Springwood Junior School Communications, 05 September 2024
Term 3 - Week 9
Friday 6 Sept: IS Sport / Piccolos Yurana Visit
Saturday 7 Sept: Showcase Evening
Week 10
Tuesday 10 Sept: Exhibition Afternoon
Wednesday 11 Sept: Calvary Netball Cup / No Morning JAG Club
Friday 13 Sept: Free Dress Day / Colour Run / End of Term
Coming Up - Important Dates
Monday 30 Sept: Term 4 Commences
Monday 7 Oct: King's Birthday Public Holiday
Thursday 7 Nov: CPA Soiree / Calvary Sport Awards
Wednesday 13 Nov: 2.00pm Awards Service - Springwood Campus
Tuesday 26 Nov: 2.00pm Year 6 Affirmation Service - Springwood Campus
Thursday 28 Nov: 5.30pm Celebration Service - Springwood Campus
Dear Parents and Carers,
We are all life-long learners and last Fridays’ Pupil Free day was a welcome opportunity for staff to come together and learn from each other. Amongst other professional learning, in preparation for our Term 4 unit, Connection, Junior School teachers worked in teams to map an exciting program for each Stage next term.
Good News Week
As Pastor Adam Low reminded us in coms last week, we are called to BE and to BRING the Good News of Jesus to others in our world. With this as our focus, throughout the week our students have led and engaged in many opportunities on offer, to share their gifts, generosity and faith with each other and the College community. Ps Clare Low, Jayden and Year 6 students, we appreciate and thank you for planning and organising this special week, encouraging a deep dive into the Good News of the Gospel and empowering us to share it.

Public Speaking Success
Recently, students from our Public Speaking club were selected to represent our college at the A.B Patterson Public Speaking Competition. They presented their speeches in front of audiences from 13 other schools from the Logan and Gold Coast area. Congratulations to all our participating students, who amazed us with their dedication and drive throughout the competition.
Showcase is this Saturday evening and we have a large number of students involved across the college. The theme is Our Journey Through Time, celebrating the history of our College and the Performing Arts program over the past 40 years. Many of our Stage 2 and 3 students are involved either in our Voices choir or various ensemble groups. Come along and meet Alumni and past staff who contributed to growing CPA, as well as hear the beautiful performances of our Stage 2-Stage 6 students.
Tuckshop Term 4
We are looking for parent volunteers for our Term 4 Tuckshop roster. Please consider offering some time to support Sheryl prepare food and serve the students. We need helpers on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. You can click on the link below to put your name down for a day and time that suits you. Whether you can help out weekly or only once or a few times in the term – it all helps! Happy Hens Volunteers
Discovery Exhibition Afternoon
Next Tuesday afternoon, from 2.15pm, we welcome parents, friends and family of our students to come and see first -hand, the progress they have made in their inquiries this term.
Please play an active role and ask the students questions, engage in their interactive activities and let them be the teachers as they share all they have explored and learned. You are welcome to visit as many stages as you can in the timeframe to see the way learning builds in complexity, both in knowledge and skills development.

Term 4 Bell Time Changes
As of Term 4, our bell times for breaks will be changing to the following times; 11.00am – 11.30am First break / 1.00pm – 1.50pm Second break. These break times still include supervised eating time as well as fruit snack mid morning.
Please be reminded that the school day begins from 8.30am and students are marked off the roll before 8.40am each day. Getting children to school on time is vital for setting them up for the day. It builds their confidence and helps them feel settled. A duty teacher is present from 8am to supervise students as they arrive to school. This provides some play time before the day begins, which is also a huge benefit to children – fresh air and running around before settling in to class for a day of learning.
Mrs Kim Winton
Head of Junior School - Springwood Campus
Book Sale
Next week will be the last week of our LIC's old book sale. All book are just 50c!

