Clubs are a great way for students to stretch in their gifts, learn new skills and meet new friends. We have a huge variety of co – curricular clubs on offer. Some sport training clubs will begin next week, (please see Mr McInnes' message below) but the majority will start in Week 3.
More information on club offerings will be in next week’s communications.
Well, we are in full swing, and it has been a very positive start to the year. I look forward to seeing everyone at the upcoming Parent Information evening.
Mrs Kim Winton
Head of Junior School - Springwood Campus
Health Hub Reminder / Health Alert
As we start the new year please take the time to review the Time Out poster provided by Queensland Health. Please review to this poster to determine the appropriate time out time period for your child/ren.
Medication, if your child/ren require medication. Please complete a medication administration form Medication Administration Form and drop the labelled medication off to the Health Hub. Please note medication must have a label issued by a pharmacist.
Please review your child/s medication details via Parent Lounge or the Parent App and update as required.
If you have any question please reach out to the Health Hub by calling Administration or emailing HealthHub@calvarycc.qld.edu.au (Carbrook Campus) or spr.administration@calavarycc.qld.edu.au (Springwood Campus).
Also, please be aware that we have had a reported case of Chickenpox in the community. Since this virus is easily spread through coughs and sneezes, please keep your child\ren at home if they are showing any of the following symptoms.
- Chickenpox usually begins with a slight fever, headache, runny nose and cough.
- A day or two later a rash begins, starting as small pink blotches but rapidly progressing to blisters which usually last three to four days before drying out and turning into scabs.
People with chickenpox should be excluded from childcare facilities, schools or work for at least five days after the rash first appears or until dry scabs have replaced all blisters.
For more information please read the attached fact sheets from Queensland Health.
Sport Update
We are excited for another year of Sport in 2024. At both campuses we have been planning some exciting opportunities for our Sports Development Program. Through this program students have the opportunity to participate in extra curricular sports Club in Futsal, Volleyball, Netball Running and Athletics.
2024 Sports Clubs Overview
Club |
Students |
Description |
Duration |
Running |
Years 1-6 |
Various running games and challenges. |
Term 1 |
Athletics |
Years 1-6 |
A mix of track and field event training. |
Term 2 |
Volleyball Club |
Years 4-6 |
Skills development in preparation for Volleyball Tournaments. |
Term 3 |
Futsal Club |
Years 3-6 |
Training is held weekly throughout Term 1-2 and players compete in Calvary teams at various tournaments. |
Term 1-2 |
Calvary Netball |
Year 4-6 |
Training is held weekly in preparation for competitions and players compete in Calvary teams at various tournaments. |
Term 2-3 |
Registrations for Running Club and Futsal Club are now open. Please use the links or QR codes register your child’s interest in the letter attached:
Netball - UPNA
With the 2024 UPNA netball season not far away it is exciting to confirm the continuation of the Calvary Netball Club for 2024.
Please find attached the first newsletter for the year with all club information and how to register.
7-10yrs Netta Registrations are now open and we are asking for expressions of interest for our 11-18yrs Cadet teams. The expression of interest form is also attached to this email.
Please contact the members of the club committee via calvarynetballclub@gmail.com if you have any further questions.
We look forward to another great season of netball playing for Calvary.
See you on the courts!
Kind Regards
Calvary Netball Club Committee.
Calvary 40th Anniversary Umbrella
To celebrate the 40th Anniversary of Calvary Christian College we have limited addition umbrellas available for purchase. Umbrellas are $30 each and can be collected from reception at our Springwood or Carbrook campus. To purchase please use this link: https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing/1162111
MSS Musical Sponsorship Opportunity – “Shrek The Musical”
Putting on musical productions involves a huge amount of student and teacher involvement, but also sound equipment, lighting, props, and more. By sponsoring our Shrek Musical, your logo will feature wherever the production logo is shown, as well as VIP extras and your brand splashed all over our social channels. Interested? Email: marketing@calvarycc.qld.edu.au for more info.

Welcome to Term 1 2024. What an exciting year we have planned in the Performing Arts department. There are many opportunities for your child to be involved this year.
Instrumental Program
Year 3 Beginner String Program: Register Here
Years 4-10 Beginner String program: Register Here
Year 4 Beginner Band Program: Register Here
Year 5-10 Beginner Band Program: Register Here
Continuing Band and String Program: Register Here
Private Individual Instrumental Music lesson enrolment: Register Here
Handbook: Instrumental Music Manual 2024.V3.pdf
Sport Aerobics (Years 1 – 12)
Sign Up: https://forms.office.com/r/w6VjMugPnF
Handbook: Sport Aerobic info pack 2024.pdf
After School Dance Classes (Carbrook Junior School)
Sign Up: https://forms.office.com/r/x6zD4xrUYj
Handbook: DANCE PROGRAM 2024.updated.pdf
Calvary Performing Arts Facebook
Please feel free to join the Calvary Performing Arts Facebook page to be kept up today date, and to see the details and pictures of our performances and activities over the year.
All correspondence regarding CPA, including questions, please send to Emma at: performingartsacademy@calvarycc.qld.edu.au
Dr Gary Holley
Head of Calvary Performing Arts
Calvary provides opportunities for General Excellence in a specific field other than Academics (e.g.in elite sports, music, show team, debating) as well as Academic Excellence scholarships. These scholarships acknowledge outstanding student achievements and contributions to our community.
For further details and to submit your application, please visit: https://calvarycc.qld.edu.au/common-questions/scholarships/
Events at Calvary
Please see below the Overview for Events for Springwood this Term.
Our current College events can be found on our website: https://www.calvarycc.qld.edu.au/events/
All of our Parent Information can be found on our Website: https://www.calvarycc.qld.edu.au/parent-information/