Springwood Junior School Communications, 11 July 2024
Term 3 - Week 1
Friday 12 July: No Interschool Sport - scheduled to commence in Week 4
Term 3 - Week 2
Monday 15 July: Futsal Champion of Champions - 10-12yo Girls
Tuesday 16 July: Parent Teacher Interviews
Wednesday 17 July: Chapel
Thursday 18 July: Parent Teacher Interviews
Friday 19 July: Prep 100 Days
Coming Up
Year 7 Tour @ Carbrook, Beenleigh Eisteddfod, Assembly, Volleyball Schools Cup & Netball Schools Gala
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome to Term 3!
I hope all our families were able to take things at a slower pace and enjoy some family time over the holiday break. In our household, there is always a puzzle sitting on the dining room table for anyone who wants to add to it. As I started building the frame of a new one in the holidays, it reminded me of how much we depend on that frame being put together first and being done right, so all the other pieces connect to form the bigger picture.
In Assembly yesterday we talked about the Calvary character virtue puzzle. Character traits are focused on throughout each stage and as students move through the stages, the bigger picture of their character is formed. A focus on these character virtues happens purposefully and incidentally each day through the language we use when teaching and speaking to the children and through our Formation program. Each virtue, specifically chosen to build in our students what they will need most as they grow and develop during these stages of their lives. Feel free to tap into this at home and share with us the ways that you focus on building your child’s character.
Term 3 Clubs
We are very excited about the new clubs starting up this Semester. Debating and Public Speaking competitions are in full swing this term. We have Running Club replaced with Volleyball training, now held during break times in preparation for upcoming competitions. Lots of our favourite clubs such as JAG, Chess and Missions are continuing. Teachers have gone through the club options with the students and we encourage parents to also chat at home with your child about the different clubs they would like to try out.
Clubs are a great place to make new friends and discover gifts and interests we never know were there until we step into the right environment and try. Check out the Term 3 clubs options below.
Parent Teacher Interviews
Parent Teacher Interviews are scheduled for next week, Tuesday 16 and Thursday 18 July. Please use the Parent Portal or the Orbit App to book in your interview. These will be a timely check in now that Semester 1 reports are released, and to set goals for the new semester.
Happy Hens Country Cuisine Wednesdays!
Wednesdays are our Country Cuisine days at the Happy Hens Tuckshop. Parents, use the college app to order Tuckshop for your child on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Look out online for our rotating Wednesday specials; Nachos, Teriyaki Chicken Poke Bowls, Pasta Bolognaise and Cottage Pie.
I’m sure Sheryl would never say no to volunteers – it’s not too late to send her an email if you’d like to help out as a once off or regularly throughout the term. Happy Hens Roster
Term 3 Unit Overviews - Discovery
This term our students will be investigating the unit topic, Discovery. Please see links below to the Parent Overviews for the various stages.
Looking forward to another fantastic Term!
Mrs Kim Winton
Head of Junior School - Springwood Campus
Health Hub Notice
Returning from the school holidays we have found that there are still a few different viruses going around in our community. To safeguard our students as much as possible, if your child is unwell with viral symptoms (runny nose, sore throat, fever, rash, cough) please consider keeping them home until symptoms are no longer present. Please note if your child presents to the Health Hub unwell with viral symptoms and/or with a temperature of 37.5 or above you will be contacted to collect your child. Please continue to remind your child to wash their hands and cover their mouths when they sneeze or cough.
Any further questions or queries please feel free to contact the Health Hub 3287 6222. Please refer to the QLD Timeout Poster for more information. Timeout Information
At Calvary, you are invited to be an active partner in the education of your child/ren and we would like to invite you to provide us with feedback.
We are seeking feedback to help us get a greater understanding of what you value, what we are doing well and to hear about how your child's learning journey has been going.
This year we would like to invite you to attend an in-person session to talk with an external Marketing Consultant, Phil Winton. Phil has been working with the College as an external consultant since 2022.
The focus of these sessions will be to ask you a series of questions and work through and unpack your responses. This process will allow broader discussion and help provide us with a richer understanding of your feedback.
The Executive Leadership Team will not be made aware of who attended the sessions.
For parent registration, 3 sessions on Monday 22 July
Drought Angels - Hygiene Products Collection
Our Year 9 Students are currently collecting Hygiene Product Donations to present to Drought Angels, during their end of Term 3 Service Trip to Chinchilla. Drought Angels will use these donations to create care packages for farmers who are hard at work producing food for us, and may not have the time or resources to care for themselves.
