Springwood Junior School Communications, 01 August 2024
Term 3 - Week 4
Friday 2 Aug: IS Sport Commences
Term 3 - Week 5
Science Week
Monday 5 Aug: MAD Science Incursion
Wednesday 7 Aug: Principal Tour / Dan Warlow @ Assembly
Friday 9 Aug: IS Sport Commences
Coming Up
Monday - EKKA Logan Public Holiday (Both Campuses closed), Prep & Stg1 Athletics Carnival, IS Sport
Dear Parents and Carers,
40 Years of Calvary – Time Capsule
Listening to the stories of Calvary’s founders at Monday morning’s Time Capsule event was heartwarming. We realised from unearthing the time capsule in 2022, just how important it is to leave clues of the past for those in the future. Looking back at our history, helps guide our way forward and reminds us of how far we have come. Calvary has come a long way over the past 40 years. The Calvary graduate’s future is bright!

District Athletics
Earlier this week, 20 students from Stage 2 and 3 qualified and participated in the Logan District Athletics Carnival at Sheldon College. Competing in track and field events, all students represented Calvary with pride. Victoria Mauger took first place in the 800m, Zara Tuaana placed 3rd in the 100m and 200m events and Emily Day placed 3rd in the 800m race. Congratulations to everyone, for your outstanding effort and display of determination and commitment.
Science Week
Next week is Science week! Our whole school incursion, by MAD Science, will be presenting at the church from 2pm – 3pm so you may want to pick up from the church that afternoon if it’s easier. Throughout the week, fun science experiments will be happening at first break on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for students to take part in.
Our Discovery unit this term involves a lot of scientific thinking, and students are welcome to perform and record their favourite experiment at home and send to class teacher to show their friends here at school.
Date Saver: 2pm Tuesday 10 September is our Springwood Campus Exhibition Afternoon
Parent Supervision Reminder
Before and after school, only certain areas of the school are supervised by staff. Parents can drop students at school from 8am and, after putting away their bag, students are able to play on the slope and Undercover area in the mornings.
In the afternoon, the Turning Circle and Church areas are designated pick up points where staff are supervising. Parents, please collect your children at 3pm from either of these areas or from outside the classroom. Please also ensure you supervise your children while socialising with other parents around the pick up points.
Date Savers
We understand that the end of year is a busy time for our families. With that in mind, please note to following important dates for the end of the year. There will be further communication around specific events as they approach that will include information about locations, timing and anything else that you would need to know.
Please note there has been a change in the school calendar for Year 6 Affirmation, we apologise if this has cause any inconvenience.
Date | Event | Students Involved |
24 October | P-2 Swimming Carnival | Prep and Stage 1 |
7 November | CAPA Soiree | Students involved in choirs, instrumental and bands |
7 November | Sports Awards | Sport award recipients for volleyball, netball, futsal and athlete of the year. |
13 November | Springwood Junior School Awards Assembly | All Springwood Junior School |
26 November | Year 6 Affirmation | Year 6 students (including siblings of Year 6) |
28 November | Springwood Celebration | All Springwood Junior School |
All award recipients will be emailed prior to the event.
We are very proud of the achievement of our choirs. This week, we were moved by the sweet performance of our Piccolos and yesterday our Voices choir performed at the Redlands Eisteddfod, placing third thank you for sharing you gift, Dr Holley and Mrs Vezos and all students involved in our choirs.
Mrs Kim Winton
Head of Junior School - Springwood Campus
Morning or Evening with the Principal
Tuesday 20 and Wednesday 21 August, the College invites you to a Morning or Evening with the Principal. Parents, this is a great opportunity to hear about future plans and vision for Calvary from our Principal and CEO, Mrs Cherylynne Gostelow.
Springwood Sessions - Tuesday 20 August at Real Life Christian Church
Carbrook Sessions - Wednesday 21 August at Carbrook Campus
Book in using the links here:
Parent Feedback Surveys
Thank you to all our parents who participated in our parent feedback groups on Monday – we really appreciate the amazing feedback we’ve received thus far. If you weren’t able to attend we’d still love to hear your thoughts and insights. Please take 10 minutes to fill in the form below:
Click here: https://shorturl.at/Y48u2
2024 Non-Government Schools Census Collection Notice
The Australian Government Department of Education (the department) would like to advise all staff, parents and guardians that it will collect certain information about your school, its staff and student body as part of the 2024 Non-government schools census collection (the census). The information provided during the census is collected by the department in accordance with the Australian Education Act 2013 (the Act) and the Australian Education Regulations 2023 (the Regulations). Please use this link to view the full Collection Notice.
From our Councelling Team
At Calvary we use the Friendology program as the foundation for our social & emotional teaching. Friendology helps students understand common language and strategies to use when navigating friendships. Throughout the year, the counselling team deliver 8 sessions for each class, that covers topics such as:
- Making friends
- Friendship facts
- Friend-o-meter
- Friendship Fires
- Mean on purpose behaviour
- Tricky situations
- Being kind and strong
As parents are also often coaching and guiding your children through social situations the counselling team will be running a parent session on Thursday 22nd August at 8:45am. The session will cover Friendology concepts, language and strategies, and child development.
Morning tea will be provided and registration can be done through this link: Friendology Parent Session - Springwood
School Refusal Data
As part of our ongoing efforts to better support our students and their families, we are conducting research into the impact of school refusal. School refusal can be a challenging experience for both children and parents and understanding its effects is crucial in helping us provide the necessary support and resources.
We are reaching out to ask for your assistance in this important research. If your child has ever experienced school refusal that caused you concern, we kindly request that you share your experiences by filling out the attached survey. Your insights will be invaluable in helping us understand the scope and nature of this issue within our school community.
Rest assured that all information provided will be kept confidential and will be used solely for this research. Your participation is entirely voluntary, however, your contribution will play a significant role in shaping the support systems we can offer towards our students and their families.
To participate, please click the link to access the survey. School Refusal Survey Link
We appreciate your time and willingness to help us in this important endeavour. Should you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We appreciate your support.
Byron Hunt and Tanya Tennant (Calvary school counsellors)
Drought Angels - Hygiene Products Collection
Our Year 9 Students are currently collecting Hygiene Product Donations to present to Drought Angels, during their end of Term 3 Service Trip to Chinchilla. Drought Angels will use these donations to create care packages for farmers who are hard at work producing food for us, and may not have the time or resources to care for themselves.
Calvary students are asked to support this mission by donating any of the following items:
- Manicure set – nail files, nail clippers, polish, cuticle oil.
- Pedicure set – foot file, toenail clippers, foot scrub, foot cream.
- Bath set – bath bomb, gel eye mask, tea light candle, body wash 400ml, body scrub max 400ml, body moisturiser 400ml max.
- Shower set – shampoo, conditioner, body wash, razor, loofa, body moisturiser.
- Bathroom accessories – elegant soap and toothbrush holders, tea light candles.
- Men’s bathroom kit – deodorant, body wash 400ml, shaving cream, razor,
- Ladies bathroom kit – deodorant, body wash 400ml, razor, dry shampoo 400ml, travel tissues.
Springwood Students are welcome to bring their donations to the Office by Week 6 of Term 3.
Sports/Clubs News
Prep & Stage 1 Athletics Carnival
Our Prep & Stage 1 Athletics Carnival will be held at the Springwood Campus on Wednesday 14 August.
Please see information in this link: Parent Information
Logan District Athletics
Our team did extremely well at this week's Districts Athletics. We are so proud of them all.
Congratulations to Victoria Mauger and Zara Tuuana who have qualified for the Met East Regionals.

