Springwood Junior School Communications, 21 March 2024
Term 1 - Week 9
Term 1 - Week 9
Friday 21 March: Stg 3 Interschool Sport
Term 1 - Week 10
Monday 25 March: Prep Fun Run
Wednesday 27 March: Metro Futsal Finals / Easter Chapel
Thursday 28 March: Crazy Hair Day / Last Day of Term
Coming Up
School Holidays, Term 2 Commences: Monday 15 April & Y6 Canberra Camp: Tuesday 16 - Friday 19 April
Dear Parents and Carers,
It was a lovely morning celebrating Happy Hens 9th birthday! Thank you for coming and supporting this milestone with us.
Stages 1-3 Cross Country
We were so proud of the students’ participation and effort in the Cross Country event yesterday. It was a hot day, which made for tough running conditions, but our students showed resilience and motivation to get in and give it their very best. Congratulations to our Age Champions and thank you Mr McInnes, Mr Linning and Mr Paech for organising a fantastic event for everyone to enjoy.
Prep Fun Run
Preppies, we don’t want you missing out on an opportunity to show your speed and talent on the field. Our friendly Prep Fun Run will be held this Monday afternoon. Mr Mac will be creating an obstacle adventure that parents and Prep students can enjoy.
Crazy Hair Fundraiser
The last day of term is our Free Dress and Crazy Hair fundraiser. We are raising funds to support our College Compassion children. Students are asked to bring a $2 coin donation for wearing free dress with a funky, fun or interesting hairstyle.
Bush Dance - Tomorrow Night
Tomorrow night, FRIDAY 22 MARCH - 6.30pm - 8.30pm - ANZAC Lawn, Carbrook Campus
Parents, Students and Friends all welcome! Food and Drinks will be available for sale. Proceeds will go to Year 9 Service Trip to Chinchilla - Drought Angels!
Please book your tickets online: https://www.trybooking.com/COLHF
Tuckshop - Term 2 Volunteers Needed
There is still plenty of opportunities to help our Tuckshop. Please let Mrs DeOliveira know if you are available to assist.
Next Term, Tuckshop will again be selling a limited menu to students who bring money on Monday's, Wednesday's & Friday's at first break. We are currently building a Term 2 roster for Parent Volunteers. If you have availability on Monday or Friday mornings 8:30-11:30am and/or Wednesday 10:00-11:00am, please use this link to sign up for assistance. You can volunteer once, or as many times as you would like:
Year 6 Canberra Trip
The Zoom information session recording has been posted on Stage 3 Facebook groups for those who missed it. Please refer to the camp booklet and send any questions to your child’s class teacher. All groups and details will be finalised before the holidays so please ensure you have completed the approval on Parent Lounge; the dietary/medical form (via the link) today and return the sign Cycling Canberra form to your teacher or by scanning to spr.administration@calvarycc.qld.edu.au
We ask that parents please complete the Cycling Form even if their students are currently expressing reservations about taking part. We will have a staff member supervising students who opt out of the cycling activity, however a signed form will enable them to take part if they change their mind on the day. Please email your teacher if you have any concerns.
Don’t forget to join our camp Facebook group to see our adventure through photos. Calvarycc Year6 Canberra 2024
Easter Chapel
Next Wednesday from 2:15pm, we have our Easter chapel service held in the church auditorium. Parents and friends are warmly invited to come along. As the term draws to a close, our prayer is that families find their hope in the true message of Easter.
Real Life Christian Church warmly invites you and your family and friends to join them to celebrate Easter!
Services are at 9:30-10:30am on both Good Friday and Easter Sunday for worship followed by morning tea in our courtyard. Hot Cross Buns on Good Friday - Donuts (empty tombs!) on Easter Sunday
Mrs Kim Winton
Head of Junior School - Springwood Campus
Sports/Clubs News
Stage 3 Interschool Sports - Round 4, 22 March
Calvary Coffee Cup Competition
Students can collect the template for their Hand Drawn entries for this competition from the office or café at each campus. Parents, could you please assist in making sure the students artwork is protected and doesn’t get damaged when submitting.
Two Junior Schools winners (one per campus), and one Middle Senior Winner will receive a $50 Gift Card.
Artwork MUST be completed and submitted (with name and student number) to the office by Friday, end of Week 1, Term 2. Please ensure you have read the rules of participation. GOOD LUCK and we can't wait to see our students at work!

Easter School Holidays - OSHC
Please see below a link to the OSHC Vacation Care Program for the Term 1 School Holidays.

Welcome to Week 9 in the Performing Arts space.
The term is almost over and students are already counting down the days. Please encourage students to have their instruments and music at home over the holidays and to play them a few times during the break.
Junior Showcase and Recitals
On Friday 7 June 2024 we will be having a Junior Showcase and Recital Evening at the Carbrook Campus commencing at 6pm, with students arriving at 5.30pm. All students from both campuses in Junior and Intermediate Ensembles will be performing as well as all students doing private lessons within the College. Please add this to your Calendars. An email will come at the start of Term 2 outlining what students need to wear and bring.
Instrumental Program
Private Individual Instrumental Music lesson enrolment: Register Here
Handbook: Instrumental Music Manual 2024.V3.pdf
Calvary Performing Arts Facebook
Please feel free to join the Calvary Performing Arts Facebook page to be kept up to date, and to see the details and pictures of our performances and activities over the year.
All correspondence regarding CPA, including questions, please send to Emma at: performingartsacademy@calvarycc.qld.edu.au