Springwood Junior School Communications, 17 August 2023
Term 3 - Week 6
Upcoming Events
Friday 18 August: Interschool Sport
Week 7 - Book Week
Wednesday 23 August: Dress Up Book Character Day / 9am Character Parade RLCC / No Afternoon Chapel-Assembly
Thursday 24 August: Met East Regional Athletics
Friday 25 August: Stg 3 Interschool Sport
Coming Up: Week 8 - Exhibition Afternoon, Chapel, Volleyball Cup, Qld School's Pupil Free Day
Dear Parents and Carers,
EKKA Week!
Whether you made it an Ekka show day or a rest day, I hope you’ve enjoyed the public holiday this week. If you happen to be at the Ekka over the coming days, be sure to visit Calvary’s Sheep Show Team. Each year staff, students, and a selection of Calvary’s finest farm animals camp at the Agricultural Pavilion and participate in the Grand Parade and Young Judges competitions. Congratulations to the team on the many ribbons and places you’ve received throughout the week!

Prep & Stage 1 Athletics Carnival
What fills my heart is the absolute determination of our little ones as they give their all to the task at hand. At the Prep and Stage 1 Athletics Carnival yesterday, this was the theme of the day. Every child running, throwing, and jumping with persistence and delight as they gave each activity their best effort. They were so encouraging of each other and the smiles on their faces were a clear sign of the fun they had. Thank you, Mr McInnes and Year 6 students, for leading the Carnival, and thank you parents for your support as well.
Father’s Night Community Event
Next Friday is Community night. In honour of our dads and father figures, we are hosting a night of fun and entertainment. Use the link in coms today to book your tickets. There will be loaded hot dogs, drinks and ice creams, as well as 2 enormous inflatable ninja warrior courses and a jumping castle for the little ones. Something for everyone to enjoy and a great way to kick off your upcoming Father’s Day.
Book Week
In celebration of Book Week next week, we have a lot of break time activities happening; Mystery Reader, Outdoor Library Garden, Scavenger Hunt and a Scategories competition.
Wednesday morning from 9.00am we will hold Assembly and the Book Character Parade at the church. Students can dress in the book character of their choice and bring their chosen book along to read after the parade. Parents, you are welcome to come along as always.
Exhibition Afternoon
On Tuesday 29 August we will be hosting our annual Exhibition Afternoon where parents are invited to come along and see displays of the students' work on the Term's topic. This year the students will be presenting their research on Social Justice.
The afternoon will commence at 2.00pm through to 3.30pm in the various Learning Areas.

Wear Your Matilda's Colours Tomorrow
The children have been right into the World Cup Soccer finals, very excited for the Matildas. They are still in with a chance to place 3rd when they play their final game on Saturday. In support, we thought it would be great to let the children wear a Matilda accessory tomorrow. Usual full sport uniform, with their Matilda scarf, shirt or green and gold accessory is the theme if children wish to join in.
Go the Matildas!
Mrs Kim Winton
Head of Junior School - Springwood Campus
Calvary Blog
Calvary Events / TV
We have a number of new events happening during Term 3. Please click on the link to go to our Events Page: https://www.calvarycc.qld.edu.au/events/
Have you seen our Calvary TV reels? Please see the link to some of our College's Highlights for 2023: https://www.calvarycc.qld.edu.au/calvary-tv/2023/
Year 12 Production
Do you think you have what it takes to survive a zombie apocalypse? Well never fear, the Year 12 graduating class is here to give you ten helpful (and if we're honest, some not so helpful) tips for your survival. Come see this hilarious performance of Don Zolidis' 10 Ways to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse, for one night only Friday 8 September, 7pm-8pm.
Drinks and food available for purchase before performance and during intermission. Admission is free with an optional donation through the Trybooking link.
2024 Middle & Senior School Musical
Open to Year 6 2023 students continuing on to Middle School in 2024
Register for an audition here: https://forms.office.com/r/RUsxeaWnCC
Click here for the Shrek audition monologue pack: Shrek Audition Monologues.pdf
(Password: Calvary2024Musical)
Sports News
Stage 3 Interschool Sport
Round 3

Showcase is on Saturday 9 September in the CCC Auditorium. Tickets are available here.
Ensembles performing include:
- Voices
- Piccolos
- Chorale
- Boys Ensemble
- Junior and Senior Percussion
- Orchestra
- Senior Strings
- Y10 Dance
- Wakakirri Ensemble
Voices will be rehearsing on Thursday 7 September in the CCC at the Carbrook Campus. Students will be transported by bus to and from the venue.
Save the Date
12 November - Music Recital for all private students
26 November - Carols @ Calvary
2024 MSS Musical
Year 6 students continuing on to Year 7 at our Carbrook Campus are welcome to audition for the 2024 Middle & Senior School Musical. Please see information in the promotional flyer.
All correspondence regarding CAPA, including questions, please send to Emma at: