Springwood Junior School Communications, 15 August 2024
Term 3 - Week 6
Friday 16 Aug: IS Sport
Term 3 - Week 7
Book Week
Monday 19 Aug: Prep Excursion
Tuesday 20 Aug: Morning or Evening with the Principal - SWD
Wednesday 21 Aug: 9am Book Character Parade / No Afternoon Assembly / Morning or Evening with the Principal - CBK
Thursday 22 Aug: Met East Regional Athletics
Friday 23 Aug: IS Sport
Coming Up
Stg 1 Fire Dept Visit, Safe On Socials Presentation, Rescheduled P&Stg1 Athletics Carnival, Chapel, Volleyball Primary Schools Cup. Debating Round 2, Father's Night Event, Qld Education Dept Pupil Free Day
Dear Parents and Carers,
Whether you made it an Ekka show day or a rest day, I hope you’ve enjoyed the public holiday this week.
If you happen to be at the Ekka over the coming days, be sure to visit Calvary’s Sheep Show Team. Each year staff, students, and a selection of Calvary’s finest farm animals, camp at the Agricultural Pavilion and participate in the Grand Parade and Young Judges competitions.
Congratulations to the Sheep Show team and to our JAG and Visual Arts club students on the many ribbons and places you’ve received throughout the week!

Prep & Stg 1 Athletics Carnival
Due to the wet weather earlier in the week, this event has been postponed to Wednesday 28 August. All other details remain the same. Please see information here.
Discovery Expo
When learning has a purpose, particularly an opportunity to showcase it to the community, we see another level of investment and motivation in the children. This term, every stage from Prep – Stage 3 has taken a deep dive into the concept of Discovery. The table below shows you the scope and sequence of learning taking place across the school.
On Tuesday 10 September before pick up, we invite parents, friends and family to come and see first -hand, the progress the students have made in their inquiries. Please play an active role by asking them questions, engage in the activities they’ve created and let them be your teacher as they share all they have learned.

Happy Hens Update
There is a feature in My Student Account where student ID cards can be topped up and used as payment. Those students who prefer this form of payment can only use their student card for over-the-counter tuckshop items on Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays. Cash or EFT payments are preferred for Happy Hens café mornings to ensure no delays in the ordering process please.
Book Week
It’s Book Week next week. Our character dress up parade is being held at the church 9am Wednesday morning and will replace our usual afternoon Assembly. It is recommended that students have appropriate clothing under their costumes for the remainder of the day. Free dress day expectations apply, closed in shoes and sun safe clothing must be worn at all times.
Hoping to see you all at the upcoming Father’s Night community event.
Mrs Kim Winton
Head of Junior School - Springwood Campus
Morning or Evening with the Principal
Tuesday 20 and Wednesday 21 August, the College invites you to a Morning or Evening with the Principal. Parents, this is a great opportunity to hear about future plans and vision for Calvary from our Principal and CEO, Mrs Cherylynne Gostelow.
Springwood Sessions - Tuesday 20 August AM - The Hub & PM - Staff Room, Admin Building
Carbrook Sessions - Wednesday 21 August at Carbrook Campus
Book in using the links here:
2024 Premier’s Reading Challenge Reminder
All forms to be returned by the Monday 26 August. Forms can be handed directly to Mrs Cosgriff or Office Reception, alternatively you can email your forms to sarah.cosgriff@calvarycc.qld.edu.au.
Students without forms can collect them from Mrs Cosgriff in the library or digital copy of the form can be found on the following link - Reading Challenge Form.
Happy Reading!

Safe on Social Presentation - Tuesday 27 August
Calvary is hosting Safe on Social, presented by Kirra Pedergast on Tuesday 27 August.
Child minding services will be available for this evening and bookings can be made, along with your ticket, via this link: Register Here
Presentation Topics are available on the flyer below.
Father's Day Event - Thursday 29 August
Message from OSHC - Pupil Free Day
Friday 30 August is a Pupil Free Day, and we will be open 6:30am - 6:30pm. Children will need to bring their morning tea, lunch and water bottle and we provide afternoon tea. Please request your booking via Xplor if you require care on this day.
Thank you! Angela Schmidt
Kids Life Plus: Discovery 3 Day Holiday Event
Hey Calvary Families! Pastor Jayden here with an exciting announcement!
These coming holidays, the Kids Life team at Real Life Christian Church is hosting Kids Life Plus: Discovery!
Come along and experience a 'space exploration-themed' three days of fun as children discover real life in Jesus and how to share this with others.
This holiday event is for children in Prep through to Year 6 and runs from the 16th-18th of September from 9am-3pm!
To register and for more information, you can use this link to the event page: https://rlcc.ucareapp.com/events/201/booknow
Or you have any further questions or inquiries, I would love to hear from you! My email is: jayden.vandyken@rlcc.com.au
Health Hub Notice
You may be aware that there has been an increase in different viruses going around in our community. To safeguard our students as much as possible, if your child is unwell with viral symptoms (runny nose, sore throat, fever, rash, cough) or has been vomiting please consider keeping them home until symptoms are no longer present. Please note if your child presents to the Health Hub unwell with viral symptoms and/or with a temperature of 37.5 or above you will be contacted to collect your child. Please continue to remind your child to wash their hands and cover their mouths when they sneeze or cough.
Any further questions or queries please feel free to contact the Health Hub 3287 6222. Please refer to the QLD Timeout Poster for more information.
Sports/Clubs News
Prep & Stage 1 Athletics Carnival - New Date 28 August
All other details remain the same for our rescheduled Prep & Stage 1 Athletics Carnival at Springwood.
Information is available via this link: Parent Information
Interschool Sport - Round 3

Sport Aerobics
The next event for our Primary Teams is this weekend.
QLD Future Champions Cup - Saturday 17 August
Sapphires (P-Y2): Arrive 8.00am for 8.45am Performance
Opals (Y3-6): Arrive 2.35pm for a 3.10pm Performance
Venue: Logan Metro Sport & Events Centre, 357 Browns Plains Road, Crestmead
Event to come:
31 August - National Championships (Gold Coast Sport & Leisure Centre, Carrara)
More details will be available shortly. A reminder that you will be sent an additional fee for Nationals as noted in the handbook.
Showcase - Journey Through Time
Senior Showcase is happening again on Saturday 7 September 2024 at CCC Carbrook. The concert begins at 7pm and will celebrate the 40 years of Calvary. More information coming soon.
Rehearsal on Thursday Evening 29 August 6.30pm – 8pm at Carbrook for any students in Intermediate Band or Voices that can make it after the Father's Day Event. More information to come shortly.
Showcase rehearsal during the day on Thursday 5 September for the following ensembles. Voices, Boys and Girls Ensemble, Intermediate Band, Intermediate Strings and Jnr Percussion.
Showcase sound check Saturday 7 September for students performing from 12pm onwards.
A memo regarding these two days will be sent shortly.
Calling All Calvary Music Alumni
As part of our 40th Year celebrations we wish to extend an invitation to any former Calvary Music students to participate in our Showcase by joining one, or more, of our Ensemble Groups.
Please use the link below to register your interest.
Instrumental Program
Private Individual Instrumental Music lesson enrolment: Register Here
Handbook: Instrumental Music Manual 2024.V3.pdf
Calvary Performing Arts Facebook
Please feel free to join the Calvary Performing Arts Facebook page to be kept up to date, and to see the details and pictures of our performances and activities over the year.
All correspondence regarding CPA, including questions, please send to Emma at: performingartsacademy@calvarycc.qld.edu.au