Springwood Junior School Communications, 22 February 2024
Term 1 - Week 5
Term 1 - Week 6
Wednesday 28 February: Futsal Qld Metro Competition & Chapel
Thursday 29 February: Scholastic Book Fair & Emma Tabacaru Parent Session/Neon Disco
Friday 1 March: Grandparents' Day, Scholastic Book Fair & Stg 3 Interschool Sport Commences
Coming Up
Emma Tabacaru Student Sessions, Springwood School Photo Day, College Leader Assembly, Year 5 Camp & Y6 Interschool Sport - Volleyball Only
Dear Parents and Carers,
Congratulations Liddell House, the winners of our recent Stage 2 & 3 Swimming Carnival! The students enjoyed healthy combined campus competition at the beautiful Pimpama Sports Hub Aquatic Centre Pool. A huge thank you to Mr McInnes, Mr Linning, staff and parent helpers who helped organise a positive day for our students. Well done to our Age Champions and all who participated.
The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is an annual assessment for students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. NAPLAN is a point-in-time assessment that allows parents to see how their child is progressing against national standards in literacy and numeracy.
If your child is in Years 3 or 5 at the Springwood campus, you can find more information about the date and duration of NAPLAN testing using the link below. Please check communication from Mr Wilson for testing information for Years 7 and 9: NAPLAN Information
Parent Teacher Interviews
Parent Teacher Interviews are being held on Tuesday 12 and Thursday 14 March. Teachers are available on these days after school hours to discuss any questions you may have and set goals for your child’s learning.
It is easy to book in a time slot through Parent Lounge online or using the school app. Just follow the instructions here; Parent Teacher Interviews
College Leaders
During Semester 1 each year, any student in Stage 2 or 3, who has shown a commitment to continuous leadership and service can apply to be a College Leader. College Leaders are involved in initiatives that add value to the College community and improve or influence the lives of others.
To apply for a position, we ask students to collect and complete an application template from the office. The presentation and announcement of our first round of College leaders will occur at Assembly on Wednesday 6 March. Successful Year 5 applicants will be presented their badge at the following week's Chapel.
Emma Tabacaru Parent Session / Student Disco
We’ve got you covered! Come along on Thursday 29 February and hear from Emma Tabacaru about important topics for raising healthy kids and preteens, while your kids enjoy the disco.
Attending this parent session will also give you insight on what the Stage 3 Students will be hearing about on Monday 4 March, when Emma will speak with our Stage 3 Students. The Year 5&6 session will be about Puberty and Year 6 will also hear about Babies & Bonding. Stage 3 Student Session Letter
Please see further information from Emma via this link: https://youtu.be/MZ6dPItg1kU
Bookings for all of these events are available via this link: https://www.trybooking.com/COLGG

Grandparents' Day - Breakfast Donations 2024
Hands down, this is one of our favourite days of the year. We love seeing the bond between grandparents and the students. The children proudly show off their learning, introduce their friends and perform a song for their beloved family members on this day. Grandparents' Day 2024 kicks off with morning tea for our guests at the multi-purpose court from 9.00am, followed by Stage performances, then time together in the learning spaces, finishing at 10.30am.
To celebrate we wish to bless our Grandparents with a breakfast on arrival at the college. We would love our community’s support by asking families to supply a small food platter containing breakfast foods.
Please ensure the plate of food is on a disposable plate. A small dinner plate size is sufficient. Small finger foods are best. Please do not bring in foods containing nuts. Suggestions include: muffins, croissants, cinnamon scrolls, scones with jam and cream, bagels and fruit platters.
Food can be brought straight to the undercover area after 8.00am where there will be tables set up. We appreciate your support to make this event a success.