Well done students and teachers on another week of performances.
Eisteddfod Notices
Congratulations to our Jnr School Voices, who came 3rd and the MSS Chorale, who received Highly Commended, at the Redlands Eisteddfod this week. Well done on a great performance.

Sport Aerobics
Details regarding the next two competitions will come shortly. A reminder that you will be sent an additional fee for Nationals as noted in the handbook.
Events to come:
16th & 17th August - Future Champions Cup ( Logan Metro Centre, Crestmead)
31st August - National Championships (Gold Coast Sport & Leisure Centre, Carrara)
Showcase - Journey Through Time
Senior Showcase is happening again on Saturday 7th September 2024 at CCC Carbrook. The concert begins at 7pm and will celebrate the 40 years of Calvary. More information coming soon.
Rehearsal on Thursday Evening 29th August 6.30pm – 8pm at Carbrook for all students in MSS Chorale and Intermediate Band, plus any voices students that can make it. More information to come shortly.
Calling All Calvary Music Alumni
As part of our 40th Year celebrations we wish to extend an invitation to any former Calvary Music students to participate in our Showcase by joining one, or more, of our Ensemble Groups.
Please use the link below to register your interest.
Instrumental Program
Private Individual Instrumental Music lesson enrolment: Register Here
Handbook: Instrumental Music Manual 2024.V3.pdf
Calvary Performing Arts Facebook
Please feel free to join the Calvary Performing Arts Facebook page to be kept up to date, and to see the details and pictures of our performances and activities over the year.
All correspondence regarding CPA, including questions, please send to Emma at: performingartsacademy@calvarycc.qld.edu.au
Dr Gary Holley
Head of Calvary Performing Arts
Coming Up Events @ Calvary
Link to our Events Page
Safe on Social Presentation
Calvary is hosting Safe on Social, presented by Kirra Pedergast on Tuesday 27 August. Details on flyer and link below.