Carbrook Junior School Communications, 7 March 2024
Term 1 - Week 7
Upcoming Events
Friday 8 March: Assembly in the Pavilion
Term 1 - Week 8
Tuesday 12 and Thursday 14 March: Parent/Teacher Interviews
Wednesday 13 - Friday 15 March: NAPLAN
Friday 15: Gala Sport (Stage 3), Chapel
Coming Up
NAPLAN catch-up, Prep Vision Screening, Yr6 Canberra Information Night (zoom), 1-12 Cross Country, Gala Sport, College Leader Induction, College Bush Dance
Dear Parents and Carers
Yesterday, our year 5 students ventured off to Coolum for their Year 5 camp. This is a time for connection, challenge, and leadership. Already, our students have been jumping (literally) into everything that this camp has to offer. I have been reminded of how our students seek out play situations to challenge and grow themselves. Highlights have been the flying fox, beach activities, and Ps Jayden’s reflection time around the leader within. We pray for safety and continued perfect weather as they complete their activities and travel home tomorrow afternoon.
Grandparents' Day
Today, we have loved sharing the joy and connection between our students, their grandparents and special friends. We value the role our grandparents and special friends play in the lives of Calvary students.

Book Fair
A massive thank you to all who were able to attend Book Fair and support the College. Overall, we made approximately $2400 in sales, meaning that the College will receive around $500 - $800 to spend on school resources. This is will surely bless our College, Teachers and Students. A special thank you to those also who were able volunteer their time to assist at Book Fair on the day.
Over the past week Calvary Christian College has achieved more sporting success in 2024.
Recently our futsal teams competed at the Australian Futsal Association Metro Schools Titles. All of our teams competed with excellence throughout the titles. 6 of our teams have qualified through to compete at the finals day. This is a knock out competition against the very best futsal teams in South East Queensland.
Finals team
Girls- 10s, 11s 12 purple
Boys- 9s, 10s, 11s
Congratulations to all of Calvary's excellent athletes and we support them in their future competitions.
Go Calvary!
Stage 1-3 Cross Country
Our Stage 1-3 (Year 1-6) Cross Country will be held on Wednesday 20 March, week 9. We welcome families to come and enjoy and cheer our students on.
If your child is in year 3 or 5 this year, they are due to sit their NAPLAN tests in week 8 this Term.
Please review the below letter with all the details about this test.
Parent Teacher Interviews
Bookings will close for Parent Teacher Interviews this weekend. Interviews can be made for time slots on the 12 and 14 March via the Parent Lounge online or using the school app. If you can not make it on these afternoons, please email your child’s teacher for an alternative time.
Please review the below letter with all the details about Parent Teacher Interviews and how to book.
Year 6 Canberra Trip
The Year 6 camp is fast approaching. We run a zoom information event for parents and students of Year 6. This will be held on 19 March from 7pm. Access via a link will be emailed to all Year 6 parents along with the camp booklet. As this adventure takes our students inter-state, this is an information session we do not want any parent or student to miss out on. We will record the session and email it afterwards.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Zoe O'Donnell
Acting Head of Junior School - Carbrook
Cafe Specials - Week 8
Subway and Free Dress for the end of Term
We are hosting a Subways order day for the last day of Term 1 on the 28 March. Any students that wish to have some delicious subways delivered to the College at 11:00 (in time for first break) can use the flyer attached to complete their online orders. Please note that all orders should be completed by Monday 24 March 2024 and that there is an ice-block party for the class that has the most subways orders.
On the last day of term our free dress will follow the theme of cray hair and students are encouraged to have various crazy and innovative hairstyles for this day. Those participating in the free dress event (crazy hair or not) will be asked to donate a gold coin.
All proceeds from these initiatives will be used to support our Children of Compassion.
Calvary Coffee Cup Design Competition
We are excited to launch our Calvary Coffee Cup design competition!!
All students can get creative and submit a hand drawn design of their choice! Check out the video by our students for the details!
Students can collect the template from the office or café at each campus. Parents, could you please assist in making sure the students artwork is protected and doesn’t get damaged when submitting.
There will be three $50 Gift Card winners across our campuses. Two Junior Schools winners, and one Middle Senior Winner.
Artwork MUST be completed and submitted (with name and student number) to the office by Friday, end of Week 1, Term 2. Please ensure you have read the rules of participation.
GOOD LUCK and we can't wait to see our students at work!
Calvary Events
Our current College events can be found on our website:
All of our Parent Information can be found on our Website:
Bush Dance
On Friday the 22nd of March the College is hosting it's annual Bush dance. Proceeds of this event will be going towards our Year 9 service trip to Chinchilla and more specifically Drought Angels. Parents and students from both campuses are welcome to join us from 6.30pm until 8.30pm on the ANZAC Lawn. We are very fortunate to have the very experienced and enthusiastic band for the evening Beefa's Bush Band performing and hosting the event for us again. Please note that there will be food and drinks on sale and a photo booth to take some memorable pictures of friends and family on the night.
Please book your tickets online:

MSS Musical Sponsorship Opportunity – “Shrek The Musical”
Putting on musical productions involves a huge amount of student and teacher involvement, but also sound equipment, lighting, props, and more. By sponsoring our Shrek Musical, your logo will feature wherever the production logo is shown, as well as VIP extras and your brand splashed all over our social channels. Interested?
We are now offering an exclusive never before released opportunity on the back cover of the Program for $1,150!!!
Email: for more info.

Calvary Sports Sponsorship 2024
Be part of the winning team with Calvary Sports Sponsorship 2024! Elevate your brand visibility through our banner or team sponsorship opportunities.
Apply online today
Please email any enquiries to:

Welcome to Week 7 in the Performing Arts space.
A reminder that ensemble rehearsals are happening each week and students are requested to be present and on time for these rehearsals.
A New Date for the Diary – Junior Showcase and Recitals
On Friday 7 June 2024 we will be having a Junior Showcase and Recital Evening at the Carbrook Campus. All students from both campuses in Junior and Intermediate Ensembles will be performing as well as all students doing private lessons within the College. Please add this to your Calendars. More details to follow shortly.
Instrumental Program
Private Individual Instrumental Music lesson enrolment: Register Here
Handbook: Instrumental Music Manual 2024.V3.pdf
After School Dance Classes (Carbrook Junior School)
Sign Up:
Handbook: DANCE PROGRAM 2024.updated.pdf
Calvary Performing Arts Facebook
Please feel free to join the Calvary Performing Arts Facebook page to be kept up to date, and to see the details and pictures of our performances and activities over the year.
All correspondence regarding CPA, including questions, please send to Emma at:
Dr Gary Holley
Head of Calvary Performing Arts
Easter @ Real Life Christian Church
Real Life Christian Church warmly invites you and your family and friends to join with us as we celebrate Easter!
We will gather at 9:30-10:30am on both Good Friday and Easter Sunday for worship followed by morning tea in our courtyard.
Hot Cross Buns on Good Friday
Donuts (empty tombs!) on Easter Sunday