Springwood Junior School Communications, 24 August 2023
Term 3 - Week 7
Upcoming Events
Friday 25 August: Stg 3 Interschool Sport / Father's Night Event
Week 8
Monday 28 August: Stg 3 Immersion Morning - Yr 7 Visitors
Tuesday 29 August: Exhibition Afternoon 2.00-3.30pm
Wednesday 30 August: Chapel
Thursday 31 August: Primary Schools Volleyball Cup
Friday 1 September: Qld School's Pupil Free Day - No School for Students
Coming Up: Week 9 - Principal Tours, Assembly, Showcase Rehearsal, Stg 3 Interschool Sport & Showcase Evening
Dear Parents and Carers,
Book Week
Book Week has placed the spotlight on our love of books and reading!
Although we live in a highly digital world, instilling a love of reading at an early age and encouraging children to read for enjoyment is still so vital to their development. One of the largest benefits of reading is that it sparks curiosity. Curious minds are creative and innovative, find joy in learning and are open to seeing different perspectives. Some children are more inclined to read than others, but by making reading fun and relaxing, we can empower our children to develop and appreciate this life-long skill.
Thank you for instilling the love of books and reading with us this week. We were thrilled to see so many parents join us at the Book Parade and the student’s costumes were fantastic!
Father’s Night Community Event
There are still some tickets left for our community event tomorrow evening. Father’s Day is fast approaching, and we want to take this opportunity to honour our dads and father figures. Come along from 4.30pm and enjoy loaded hot dogs, drinks, and ice creams, as well as two enormous inflatable ninja warrior courses and a jumping castle for the little ones. Something for everyone to enjoy!
Social Justice - Exhibition Afternoon
Each year, the teachers and students discuss a unit of inquiry to showcase to our community. In Term 3, every stage from Prep – Stage 3 has taken a deep dive into the concept of Social Justice. The table below shows you the scope and sequence of learning taking place.
Next Tuesday afternoon, before pick up, we welcome parents, friends and family of our students to come and see first -hand the progress they have made in their inquiries. Please play an active role and ask the students questions, engage in their interactive activities and let them be the teachers as they share all they have explored and learned.

Pupil Free Day
Next Friday, 1 September, we will have a Pupil Free day at the College. This day is a day of professional development for our educators.
Hope to see you at these upcoming events!
Mrs Kim Winton
Head of Junior School - Springwood Campus
Calvary Blog
Calvary Events / TV
We still have a few Events happening in Term 3. Please click on the link to go to our Events Page: https://www.calvarycc.qld.edu.au/events/
Have you seen our Calvary TV reels? Please see the link to some of our College's Highlights for 2023: https://www.calvarycc.qld.edu.au/calvary-tv/2023/
Year 12 Production
Do you think you have what it takes to survive a zombie apocalypse? Well never fear, the Year 12 graduating class is here to give you ten helpful (and if we're honest, some not so helpful) tips for your survival. Come see this hilarious performance of Don Zolidis' 10 Ways to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse, for one night only Friday 8 September, 7pm-8pm.
Drinks and food available for purchase before performance and during intermission. Admission is free with an optional donation through the Trybooking link.
OSHC - September Vacation Care
Please see below links to the September School Holiday's Vacation Program provided by OSHC.
Calvary Website
We are constantly working on our website to make it more user friendly for parents. We are excited to share that the Parent Information page has been completely redesigned from the ground up based on parent feedback, easy to navigate and move through the page without endless scrolling.
The changes also include the top navigation on home to include Parent Information, Term Dates and Communications for easy access. As well as this, all logins are also in the top header.

Sports News
Stage 3 Interschool Sport
Round 4
2024 Middle & Senior School Musical
Open to Year 6 2023 students continuing on to Middle School in 2024
Register for an audition here: https://forms.office.com/r/RUsxeaWnCC
Click here for the Shrek audition monologue pack: Shrek Audition Monologues.pdf
(Password: Calvary2024Musical)

Showcase is on Saturday 9 September in the CCC Auditorium. Tickets are available here.
Ensembles performing include:
- Voices
- Piccolos
- Chorale
- Boys Ensemble
- Junior and Senior Percussion
- Orchestra
- Senior Strings
- Y10 Dance
- Wakakirri Ensemble
Voices will be rehearsing on Thursday 7 September in the CCC at the Carbrook Campus. Students will be transported by bus to and from the venue.
Save the Date
12 November - Music Recital for all private students
26 November - Carols @ Calvary
2024 MSS Musical
Year 6 students continuing on to Year 7 at our Carbrook Campus are welcome to audition for the 2024 Middle & Senior School Musical. Please see information in the promotional flyer.
All correspondence regarding CAPA, including questions, please send to Emma at: