Springwood Junior School Communications, 18 April 2024
Term 2 - Week 1
Term 2 - Week 1
Friday 19 April: Stg 3 Interschool Sport / Y6 Canberra Camp Return
Term 2 - Week 2
Monday 22 April: Prep Fun Run
Wednesday 24 April: ANZAC Assembly
Thursday 25 April: ANZAC Public Holiday
Friday 26 April: Stg 3 Interschool Sport
Coming Up
Monday 29 April - Tuesday 30 April: Year 4 Camp
Tuesday 30 April: LDSS Cross Country
Wednesday 1 May: Assembly
Friday 3 May: Stg 3 Interschool Sport
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome to Term 2! Wherever and however you celebrated Easter and the holiday break, I hope you feel refreshed and excited for another great term.
Term 2 Unit Overviews
This term our students will be investigating the unit topic, Change. Please see links below to the Parent Overviews for the various stages.
ANZAC College Service & ANZAC Day March
This coming Wednesday, we are holding our school ANZAC service as our usual Assembly at 2:15pm. Parents are welcome to attend.
We encourage all our Junior School families to participate in the local Springwood ANZAC March that is on ANZAC morning. This is a tradition for Calvary. Students arrive dressed in their full formal uniform, including their hat, and as a college, we march in the ANZAC Parade along Cinderella Drive.
Students of all year levels, Prep – Year 12 are invited to take part.
We form up at Logan East Community and Neighbourhood Centre, Cinderella Drive at 7:15am. The march steps off at 7:45am to Springwood Park and the ANZAC Day Service will commence at Springwood Park at 8:30am. Please see further information and a location map via the links below.
This week, our Year 6 students are on their annual Canberra trip. This adventure brings everything they have been learning about to life. It covers so much of the History/Social Science, Science and Health curriculum in a hands-on way as they visit not only the old and new Parliament House, but QUESTACON, the AIS, the War Memorial, and many other exciting places.
Our Year 4 students embark on their camp on the 29-30 April. Camp is a time we see students work through challenges, testing and exploring their personal strengths and leadership skills. Please pray for all our staff and students taking part in camps this term.
School Locker / Uniform Update
School Locker, Loganholme, is currently closed due to construction work happening in the store. Unfortunately, at this stage, they do not yet have a re-opening date, but assure us they are doing all that they can to open their doors soon.
Orders for uniform items can be placed on-line with a quick delivery turn around. There is no postage charge for these items while the store is closed.
The new black jacket is to be worn with the formal uniform only. It is replacing the purple jumper, which is being phased out as stock is no longer available. This new jacket aims to deal with the student objections to wearing a ‘scratchy wool jumper’.
We are finding that the sizing is on the large side e.g. a size 72 fits an 80cm chest. A full range of sample sizes is available at the Carbrook campus for students to try. A range of sizes suitable for Junior School students will be available on the Springwood campus every Monday until the store re-opens. (Those sizes will not be available at Carbrook on Mondays.)
Please note that students will not be permitted to wear the sports fleecy green jacket with their formal uniform. This breaches our uniform policy. We have, however, turned a blind eye during the period of the uniform redesign and update in order to accommodate those who found the woollen jumper scratchy. Please remind your child that sports uniform items and formal uniform items are not interchangeable.
Thank you for your support of our community through this time as we deal with the unexpected closure of the supply store and the changes introduced to the uniform to make children more comfortable, while providing a more cost effective uniform for parents with fewer changes across your child’s P-12 journey.
Shrek - Musical Update
The Shrek musical is really coming together. It will be exciting to see the final performances. On 9 May, the whole Junior School will go down by bus to Carbrook to watch the Thursday matinee. If you haven’t already booked tickets, please do so as seats are filling up quickly.
Please book your tickets online: https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing/1174831?
Faith In Our Future - Law Reforms
On 21 March, the Australian Law Reform Commission released a set of recommendations that are an appalling attack on faith and freedom of belief in Australia. If the Government accepts these ALRC recommendations, it means Christian schools won’t have the freedom to preference people who share the same Christian values and beliefs when making employment decisions.
As Paul Kelly also noted, "Religious education, its communities and parental discretions would be weakened long term." You can read more here.
The good news is the Federal Government has not yet made its position clear but we need to send a clear message to the Prime Minister that Christian schools must be able to employ people who share our faith.
Faith In Our Future is a town hall event that will bring together supporters of Christian schools and their representatives in parliament.
These events are an opportunity to share about the impact of Christian faith in our schools, to share our concerns with our Federal political representatives and ask for their support.
If you want the Government to continue to value the faith of Christian teachers and staff, you need to be there!
Date: Monday April 29, 2024
Location: Groves Christian College
Address: 70 Laughlin St, Kingston QLD
Time: 6.30 for 7pm (finishing by 9pm)
Registration is free but spaces are limited. Register here: https://mychristianschool.au/brisbane
Prep Fun Run - New Date
This coming Monday, 22 April at 2.00pm, we will be having our Prep Fun Run. Last term the wet weather meant that this event had to be postponed. The Prep classes have been really excited about the Fun Run and can't wait to join together to run. We look forward to seeing you on Monday supporting your child.
Update Student ID Cards
This week students will be receiving their new ID Cards with updated photos. These cards can be used to quickly scan students in, when arriving late, or out, if departing early, at our Self Serve Laptop in the Reception area. Please ensure that your children keep these secured to a safe place. We recommend the front pocket of their school bags.
We have had a strong start to Term 2 and look forward to the ANZAC service at school and Springwood ANZAC march next week.
Mrs Kim Winton
Head of Junior School - Springwood Campus
Sports/Clubs News
Stages 1-3 Cross Country
Congratulations to Chisholm House for taking out this year's Stages 1-3 Cross County for the Springwood Campus!
Stage 3 Interschool Sports - Round 5, 19 April
Calvary Coffee Cup Competition
Entries are due tomorrow for your chance to win a $50 Gift Card!!
Artwork MUST be completed and submitted (with name and student number) to the office by Friday, end of Week 1, Term 2. Please ensure you have read the rules of participation.

Coming Up Events @ Calvary
Springwood Mother's Day Film Evening
Keep an eye out on our Facebook page for our Movie choice poll. Tickets will be on sale this evening. https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing/1207782?
Shrek the Musical
Tickets are on sale now for Shrek the Musical! Click here to book: https://www.trybooking.com/COVXV
Counselling Blog
Please click on the image below to read the latest blog from our Counselling Team:

Welcome back to Term 2! Many events are happening this term and they are listed below.
ANZAC Day Service
Next Wednesday afternoon the choirs will be taking part in the ANZAC DAY Service. All members of Piccolos and Voices are required to meet Dr Holley and Mrs Claassen at RLCC in formal uniform at 1.00pm. A reminder that rehearsal is on tomorrow, Friday, morning.
This year's MSS Musical is Shrek. Tickets are now on sale here.
All students will be attending a Matinee performance Thursday 9 May.
Junior Showcase and Recitals
On Friday 7 June 2024 we will be having a Junior Showcase and Recital Evening at the Carbrook Campus commencing at 6pm, with students arriving at 5.30pm. All students from both campuses in Junior and Intermediate Ensembles will be performing as well as all students doing private lessons within the College. Please add this to your Calendars. An email will come at the start of Term 2 outlining what students need to wear and bring.
Instrumental Program
Private Individual Instrumental Music lesson enrolment: Register Here
Handbook: Instrumental Music Manual 2024.V3.pdf
Calvary Performing Arts Facebook
Please feel free to join the Calvary Performing Arts Facebook page to be kept up to date, and to see the details and pictures of our performances and activities over the year.
All correspondence regarding CPA, including questions, please send to Emma at: performingartsacademy@calvarycc.qld.edu.au