No JAG Club - Wed 11 September
Next week Farmer H will be with the Year 9 Students as they attend their Service Camp at Chinchilla. She looks forwarding to seeing the JAG Club again at the start of Term 4.
OSHC - Spring Vacation Program
School Holidays are only a couple of weeks away. Please see information about the OSHC Spring Vacation Care Program here: Vacation Care Program
Registered families can make their bookings via the Xplor App. New registrations can be made via this link: New Bookings
Kids Life Plus: Discovery 3 Day Holiday Event
These coming holidays, the Kids Life team at Real Life Christian Church is hosting Kids Life Plus: Discovery!
Come along and experience a 'space exploration-themed' three days of fun as children discover real life in Jesus and how to share this with others.
This holiday event is for children in Prep through to Year 6 and runs from the 16th-18th of September from 9am-3pm!
To register and for more information, you can use this link to the event page: https://rlcc.ucareapp.com/events/201/booknow
Or you have any further questions or inquiries, I would love to hear from you! My email is: jayden.vandyken@rlcc.com.au
Sports/Clubs News
Interschool Sport
Calvary Netball Cup
Calvary Netball Cup is on Wednesday 11 September, Week 10 of Term 3.
Information has been sent home with participating students. Calvary Netball Cup Parent approval is required via the Parent Lounge at your earliest convenience.
Colour Fun Run
Colour Fun Run is coming up on the last day of term. The run will be taking place in the afternoon and students will run in Stage groups.
As this is a free dress day, we encourage parents to send students to school in clothes that can get dirty. The colours are designed to wash out but have been known to stay in some fabrics. The colour run is more effective on white/light coloured t-shirts, thus we also recommend sending spare items in with your child into which they can change and/or a towel to sit on in the car ride home.
Please note, headbands and sunglasses will be provided for students. All students are welcome to participate, no registration is not mandatory.
This year the fundraising will be going towards sporting equipment for your children to use and updating sports teams’ uniforms. Please see attached letter for information regarding fundraising. Colour Fun Run Event Information Colour Fun Run Fundraising
Prep & Stage 1 Swimming Lessons
Our Prep and Stage 1 Students will be participating in Swimming Lessons during the first two weeks of Term 4. Please see further information here Parent Information.

Sport Aerobics
Congratulations to all the teams on your fantastic results at Nationals last weekend. A special thanks to your coaches and Mrs Arraiol for coordinating the teams.
A huge shoutout to:
CBK Emeralds - 3rd place
CBK Diamonds – 2nd place, competing against 9 other schools.
CBK Rubies – 3rd place, facing 10 schools, including teams from Victoria and New South Wales.
SWD Opals – 3rd place, competing against 4 other schools.
A special shoutout to SWD Sapphires—we’re so proud of you!
We look forward to seeing your routines again at the Soiree on Thursday 7 November.
Showcase - Journey Through Time
Senior Showcase is happening again on Saturday 7 September 2024 at CCC Carbrook. The concert begins at 7pm and will celebrate the 40 years of Calvary. Showcase sound check Saturday 7 September for students performing from 12pm onwards.
12pm | Check final sound and meet with Sound and lighting. |
1pm | Lara Morton |
1.30pm | Intermediate Band – The great gate of Kiev and Bunyip Blues |
2pm | Massed Band – In the Mood |
2.30pm | Finale - Grease |
3pm | Opening - Waka Waka |
3.30pm | Voices |
3.50pm | Dance Ensemble |
4.10pm | Girls Ensemble |
4.30pm | Boys Ensemble |
4.50pm | Chorale |
5.10pm | Brent Robinson and Daniel Robertson |
5.30pm | Guitar Ensemble |
5.50pm | Junior and Senior Percussion |
6.10pm | Intermediate Strings |
6.25pm | Cello Ensemble |
6.40pm | Doors Open |
All students return by 6.30pm in full formal uniform
There will be no Voices Rehearsal next week on the Tuesday and Friday. All other ensembles will be as per normal.
Instrumental Program
Private Individual Instrumental Music lesson enrolment: Register Here
Handbook: Instrumental Music Manual 2024.V3.pdf
Calvary Performing Arts Facebook
Please feel free to join the Calvary Performing Arts Facebook page to be kept up to date, and to see the details and pictures of our performances and activities over the year.
All correspondence regarding CPA, including questions, please send to Emma at: performingartsacademy@calvarycc.qld.edu.au