Springwood Junior School Communications, 19 October 2023
Term 4 - Week 3
Upcoming Events
Friday 20 October: Stg 3 IS Sport
Term 4 - Week 4
Monday 23 October:
Tuesday 24 October: Stg 2&3 House Assemblies - 2024 House Candidates Speeches
Wednesday 25 October: Chapel
Thursday 26 October: Prep & Stg 1 Swimming Carnival
Friday 27 October: World Teacher Day / Stg 3 IS Sport
Coming Up
Assembly, Round 4 Debating, CAPA Soiree, Sports Awards Evening, Stg 3 IS Sport
Dear Parents and Carers,
Calvary Logo
I hope you have been able to engage in and enjoy the story, historical context, and vision behind recent communication of Calvary’s logo refresh. I have been at the College for many years, and through each wave of change, the vision, values and mission of this College has not wavered. You can hear more of this recent update from Cherylynne, our Principal and CEO, here:
Student Leadership
This week Mrs Claassen and I had the privilege of meeting with every Year 5 student expressing interest in being one of our school leaders in 2024. Their insight into what has shaped them as young leaders impressed us deeply. It is a profound and wonderful thing when young children have a confident realisation of their strengths and gifts.
On Tuesday morning a House meeting will be held for Stages 2 and 3. All Year 5 students, who indicated they would like to be a House Captain, will deliver a short speech introducing themselves to their House team. Stages 2 and 3 will cast their votes for House Captains. Parents of our Year 5 students are welcome if you would like to attend. Speeches will be held in the Stage 3 spaces from 8.45am.
Celebration Costumes
Celebration preparations are well under way including our students' learning their dances and costumes being created. Please see information attached regarding items required from home. This letter has been sent home with students.
Prep & Stage 1 Swimming Carnival
Swimming lessons have finished, and Mr McInnes is busily preparing for the upcoming Prep and Stage 1 Swimming Carnival. This is always a fun and exciting day out for all. Parents, if you are willing to volunteer, please let Mr McInnes know. Our Year 6 student leaders will be there to assist as well.
Please ensure students (including Year 6 helpers) are fully equipped for the day with their sunscreen, hat, swimming cap, goggles, towel, and everything they need to feel comfortable and safe. We look forward to a great day.
Parking and Pick Up
This is a reminder to parents that the Staff Carpark is for staff only and those needing disabled parking, during the normal hours of the day.
Morning and afternoons are a very busy time with buses and cars in the turning circle. We can not have parents leaving the staff carpark as staff are entering. This creates a very unsafe space for students who are walking through to catch the bus.
At the end of the day, all students should be picked up from either the classroom, turning circle or church by 3pm. Students not collected by 3:15pm will be brought to the office where parents will be contacted. Students still not collected by 3:30pm will be taken to After School Care where parents will incur a fee.
Group Photos Update
Order Forms for Group Photos were distributed to students this week.
Photos are ordered directly through MSP via the website below (please do not bring order forms back to school): https://www.msp.com.au/parents/
We have been notified by MSP that there was a 'glitch' which resulted in the Prime Minister's Spelling Bee and the Stg 3 Semester 2 IS Sport Touch Football team being left off of the forms. Parents using the "Shootkey", provided on the form, will see the option to order these when they log on. However students who appeared in only one of these groups will have not received an order form with their "Shootkey".
Please call MSP on 3848 3946 if you wish to place an order but have not received a Shootkey.
World Teacher Day
As parents, we know that it truly takes a village to raise a child. The team approach to educating the children at Calvary is evident. Every interaction our students have with a staff member is an opportunity for them to be shaped into the fearfully wonderful creation God has created them to be.
As we approach World Teachers Day next Friday, it’s fitting to acknowledge the incredible work of our teachers. The energy and passion they bring to serving our students and their families is next level and we are blessed by this every day.
Mrs Kim Winton
Head of Junior School - Springwood Campus
Sport News
Mr Black's After School Aths
We have an exciting opportunity for our Prep and Stage 1 students. One of our parents, Mr Jeremy Black, will be running an after school athletics program for 5 weeks starting next Wednesday 25 October, through to 2 November, from 3-4pm. Jeremy comes with a long history of involvement in Athletics and coaching qualifications and experience in Little Athletics.
After School Aths will focus on the foundational movements and skills required for Athletics through various games and activities. To register your interest please email Jeremy at jeremy.albert.black@gmail.com .
Stage 3 Interschool Sport - Round 8
Athlete's Foot - Supporting Calvary
The Athlete’s Foot Capalaba, Carindale and Mt Gravatt will donate $5 from every pair of shoes purchased from any of our 3 stores back to Calvary Christian College. Simply mention 'Calvary Christian College' at the time of purchase for the sale to be counted towards the Schools tally. School rewards applies for every pair of shoes purchased, across the complete in-store range of adults and/or kids sports, school, work and casual shoes.

Twilight Agriculture Farm Tour - Wednesday 25 October
Hi Calvary Families!!
We are VERY excited to launch our first Twilight Agriculture Farm Tour!
Wednesday 25 October, 4.30pm & 5.30pm sessions available!
- Join Mrs Haupt (Farmer H to our preppies) and Mrs Bullas as they guide tour groups through our farm, providing insights into our rich agricultural experience.
- Come and learn about our successful Calvary Show Team, farm life and sustainable agriculture.
Bring the whole family and see for yourself why our students are passionate about our Agriculture programs.
Register here: https://www.calvarycc.qld.edu.au/.../agriculture-farm-tour/
Please feel free to share this wonderful opportunity with your friends and family who share a love for agriculture and the farm life.
Watch the welcome video from Mrs Haupt & Mrs Bullas here: https://www.calvarycc.qld.edu.au/calvary-tv/2023/#Agriculture

Sports Aerobics 2024
We had a great turn out to the Come n Try sessions for Sports Aerobics. Further information will be sent shortly regarding try outs for teams for the 2024 competition season.
CAPA Awards Soiree
All CAPA students and parents are invited to the CAPA Awards Soiree to be held at Carbrook on Thursday 2 November from 4.00-5.30pm. Please use the QR Code on the poster in our Events Section to RSVP for catering purposes.
Save the Date
2 November - CAPA Awards Soiree
12 November - Music Recital for all private students
26 November - Carols @ Calvary, Springwood Oval
Instrumental Program 2024
Shortly there will be links sent for enrolments for Instrumental Lessons for 2024. Please keep an eye out for this information.
All correspondence regarding CAPA, including questions, please send to Emma at:
Dr Gary Holley
Head of Calvary Academy of Performing Arts
Calvary TV & Events
Calvary TV - Please see the link to some of our College's Highlights for 2023: https://www.calvarycc.qld.edu.au/calvary-tv/2023/
Coming Up in Term 4
CAPA Soiree
Sports Awards Evening
Springwood Awards Service
Springwood Celebration
Year 6 Affirmation
Carols @ Calvary
Great Water Fight
CAPA Awards Soiree
We will be holding our very first CAPA Awards Soiree at the Cunningham Pavilion on Thursday 2 November from 4.00-5.30pm which will include performances and presentations. All are welcome to attend, we look forward to seeing our community coming together to celebrate the successes of our students. Please use the QR Code on the poster below to RSVP for catering purposes.