Springwood Junior School Communications, 16 November 2023
Term 4 - Week 7
Upcoming Events
Friday 17 November: Prep Mini Expo
Term 4 - Week 8
Wednesday 22 November: Chapel
Thursday 23 November: Swd Celebration Evening
Friday 24 November: 2024 Stepping Up to the Next Stage
Sunday 26 November: Calvary & RLCC Christmas Carols
Coming Up
Year 6 Affirmation Morning, Christmas Chapel, Year 6 Wet n Wild Excursion, The Great Water Fight, Free Dress Day & Term 4 Concludes
Dear Parents and Carers,
I think what I love most about this time of year is that we see more and more of our parents and friends on campus for the end of year events. There is a noticeable, positive difference in the students when they have their family, staff and peers to shine for 😊
Volunteers – THANK YOU!
I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to the incredible people in our community who volunteer their time, helping out in so many different ways. You are a blessing – both to staff and students. For all the seen and unseen, known and unknown ways that you serve and bless our school community – THANK YOU!
Tuckshop 2024
Exciting news! We are looking to extend the operating hours of our Happy Hens Tuckshop in 2024. We hope to have our Tuckshop operating on Monday, Wednesday and Friday's at first break. To enable this to happen we'd love the support of our Parent Volunteers.
Please indicate your potential availability to assist us either weekly, fortnightly, monthly or once a term, via the link: Yes, I may be able to help
LIC Request for Parent Assistance
Speaking of volunteers.... we are currently looking for some parent helpers on Thursday's and Friday's, until the end of the school year, to come in and help out in the Library with some odd jobs.
Jobs would include:
- Covering books with contact paper (Can be done at home. Instructions will be provided.);
- Assistance with putting books away;
- Assistance with straightening up the Library and tidying it up;
- Laminating.
If you have any questions or are able to assist please email Mrs Ashley Wong. ashley.wong@calvarycc.qld.edu.au
Awards Assembly
As Psalms 139 tells us, ‘We are fearfully and wonderfully made’. This was on display yesterday as the students inspired each other through their achievement in sport, performing arts, academics and personal growth. The most beautiful view I had from the stage was watching all the students congratulate and encourage each other in their achievements. It was lovely to see so many parents and family members cheering students on as well. Congratulations to everyone involved.
Deep into Creative Inquiry
We are at the peak of our Creativity unit. Throughout the school, there are puppet plays, robots, playground designs and new games being tested out by students within and across the Stages.
After conducting their market research and working through the Design Thinking Process, Stage 3 took over the playground areas, setting up games for the younger students to test out and enjoy. This Friday, Prep present their Creativity Expo, with students performing the puppet plays they have planned, written and created for friends and family.
2024 Stepping Up to the Next Stage
On the morning of Friday 24 November, those Year 6 students continuing at Calvary will be able to catch the Intercampus Bus, departing 7.35am, to our Carbrook Campus, to attend their final Transition Day to Year 7. (Students not required at this event will be involved in the Stage 3 activities on the day, if they attend school.)
Year 6 Parents have also been invited to attend an important information session regarding the upcoming Year 7 camp as well as details about this new season of high school. The Parent Information session will be held in the CCC from 3.40pm-4.30pm.
This is a wonderful opportunity to meet the core Stage 4 team and learn key information to support your child with their transition into MSS.
The presentation will cover:
- Differences between Junior School and MSS
- How to support your child with technology - TEAMs,& the Parent Portal
- Assessments
- Home learning expectations
- Panel of Year 7 students sharing their experiences
- Building and changing friendships
- How to strengthen your connections with your teenager
- Information about the camp, uniform expectations and behaviour management (Dino Arraiol - Head of Wellbeing and Communities)
- The counsellors and learning support team also speak about their roles and navigating the teenage years
- Book drop off morning, laptop collection and visiting the refurbed Stage 4 space at the start of next year.
To confirm your attendance please RSVP by clicking the link: https://forms.office.com/r/B2AL3h3WyG
Meanwhile, all students in the Junior School students, as well as our new students attending Calvary in 2024, will be stepping up to their next Stage for the morning session. This transition time will be a chance for students to ask questions, make friends and feel comfortable in their 2024 stage environment. As usual, all information about 2024 classes and teachers will be emailed to parents in early January.
Next Thursday, we gather on the oval to celebrate another incredible year together. Students performances are being polished and we look forward to sharing their efforts and talents with you. BYO seating for this event – camping chairs or picnic rugs.
Wet Weather Plan – unfortunately, it looks as though the weather may be unfavourable. Please keep in mind that if we cannot run our outdoor Celebration event due to weather, the event will go ahead at the same time at Calvary Community Centre, Carbrook Campus, 559-581 Beenleigh-Redland Bay Road, Carbrook.
Please pray the weather is favourable for our Celebration and Carols events next week.

Congratulations to Mr McInnes and our Calvary 11Yr Girls team who participated and won the Australasian Champion of Champions over the weekend. This is a testament to hard work paying off and the collective commitment and dedication of students, parents and Mr McInnes. Well done!
As we enter the final weeks of term, I hope you can enjoy, as we do, seeing the growth and progress your children are making.
Mrs Kim Winton
Head of Junior School - Springwood Campus
Sports News
At yesterday's Awards Service we announced this year's winner of the House Cup. Congratulations to Liddell House for a successful year!
Book Club Update
Change of Order Cut Off Date - Could all orders for Book Club please be submitted tomorrow, Friday 17 November 2023 instead of the previous date stamped on the book club magazines. I apologise for any inconvenience. - Mrs Ashley Wong

CAPA Awards
Congratulations to our Junior CAPA Award recipients for 2023 Lucas Tran and Faith Weier.

Calvary Carols
Calvary Carols is on the evening of Sunday 26 November. Students required for this event include:
- Piccolos,
- Voices,
- Beginner and Junior Bands,
- Beginner and Junior Strings,
- Jnr & Snr Percussion Ensemble.
Further details have been emailed to you and information is also on the CAPA Facebook page.
In the event of Wet Weather the Carols will still proceed in an alternate venue. Details will be communicated on the College Facebook pages.
2024 Years 4&5 Beginner Band Program
Your child has the opportunity to participate in the 2024 Band Program. Applications are now open for current Year 3&4 students to join the Beginner Band program in 2024.
Students currently in the program will re-enroll separate to this.
Year 4 Beginner Band Program: Register Here
Year 5 Beginner Band Program: Register Here
Instrumental Program 2024
Shortly there will be links sent for enrolments for Instrumental Lessons for 2024. Please keep an eye out for this information.
All correspondence regarding CAPA, including questions, please send to Emma at:
Dr Gary Holley
Head of Calvary Academy of Performing Arts
Calvary TV & Events
Calvary TV - Please see the link to some of our College's Highlights for 2023: https://www.calvarycc.qld.edu.au/calvary-tv/2023/
Coming Up in Term 4
Springwood Celebration
Year 6 Affirmation
Carols @ Calvary
Great Water Fight

Calvary Carols
We are looking forward to the Real Life Church & Calvary Carols evening, Sunday 26 November, here at the Springwood Campus.
Picnic boxes are also available to be pre-ordered through Lily of the Valley Events. Order by the 19 November to not miss out! Boxes will be available for pick up from 5.30pm.
Volunteering opportunities
We would love some support from our community. If you have time available, please register via the link to the volunteer portal. We appreciate your help!! Thank you. volunteersignup.org/THETB