Carbrook Junior School Communications, 5 October
Term 4 - Week 1
Upcoming Events
Friday 6 October: Stg 3 Gala Sport
Term 4 - Week 2
Wednesday 11 October: Principal's Tour
Thursday 12 October: Chapel / Parent Presentation 'Adolescent Brain'6.30pm
Friday 13 October: Stg 3 Gala Sport
Week 3
Monday 16 October: Auskick Commences
Tuesday 17 October: Prep & Stage 1 Swimming Carnival
Thursday 19 October: Assembly
Friday 20 October: Prep Incursion / Stg 1 Excursion / Stg 3 Gala Sport / Volleyball Cup
Dear Parents and Carers,
Term 4 is always an exciting, fast-paced term, where we can reflect on the growth we have experienced throughout the year. This week has already begun with the excitement and buzz to confirm that this will be an amazing term.
This term, our unit theme is Creativity. You can access the unit overviews in communications today. Using the Design Thinking process, the students will explore and test their creative ideas and skills. As always, we welcome experts from the parent community to come and share their knowledge and talent with us, to expand our thinking and provide real world connections to learning. Reach out to your child’s teacher if you have something to offer.
Below is a brief scope of our learning for Term 4;
Prep & Stage 1 Swimming Carnival
Following the successful completion of the intensive swimming week, Prep and Stage 1 will enjoy showcasing their skills at the upcoming swimming carnival. Please see the attached letter for all the information needed for the day.
Celebration Dance Rehearsal
As we begin to prepare for our end of year Celebration, we have connected with Creative Dance industries to run weekly, 30 minute choreography sessions with each of our classes. This is a valuable opportunity for students to develop their movement and dance skills and aligns with The Arts portion of The Australian Curriculum. Students will practise their routines over the coming weeks and present them to you in celebration on Tuesday 21 November. More information about timing, costume requirements and ticketing will come out in the coming weeks.
2024 Junior School Leadership
Today, I had the privilege of meeting with the current Year 5 students to discuss leadership opportunities for 2024. They were excited, ambitious and had lots of questions. Attached below is a copy of the letter that they will bring home, outlining what they need to do to apply for various positions.
Culbert Project
The Culbert project in underway and our Stage 3 students have spent the week enjoying a new space to learn in, as they have been relocated to the upstairs Culbert. Thank you for working with us to direct students away from the construction area. We are all very excited to see how this project progresses over the coming months.
Clubs are running again this term. Please see the attached timetable and details for clubs available
This week and next week, all of our students will have specialised Auskick teachers running their class PE lessons, alongside the PE teachers. If your child would like to join the Auskick program please click on the Image to sign them up.
Parent and Teen/Tween Presentation
Parents, don’t miss the next opportunity to learn and grow together. You can register for our latest session, Understanding the Adolescent Brain and Mental Health, held live at the Carbrook campus on Thursday 12 October. Please see information below.
I am confident that we are going to have an exciting and fruitful term!
Be Blessed
Mrs Zoe O'Donnell
Acting Head of Junior School - Carbrook
Bus Minder
Just a quick reminder that Term 4 bus passes are only available until 6 October 2023. Families using the bus daily can benefit from a 5% discount, so be sure to grab your passes before the deadline.
Please ensure that all BusMinder accounts are in credit at all times. We will not be able to offer the bus service to any families whose accounts are not in credit. If you wish to talk to the Finance Department, please contact them anytime on the Carbrook reception 3287 6222.
Parent Presentation - Thursday 12 October
Understanding the Adolescent Brain & Mental Health Parent Session
We have invited our local Ed-LinQ psychologist to facilitate a Parent & Tween/Teen session about the adolescent brain, and signs to watch for that might indicate your child requires further support.
We’d now like to extend this invitation to our teens/tweens. This is a great opportunity for them to learn more about their brain, and start healthy conversations about adolescent mental health and well-being within our families.
Thursday 12 Oct @ 6pm - Carbrook Campus
Register online here:
If you require child minding, there will be a 'G' rated supervised movie screening.
Calvary Events
Mango CAFE Specials for Week 2

Welcome back to Term 4 as we prepare towards Christmas.
Please make sure that you have the below dates in your diaries.
Save the Date
12 November - Music Recital for all private students
26 November - Carols @ Calvary, Springwood Oval
Instrumental Program 2024
Shortly there will be links sent for enrolments for Instrumental Lessons for 2024. Please keep an eye out for this information.
Sports Aerobics 2024
We are excited to announce in 2024 we will be introducing Sports Aerobics to the college. If your child is interested in joining in, we will be hosting a couple of Come n Try sessions before the end of term.
Please see below a flyer for further information and a link to register for a Come n Try session.
All correspondence regarding CAPA, including questions, please send to Emma at: