Springwood Junior School Communications, 18 July 2024
Term 3 - Week 2
Thursday 18 July: Parent Teacher Interviews
Friday 19 July: Prep 100 Days
Term 3 - Week 3
Tuesday 23 July: Year 7 Tour @ Carbrook
Wednesday 24 July: Beenleigh Eisteddfod / Assembly
Thursday 25 July: Volleyball Schools Cup / Debating Team - Round 1
Friday 26 July: Netball Schools Gala
Coming Up
Good News Week, Time Capsule Service @ Swd, LDSS Athletics Carnival, Chapel, Redlands Eisteddfod, Interschool Sport Commences
Dear Parents and Carers,
We have had a lovely second week of term. We always enjoy connecting with the students after the holidays, and this week have been blessed to also connect with our parents during Parent/Teacher Interviews. Thank you for taking time from your busy schedules to engage in meaningful conversations about your child’s progress and goals for the terms ahead.
40 Years of Calvary – Time Capsule
We have been revisiting the contents and stories of Calvary found in the time capsule which was unearthed in 2022. Originally known as L.U.P.S, (Logan Uniting Primary School), Springwood has a rich history of humble, faith filled beginnings. We are excited to contribute current items to the time capsule as well as some of the original items, for the future Calvary community to discover. The contents of the time capsule, including newspapers, student work samples, uniform items, many photos, administration items and much more, will tell the story of how Calvary has changed over time. On Monday 29 July from 9.00am in the Undercover Area, we are holding a service to commemorate the reburial of the time capsule. The choir will sing, and we have a few special guests sharing stories of how Calvary has changed. Parents, we welcome you to attend as well.

Calvary Family Feedback
We are seeking feedback to help us get a greater understanding of what you value, what we are doing well and to hear about how your child’s learning journey has been going. Next Monday 22 July there will be three forums at which we invite parents and carers to speak into the continuing formation of our college.
Please register to share you feedback at one of these sessions via this link: Feedback Session Registration
Uniform Update
There are still some stock and supply issues with The School Locker and we are aware that some students may not be able to purchase a formal or a sport jacket. Students are able to wear any Calvary jacket they have with the assigned uniform for the day.
There are also some formal uniform item sizes out-of-stock at the moment. If you are unable to source a full formal uniform for your child at the moment, they may wear a full sport uniform as a replacement until stock is replenished.
Please be reminded of uniform expectations regarding shoes, hair, jewellery/nail polish found on page 9 of the Parent Manual located on the College website, Parent Manual - Uniforms
100 Days of Prep!
Can you believe our youngest students have already attended 100 days of school?! Starting school is a big adventure for children and for parents. Our Prep families are such a blessing and we hope you feel welcome and connected to the Calvary community. Congratulations Preppies, on your 100 days of Prep milestone!

Book Club
Book Clubs out now! Orders close Thursday 25 July. Orders are placed online through Scholastic www.scholastic.com.au/LOOP

Our final Parent/Teacher Interviews are being held tonight. If you have missed this opportunity, please get in touch with your child’s teacher to book an alternative time.
Mrs Kim Winton
Head of Junior School - Springwood Campus
At Calvary, you are invited to be an active partner in the education of your child/ren and we would like to invite you to provide us with feedback.
We are seeking feedback to help us get a greater understanding of what you value, what we are doing well and to hear about how your child's learning journey has been going.
This year we would like to invite you to attend an in-person session to talk with an external Marketing Consultant, Phil Winton. Phil has been working with the College as an external consultant since 2022.
The focus of these sessions will be to ask you a series of questions and work through and unpack your responses. This process will allow broader discussion and help provide us with a richer understanding of your feedback.
The Executive Leadership Team will not be made aware of who attended the sessions.
For parent registration, 3 sessions on Monday 22 July
Drought Angels - Hygiene Products Collection
Our Year 9 Students are currently collecting Hygiene Product Donations to present to Drought Angels, during their end of Term 3 Service Trip to Chinchilla. Drought Angels will use these donations to create care packages for farmers who are hard at work producing food for us, and may not have the time or resources to care for themselves.
Calvary students are asked to support this mission by donating any of the following items:
- Manicure set – nail files, nail clippers, polish, cuticle oil.
- Pedicure set – foot file, toenail clippers, foot scrub, foot cream.
- Bath set – bath bomb, gel eye mask, tea light candle, body wash 400ml, body scrub max 400ml, body moisturiser 400ml max.
- Shower set – shampoo, conditioner, body wash, razor, loofa, body moisturiser.
- Bathroom accessories – elegant soap and toothbrush holders, tea light candles.
- Men’s bathroom kit – deodorant, body wash 400ml, shaving cream, razor,
- Ladies bathroom kit – deodorant, body wash 400ml, razor, dry shampoo 400ml, travel tissues.
Springwood Students are welcome to bring their donations to the Office by Week 6 of Term 3.
Have You Recently Moved?
Just a reminder that if you have recently moved or changed your contact details, to please update your Calvary records. This can be done via the Calvary Orbit App or via the Parent Lounge link on our website.
Sports/Clubs News
Interschool Sport - Training commences this week. Information will be distributed to parents shortly.

Big week ahead in the Performing Arts starting with Sport Aerobics and then Eisteddfods. We wish all students the best in these competitions.
Eisteddfod Notices
The Voices Choir and Guitar Ensemble 1 (Carbrook) will be competing in the Beenleigh and/or Redlands Eisteddfods in the next few weeks. The dates and times of the competitions are below with further detail.
Tuesday 23ʳᵈ July, 2024 – Beenleigh Eisteddfod
9.45am – Bus leaves Carbrook 10.15am – Bus leaves Springwood
10.30am – Bus arrives at Logan Entertainment Centre 11.30am (approx.) – Students competition begins.
12.30pm (approx) – Students loaded onto buses 12.50pm (approx) – Students arrive back at Springwood
1.20pm (approx) – Students arrive back at Carbrook
Wednesday 31ˢᵗ July, 2024 – Redlands Eisteddfod
5.15pm – Students to arrive at Ormiston College (Sturgeon St, Lingo Lin Performing Arts Theatre)
6pm – Students perform
6.45pm (Approx) – Students can depart and go home
Showcase - Journey Through Time
Senior Showcase is happening again on Saturday 7th September 2024 at CCC Carbrook. The concert begins at 7pm and will celebrate the 40 years of Calvary. More information coming soon.
Calling All Calvary Music Alumni
As part of our 40th Year celebrations we wish to extend an invitation to any former Calvary Music students to participate in our Showcase by joining one, or more, of our Ensemble Groups.
Please use the link below to register your interest.
Sport Aerobics
Another big weekend for our Sport Aerobics teams. QLD SCHOOL STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS. This Saturday 20th July 2024, Nissan Arena, Mt Gravatt. Below are the arrival times for students. A separate email has been sent to all parents. Please let us know if you have not received this.
Instrumental Program
Private Individual Instrumental Music lesson enrolment: Register Here
Handbook: Instrumental Music Manual 2024.V3.pdf
Calvary Performing Arts Facebook
Please feel free to join the Calvary Performing Arts Facebook page to be kept up to date, and to see the details and pictures of our performances and activities over the year.
All correspondence regarding CPA, including questions, please send to Emma at: performingartsacademy@calvarycc.qld.edu.au