Pick Up and Duty of Care
We ask all parents collecting children from the church to be vigilant if supervising your child while mingling with other parents. At the church pick-up point, as with any other area in the school, children are not to be climbing trees, over rocks or playing away from their parents. Teachers are there to supervise the church pick up area until 3.15pm. Students not collected before then are brought down to the office.
2025 Prep Enrolments
We have begun the exciting process of interviewing incoming Prep students for 2025. If you have a child who is Prep aged in 2025 and you have not yet booked your interview, please contact Kath Reid, our College Registrar; kath.reid@calvarycc.qld.edu.au
Change to Piccolo's Starting Time - 8.00am
Just an update that our Friday Morning Piccolo's Choir (Prep & Stage 1 students) will now start at 8.00am in the Japanese Room, the buildings up near the church. Mrs Vezos is looking forward to an exciting year with the students.
Lovely to see so many family members supporting the Swimming Carnival this week.
Mrs Kim Winton
Head of Junior School - Springwood Campus
Sports/Clubs News
Congratulations to Liddell House for being the Stage 2&3 Swimming Carnival Champions on Tuesday! Well done to all of our swimmers, who tried their best, but most importantly, had fun. Special mention to our Age Swimming Champions below:
We have a large number of Stage 2&3 Students attending the Futsal Qld Metro Championships, next Wednesday. We wish them all well.
Next Friday, our Stage 3 Interschool Team Sports commences. This Semester the boys and girls will be competing in Soccer and Volleyball. This is a great opportunity to represent Calvary and to work together as a team.
Book Fair 2024
Scholastic Book Fair is returning this year, Thursday 29 February - Friday 1 March. Mrs Wong is in need of a couple of Volunteers to assist with the Book Fair. If you have any time available please email Mrs Wong. ashley.wong@calvarycc.qld.edu.au
Further information can be found here: Book Fair Details & Volunteers
Springwood Campus Photo Day
Springwood Campus School Photo day is Tuesday 5 March. Envelopes have been sent home. Please do not return these to school prior to photo day. Further information is available HERE

Welcome to Week 5. All ensembles and lessons have now commenced, and students should be getting into a routine of attendance at lessons and rehearsals and home practice.
We welcome to the department Mr Samuel Lower who is the new flute and piano teacher. Mr Lower has been teaching in schools for many years and has experience teaching private and group lessons and taking ensembles. The Performing Arts Department welcomes Mr Lower to the school.
Instrumental Program
Private Individual Instrumental Music lesson enrolment: Register Here
Handbook: Instrumental Music Manual 2024.V3.pdf
Calvary Performing Arts Facebook
Please feel free to join the Calvary Performing Arts Facebook page to be kept up to date, and to see the details and pictures of our performances and activities over the year.
All correspondence regarding CPA, including questions, please send to Emma at: performingartsacademy@calvarycc.qld.edu.au
Dr Gary Holley
Head of Calvary Performing Arts
Events @ Calvary - Bush Dance
On Friday 22 March the College is hosting it's annual Bush dance. Proceeds of this event will be going towards our Year 9 service trip to Chinchilla and more specifically Drought Angels. Parents and students from both campuses are welcome to join us from 6.30pm until 8.30pm on the ANZAC Lawn. We are very fortunate to have the very experienced and enthusiastic band for the evening Beefa's Bush Band performing and hosting the event for us again. Please note that there will be food and drinks on sale and a photo booth to take some memorable pictures of friends and family on the night.
Please book your tickets online: https://www.trybooking.com/COLHF

Our current College events can be found on our website: https://www.calvarycc.qld.edu.au/events/
All of our Parent Information can be found on our Website: https://www.calvarycc.qld.edu.au/parent-information/
Calvary Schools Livestock Challenge - 24 & 25 February
Have you ever wondered what it is that our Show Team do at Shows?
Well, this weekend we are hosting the Calvary Schools Livestock Challenge at the Carbrook Campus on the ANZAC lawn, and we would love you to stop by.
There will be just under 100 sheep on display and students from eight schools attending. Feel free to drop in between 10am and 4pm on Saturday to see the students, and sheep, in action.
We will also have our famous Bake Sale and BBQ running. Fifty percent of the funds raised will be donated to Drought Angels and the balance will be used to support the team attending Ekka later in the year.