Junior School Springwood Communications, 15 June 2023
Term 2 - Week 9
Upcoming Events
Friday 16 June: Free Dress Day / Term 2 Concludes
Term 3 - Week 1
Monday 10 July: Pupil Free Day
Tuesday 11 July: Term 3 Commences
Wednesday 12 July: Wear Your Colours / Origin Cupcake Day / No Assembly - Buddies Program
Friday 14 July: Academic Reports Live on Parent Lounge, 5pm
Coming Up: Parent Teacher Interviews & Volleyball Qld Primary Schools Cup
Dear Parents and Carers,
What a grand, final week to Term 2!
Congratulations to every student who participated in the Chitty Chitty Bang Bang musical. Months of preparation led to a brilliant performance. We are immensely proud of each child’s resilience and courage to step on stage and wow audiences, over four performances, with their incredible talent.
Junior School Reports will be accessible via the Parent Lounge (through the website or Calvary app) after 5pm on Friday 14 July. Parent Teacher Interviews are scheduled for the week after this. You can find information regarding how to book in an interview below. We value the opportunity to meet face to face to set learning goals and discuss your child’s growth and potential. Please book in interviews early and email your child’s class teacher if you cannot make the dates provided, to arrange a suitable time.
Information regarding the structure and some updates to Reports can be found here;
Further information about Parent Teacher Interviews can be found below:
Congratulations to Mrs Wong and the team of students who entered the recent Readers Cup Challenge. They placed fourth out of a pool of teams representing 25 schools.
Yesterday, we honoured our Record Breakers and Age Champions from the recent Stage 2&3 Athletics Carnival. Congratulations to all students for participating in track and field events. It is very exciting to see our younger students, particularly in Year 3, stretch to compete in the ‘big kids Carnival’ and do so, so well.
Winning House: King House
Female & Male Overall Champs: Holly Nam/Lilly Wilson & Daniel Mauger
Age Champions:
Firstly, thank you to the wonderful parent volunteers who support our Tuckshop! We cannot keep things going without the help of our parents. Perhaps the days on offer have not been convenient for you, but it’s exciting to say we have another opportunity in Term 3. We are looking for parents to assist with the open window Tuckshop on Mondays at first break. You can still volunteer for Thursday afternoon preparation or Friday morning Tuckshop orders. Please send through your availability via this form and Sheryl will be in contact once we can put the roster together.
Tomorrow is our final day of term before embarking on three weeks holiday. As per the tradition, it is Free Dress Day and we are collecting gold coin donations to go towards our Compassion Children. We have a Compassion Child per year level across the whole school. Our Missions Club students do a wonderful job writing letters to them. It is a special thing to be able to connect with and support their needs.
On behalf of myself and the Springwood Team, thank you for a wonderful Term 2. We hope that all our families have some time to rest and relax over the holidays.
Kim Winton
Head of Junior School - Springwood
Coming up in Term 3...
Bookings Close Monday 3 July
Students can come to school in PE Uniform Shorts with a Shirt or Jumper showing their Origin loyalty.
Next term, we will be holding a Calvary Science Competition in the Junior School.
We encourage the students in Prep to Stage 3 to participate with an age-appropriate science investigation. Students will have the opportunity to share their investigation with their peers during our Science Week, Week 4 of Term 3. Be on the lookout for further information next term.
Just a reminder, students who are interested in playing Volleyball for Calvary in Term 3, please let Mr McInnes know by tomorrow.
Dr Gary Holley, Head of Calvary Academy of Performing Arts
Jnr Musical
What a fantastic display of our Students' gifts and talents! A heartfelt THANK YOU to all of the Cast, Crew, Parents, Carers, Staff, Helpers and anyone who came to watch or supported us to enable this fabulous occasion!
Coming up..... Showcase 2023
Our annual Showcase will be held next term, Saturday 9 September! Further information will be available during Term 3.
CAPA is rejuvenating its Springwood & Carbrook spaces and we’d love your help by contributing to the Building Fund!
June 30th is only a few weeks away and you might be looking to support some last-minute tax-deductible causes.
We are setting a target of raising $10K at Springwood and $20K at Carbrook to improve our CAPA spaces which include:
Install a new dance floor & mirrors in the Judah block building
Creating soundproof tuition spaces in the music room
Refurbishment of both Judah buildings (new carpets & paint)
To make a building fund donation, deposit the funds as below:
Calvary Christian College BSB: 064 167 ACC: 0090 1845
The reference must be: Building Fund-Parent Name
Then email: fees@calvarycc.qld.edu.au advising of the payment so we can send you a receipt. Payment MUST be made by 30 June 2023 to obtain a Tax Deduction for the 2023 year.
Thank you for your ongoing support!
Note: For all visual concepts, the final product may differ from the proposed concepts.