Springwood Junior School Communications, 21 November 2024
Term 4 - Week 8
Friday 22 Nov: Step Up to the Next Stage Day / Y6 Middle School Orientation
Term 4 - Week 9
Tuesday 26 Nov: 2.00pm Year 6 Affirmation Service - Springwood Campus
Wednesday 27 Nov: Assembly - Ensemble Performances
Thursday 28 Nov: 5.30pm Celebration Service - Springwood Campus
Coming Up
Christmas Chapel, Y6 Wet n Wild, Great Water Fight, Free Dress - Christmas Theme, End of Term 4
Dear Parents and Carers,
Our verse of the year, "Above all, love each other deeply" - 1 Peter 4:8, has served as a guide, reminding us of the power and importance of loving well in our daily lives.
Reflecting on 2024 fills me with gratitude and pride for the vibrant community we have nurtured at Calvary. Whether in the classroom, on the playground, or during special events, I have witnessed countless acts of love, kindness and support among our students, teachers, and families. It’s beautiful to see our children embody this message in their interaction with others through their encouragement, and understanding to one another.
Stepping Up to the Next Stage
Tomorrow morning, those Year 6 students continuing into Year 7 at Calvary are attending an orientation day at our Carbrook Campus. Year 6 students are welcome to use the Intercampus bus and should be at the turning circle by 7.30am. Parents of Year 7 students, 2025, have been invited to attend an important information session commencing at 3.40pm, at the Carbrook Campus.
All students, Prep – Year 5, as well as our new students attending Calvary in 2025, will be stepping up to their next Stage for the morning session. This session will be a chance for students to ask questions, make friends and feel comfortable in their 2025 stage environment. All information about 2025 classes and teachers will be emailed to parents in early January.

2025 Booklist Reminder
Just a reminder that 2025 booklists can be ordered online up until Wednesday 11 December. You can have your order delivered to your house, or opt to collect it from the Springwood Campus staffroom on Friday 17 January 2025.
Semester 2 Reports
Student Reports for Semester 2 will be available for parents to download from Parent Lounge via the app or website, from 5pm Friday 6 December. Please see further information via the links below:
Volunteers – THANK YOU!
I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to the incredible people in our community who volunteer their time, helping out in so many different ways. You are a blessing – both to staff and students. For all the seen and unseen, known and unknown ways that you serve and bless our school community – THANK YOU!
At this point, the weather is looking great for our end of year Celebration event.
Prep and Stage 1 students will meet their teachers at the oval Grandstand at 5:30pm and can be collected during intermission from the same spot.
This year, Stage 2 and Stage 3 will be watching the younger students’ performances from the audience with their parents. They will meet their teachers during the intermission on the left side of the Grandstand. Stage 2 and 3 students can be collected from the Grandstand at the end of Celebration.
Can you please ensure that your child is dressed in the correct outfit and that their hair is done according to teacher communication.
**Please keep in mind that if we cannot run our outdoor Celebration, due to weather, the occasion will still go ahead at the same time at Calvary Community Centre, Carbrook Campus, 559 Beenleigh-Redland Bay Road, Carbrook. Further information will be sent in the event of a relocation.

Mrs Kim Winton
Head of Junior School - Springwood Campus
Calvary Uniform Shop
It is with excitement that we announce that the Calvary Uniform Shop is now open.
Online Orders
Orders placed from now until Wednesday 11 December can be collected from either campus on Thursday 12 or Friday 13 December between 8.30am and 4.00pm. When your order is ready for collection you will receive an email notification from the College Uniform Shop.
Pop Up Shop
The Uniform Shop will not be formally open in 2024. However, there will be a temporary pop-up shop open Wednesday 11 through to Friday 13 December, at the Carbrook Campus, between 9.00am and 4.00pm.
From Friday 29 November 2024, you will no longer be able to purchase College uniforms from School Locker.
If you have any questions, please email: uniforms@calvarycc.qld.edu.au or call 07 3287 6222.
OSHC - Summer Vacation Program
School Holidays are nearly here. Please see information about the Outside School Hours Care Summer Program here: Vacation Care Program 2024/2025
Also On Thursday 5 December and Friday 6 December OSHC will operating as Pupil Free Days, the same as Vacation Care days. These days will be fully programmed by the children in the following weeks.
You can request bookings for these days the same way you would for Vacation Care, via the Xplor app. Link to OSHC Information

New Music Bags
We are releasing a performing arts bag for students to be able to carry music books, guitar footrests etc. These will be available to purchase for $5 at reception. Please stop in to reception if you would like to purchase one for your child
End of Year Performances
Beginner and Intermediate Band, Beginner and Intermediate Strings will be performing at Assembly on Wednesday 27th November. Please make sure all students have their instruments with them on the day.
Students are requested to meet for a run through in the Music Room on the Wednesday morning at 8.00am. We will meet in the Music Room at 1.10pm before the performance.
2025 Instrumental Program
Is your child interested in learning an instrument at the college? Below are the options available for all students. Please click on the links to register your interest.
2025 Beginner String Program (Years 4-10)
2025 Beginner Band Program Years 5 - 10
Year 4 Beginner Band Program (2025)
Year 3 Beginner Strings Program (2025)
Private Instrumental Lessons (2025)
Handbook: Instrumental Music Manual 2025
All correspondence regarding CPA, including questions, to: performingartsacademy@calvarycc.qld.edu.au
Dr Gary Holley
Head of Calvary Performing Arts
Real Life Community Church Christmas Event
You are invited to the Real Life Church Christmas Event.
A free, family friendly event supported by various community groups and businesses. From 3:30-5:30pm, there will be food, sport, craft, a live nativity scene, and more. Followed by Carols in the evening in air conditioned comfort from 5:30-6:30pm. A great way to kick off the Christmas season on the first day of December - all are welcome!
Up Coming Events @ Calvary