Junior School Springwood Communications, 11 May 2023
Term 2 - Week 4
Upcoming Events
Friday 12 May: I/S Sport / Mother's Day Event - Movie Night
Week 5
Monday 15 May: Year 5 Camp
Tuesday 16 May: Year 5 Camp
Wednesday 17 May: Year 5 Camp / Assembly
Thursday 18 May: Scholastic Book Fair / Prep Excursion / Step Up to MSS @ CBK
Friday 19 May: Scholastic Book Fair / Grandparents' Day / IS Sport
Coming Up: Met East Cross Country, Principal Tours, Simultaneous Story Time, Chapel, IS Sport and Jnr Musical Full Day Rehearsal
Dear Parents and Carers,
The temperature certainly dropped this week. School Locker have provided an update with apologies for the delay on stock, particularly the smaller sized Sport jackets. They are due to arrive in store in another couple of weeks. School Locker will arrange a discount for parents who have back ordered jackets or who purchase them soon after they arrive to compensate for the delay and any out of pocket you have experienced by buying an alternative option in the meantime.
Families, you are welcome to join in the fun of our first community night this Friday. Rug up and bring your picnic blanket or camping chairs and enjoy a family movie and as much pizza as you can take. We want to bless our mums with a night off in the lead up to the Mother’s Day weekend. A very Happy Mother’s Day to everyone who plays that role in the lives of our children.
Bookfair is coming! From Wednesday 17 May to Grandparents Day on Friday 19 May.
On Wednesday students will get a sneak peak at the Fair and be able to form their wish lists, then on Thursday and Friday, purchases can be made. Operating hours of the Fair are 8-9am on Thursday and 8-11am on Friday.
Each year, this is one of our largest fundraising activities. Each purchase made, provides Scholastic points for our school which we use to purchase books to stock up the library.
We are still looking for some volunteers to assist Mrs Wong with purchases as it can be very busy in the mornings. Please return your volunteer form or email Ashley.wong@calvarycc.qld.edu.au if you can help out.
We are also asking parents to volunteer to ‘bring a plate’ for our Grandparents Day breakfast. Grandparents Day is one of the most special events of the year. Staff will be ready to receive food donations and set up the breakfast tables from 8.00am, with grandparents invited to arrive from 8.45am. Our cherished guests are welcome to spend time in the classrooms after the student performances.
The best way to make decisions for the future is to be well informed. If you missed the Step Up evening last term at Springwood, there is another being held at the Carbrook campus on Thursday 18 May. It’s for students and parents to come and learn about Middle School life, ask questions, meet key staff members, and check out the Year 7 space.
Our year 5 students and staff head off to Coolum on Camp next week. This is such a time of growth in independence, leadership and resilience for our Year 5 cohort. We look forward to hearing about their adventure and pray for safety and fine weather throughout the trip.
Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow night at our Pizza and Movie night.
Kim Winton
Head of Junior School - Springwood
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Tickets
Just a reminder that our Absentee Lines have been updated as per details below. The old phone lines have been disconnected.
CAPA Update 
Dr Gary Holley, Head of Calvary Academy of Performing Arts
Jnr Musical
Just a reminder of the full day rehearsal on Saturday 27 May, 9.00am - 3.00pm in the CCC Building at Carbrook. At this rehearsal we will be taking a group photo for the program, please make sure all students wear their Musical Shirt and Sports Shorts on this day. Remember to also return the Base Costume in the Zip Lock bags provided last Saturday.
Students to bring morning tea, lunch and water bottles. No scripts or folders are needed as students should have lines memorised by the end of this week.
We are eager for Parent Helpers to assist with the Musical. This is in the areas of Hair and Makeup, Canteen and Barbeque. Please use the link below to sign up for a time to help. We'd love for as many parents to help as possible to ensure the success of the event.
Tickets are available to the general public here:
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Tickets
Jnr Musical Sponsors
For the first time in our production history, we have decided to include sponsorship for our shows moving forward. Putting on these productions involves a huge amount of student and teacher involvement, but also sound equipment, lighting, props, and more. By sponsoring Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, your logo will feature wherever the production logo is shown, as well as VIP extras and your brand splashed all over our social channels. Interested? Email: marketing@calvarycc.qld.edu.au for more info.
Music Recital
The end of Semester Musical Recital for private Instrumental Students is Sunday 4 June. Please add this to your diaries and further information will be sent during the Term.
Stage 3 Interschool Sport
Friday 12 May