Calvary students are asked to support this mission by donating any of the following items:
- Manicure set – nail files, nail clippers, polish, cuticle oil.
- Pedicure set – foot file, toenail clippers, foot scrub, foot cream.
- Bath set – bath bomb, gel eye mask, tea light candle, body wash 400ml, body scrub max 400ml, body moisturiser 400ml max.
- Shower set – shampoo, conditioner, body wash, razor, loofa, body moisturiser.
- Bathroom accessories – elegant soap and toothbrush holders, tea light candles.
- Men’s bathroom kit – deodorant, body wash 400ml, shaving cream, razor,
- Ladies bathroom kit – deodorant, body wash 400ml, razor, dry shampoo 400ml, travel tissues.
Springwood Students are welcome to bring their donations to the Office by Week 6 of Term 3.
Intercampus Bus Service
Bus Term passes with a 10% discount are now available until 17/07/2024.
- Zone 1 & Intercampus - $126.90
- Zone 2 - $329.94
- Zone 3 - $380.70
Please email bus@calvarycc.qld.edu.au if you want to make use of a Term pass for Term 3.
Just a few reminders when making use of the bus service:
- Every trip taken on the bus service requires a booking made via the Rollcall app.
- Students need to utilise their student ID cards when boarding & disembarking the bus for every trip. Failing to present their cards will incur a $1 per trip Admin fee.
Replacement Student ID cards can be purchased at Reception at a cost of $5.
- Rollcall accounts must maintain a positive balance for students to utilize the service. Credit can be added via the Rollcall app.
Sports/Clubs News
As always, there is lots of sports happening in Term 3. Here are some of the sports and key information for the beginning of the term.
- Netball - the 4-6 Netball program is now full. Training will be on Tuesdays at Second Break. Mr McInnes and Miss Young will be coaching. Our first competition is at UPNA on July 26th. More information will be emailed to families in the next few days.
- Volleyball - the 4-6 Volleyball Program is also starting next week. Training will be on Mondays during break times. Except for the first week when we will train on Thursday during breaks. Our first competition is at Redeemer LC on July 25th. More information will be emailed to families in the next few days.
- Interschool Sport - Competition commences for Stage 3 in Week 4 on Friday 2nd July. Sports for Semester 2 are mixed Netball, mixed TRL and boys Basketball. Students will have the opportunity to indicate their preferred sport during class time. Training will commence on Friday 19th July.

Welcome back to Term 3. This term is full of events for Performing Arts and it is exciting to see all these great things happening in the College.
Eisteddfod Notices
The Voices Choir and Guitar Ensemble 1 (Carbrook) will be competing in the Beenleigh and/or Redlands Eisteddfods in the next few weeks. The dates and times of the competitions are below. A more detailed memo regarding these events will be sent to parents shortly. Please mark these dates in your diaries.
Beenleigh Eisteddfod: Voices – Tuesday 23rd July: 10.30am – Logan Entertainment Centre
Redlands Eisteddfod: Voices – Wednesday 31st July: 6pm – Ormiston College
Guitar Ensemble - Wednesday 7th August: 5.15pm – Ormiston College
Showcase - Journey Through Time
Senior Showcase is happening again on Saturday 7th September 2024 at CCC Carbrook. The concert begins at 7pm and will celebrate the 40 years of Calvary. More information coming soon.
Calling All Calvary Music Alumni
As part of our 40th Year celebrations we wish to extend an invitation to any former Calvary Music students to participate in our Showcase by joining one, or more, of our Ensemble Groups.
Please use the link below to register your interest.
Sport Aerobics
Another big weekend coming for our Sport Aerobics teams. QLD SCHOOL STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS. Saturday 20th July 2024, Nissan Arena, Mt Gravatt. Below are the arrival times for students. A separate email has been sent to all parents. Please let us know if you have not received this.
Instrumental Program
Private Individual Instrumental Music lesson enrolment: Register Here
Handbook: Instrumental Music Manual 2024.V3.pdf
Calvary Performing Arts Facebook
Please feel free to join the Calvary Performing Arts Facebook page to be kept up to date, and to see the details and pictures of our performances and activities over the year.
All correspondence regarding CPA, including questions, please send to Emma at: performingartsacademy@calvarycc.qld.edu.au