Junior School Springwood Communications, 18 May 2023
Term 2 - Week 5
Upcoming Events
Friday 19 May: IS Sport / Scholastic Book Fair & Grandparents' Day
Week 6
Tuesday 23 May: Principal Tour Swd / Met East Cross Country
Wednesday 24 May: Simultaneous Story Time / Chapel
Friday 26 May: IS Sport
Saturday 27 May: Jnr Musical Rehearsal
Coming Up: Stg 2&3 Athletics Carnival, Jnr Musical Rehearsal, Under 8s Day, Prep Tours, Assembly, IS Sport and Weekend Jnr Musical Full Day Rehearsal
Dear Parents and Carers,
It was lovely to see so many families enjoy the Movie and Pizza community event last Friday night. Anytime our community comes together highlights the partnership we have in teaching and raising confident children with a heart to serve, and change their world for the better.
Speaking of confidence, our Year 5 students returned safely from their camp at Luther Heights, Coolum. They worked collaboratively through a series of challenges designed to build their skills and ability to work as a team. The flying fox was a highlight, with many of our students encouraging one another and leading the way for those who were not quite as confident. The students experienced rain and stormy conditions, on the first day, but did not let this stop their comradery or attitude to making the experience fun and memorable.
Bookfair is here! Tomorrow is the final chance to purchase from our Scholastic Book Fair. Each year, this is one of our largest fundraising activities. Each purchase made provides Scholastic points for our school, which we use to purchase books to stock up the library. The Book Fair is open until the end of first break Friday.
Tomorrow, we look forward to seeing some familiar faces around campus – our grandparents! We love Grandparents' Day. We love to hear the students and grandparents exchange stories of school life. We adore the way many grandparents ‘adopt’ other students, and share their time with them, whilst taking part in the learning program for the morning. The role of grandparents in our students' lives is one that we cherish as we see the children light up for their VIP visitors. We value the connection and the opportunity for our students to showcase for grandparents how they are learning, and what they are excited to learn about.
Middle School might be just around the corner or a long way off for your child. Can I encourage all parents to consider attending a Step Up session. These are held on each campus each year and the final one for this year is tonight, at the Carbrook campus from 5.30pm. Hear about High School procedures, timetables and subjects. Meet teachers and take a tour of the Middle School at our Carbrook campus. Be informed and ask questions. Students and parents are welcome to attend.
Mr McInnes is in need of some Parent Helpers at the upcoming Athletics Carnival, to assist with field events and timekeeping. Please email tim.mcinnes@calvarycc.qld.edu.au if you are able to assist.
If you are down on the Calvary farm, over the coming days, you will hear the distinct sound of new ewe mothers calling to their lambs. Yes, we have new snuggly lambs being born and more to come. Farmer H will be excited to introduce the new Calvary additions to our students when their mummies are ready.
Our Principals Tours are proving to be very popular within the community. Next week we will once again be opening our doors to showcase our campuses, and invite you to come along and join a tour.
Springwood: Tuesday May 23 @ 9.00am
Carbrook: Thursday May 25 @ 5.30pm
Book your tour here: https://www.calvarycc.qld.edu.au/book-a-tour/principal/
Looking forward to seeing everyone at Grandparents' Day tomorrow.
Kim Winton
Head of Junior School - Springwood
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Tickets
CAPA Update 
Dr Gary Holley, Head of Calvary Academy of Performing Arts
Jnr Musical
Just a reminder of the full day rehearsal on Saturday 27 May, 9.00am - 3.00pm in the CCC Building at Carbrook. At this rehearsal we will be taking a group photo for the program, please make sure all students wear their Musical Shirt and Sports Shorts on this day. Remember to also return the Base Costume in the Zip Lock bags provided last Saturday.
Students to bring morning tea, lunch and water bottles. No scripts or folders are needed as students should have lines memorised by the end of this week.
Please keep an eye out for Update Number 4 in your emails that will be coming early next week.
Tomorrow morning the Musical Cast will be performing at Grandparents' Day. Students are to meet Dr Holley in the Music Room at 8.30am.
We are eager for Parent Helpers to assist with the Musical. This is in the areas of Hair and Makeup, Canteen and Barbeque. Please use the link below to sign up for a time to help. We'd love for as many parents to help as possible to ensure the success of the event.
Tickets are available to the general public here:
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Tickets
Jnr Musical Sponsors
Since opening up Chitty Chitty Bang Bang to sponsorship earlier this week, we have been overwhelmed about the amount of enquiries that have come through. Not only that, but we are thrilled to announce that we have a new Major Sponsor, CUTEK........ and, that 75% half of our program sponsor opportunities are now sold. Should you wish to secure one of the final advertising spots, please email Renae at marketing@calvarycc.qld.edu.au for more info.
Music Recital
The end of Semester Musical Recital for private Instrumental Students is Sunday 4 June. Please add this to your diaries and further information will be sent during the Term.
Stage 3 Interschool Sport
Friday 19 May