Carbrook Junior School Communications, 30 November
Term 4 - Week 9
Upcoming Events
Friday 1 December: Free Dress, Yr6 Wet 'n' Wild, Academic Reports online
Dates 2024
12 January: Campion book collection 8.30-10.00am
19 January: Meet the teacher/book drop off 9.00-10.00am
26 January: Australia Day public holiday
1 February: Parent information night 6.00pm
8 February: Leadership Induction 2.10pm
20 February: Stage 2 & 3 swimming carnival
21 February: College photo day
Term 1 Week 1
Monday 22 January: Students commence
Thursday 25 January: Assembly Year 6 2024 badges (Leadership Induction in week 3)
Friday 26 January: Australia Day public holiday
Dear Parents and Carers
What a fantastic end to the year! I am blown away by how the students have shown joy and kindness towards each other in the last week of term. It has been an exciting week of class parties and lots and lots of secret blessings. I trust your child has had a wonderful year worth of learning and connection.
Leadership 2024
Congratulations to our incoming 2024 leadership team:
Junior College Captains | Sophie Hopkins | Max Johnston |
Liddell House Captains | Hope Ive | Ashton Gerrard |
Chisholm House Captains | Eeva Lane | Hugo Burnett |
Flynn House Captains | Marisela Hebson | Caleb Myers |
King House Captains | Lilly Leadbetter | Drayk Wedderburn-Bisshop |
Junior College Prefect | Emily Handley | Parker Rowland |
Junior College Prefect | Vienna Matthews | Aurelia Troyer |
Junior College Prefect | Samuel Hendrix | Morgan Summerfield |
Our year 6 students were affirmed in a formal assembly on Monday morning. This is a special tradition where staff are able to speak over the students a message of encouragement. It is important that all our students are hearing what we see as their God-given potential as they continue their journey into Middle and Senior School.
Semester 2 Reports
Student reports for Semester 2 will be available for parents to download from Parent Lounge via the app or website, from 5.00pm Friday 1 December. Please see further information attached in communications today.
Free Dress Day tomorrow
Christmas/Celebration dress up. Come along with your gold coin donation for compassion in Christmas dress up or your celebration costume.
Please observe the following expectations for students’ dress.
- Students may wear jeans, shorts, shirts and respectable tops.
- No bare midriffs, low necklines, short shorts, singlets or halter tops. (T-shirts that have negative slogans or images will not be permitted.)
- Students may not wear colour in their hair.
- Female students may not use make-up or nail polish.
- Hairstyles as per normal ‘school’ style.
- No additional jewellery.
- Closed footwear, no thongs please.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Community Facebook Groups
Each year, we create new closed Facebook groups for each Stage. These are groups for parents only and promote the weekly learning and activities of that Stage.
Our community Facebook group will now be managed in the same way. As we are conscious of the privacy and security of our Calvary members, we will be archiving the current Calvary Christian College - Carbrook Junior School Community Facebook group at the end of Term 1, 2024.
We are asking all families to join our 2024 community group, ready for the new year. Administrators will approved membership of current and 2024 families. You can find this by searching the group name;
Calvary Christian College – Carbrook Junior School Community Group 2024
Between now and the end of Term 1, we encourage you to scroll through some of the precious memories in our current Facebook group before it is discontinued.
Thank you for your understanding and ongoing support in this space.
Please don’t forget to sort your booklists by December 13. If you are having any issues with your on-line ordering, please see below a link to the Campion Help Site.
Those who select to have their book packs delivered to school, can collect these from the Carbrook campus Location (Green Room) between 8.30am – 10.00am on Friday 12 January, 2024.
Real Life Christian Church Christmas
If you are looking for a Christmas Service to attend this year, Real Life Christian Church is hosting services on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
The Christmas Eve Service commences at 4.30pm, preceded at 3.45pm with a fantastic Afternoon Tea served in the Courtyard, and the Christmas Day service will commence at 9.00am in the main Auditorium.
All are welcome to attend!
End of Year
As the school year comes to an end, planning is under way for an exciting 2024. Early January, a welcome letter will be emailed out to families and following this, we will email our class letters from the teachers to students and parents.
We will see everyone again at our Book Drop Off morning on Friday 19 January 2023 and will be ready for our first day of the new school year the following Monday 22 January.
On behalf of myself and the staff here at Carbrook, we wish all our families a very happy Christmas and a safe and restful break. Thank you for another sensational year!
Be Blessed
Mrs Zoe O'Donnell
Acting Head of Junior School - Carbrook
Calvary Events
We have a number of new events happening during Term 4. Please click on the link to go to our Events Page or register below:
Calvary TV
Please see the link to some of our College's Highlights for 2023:

Calvary Carols
Congratulations students and staff on a fantastic Carols. Thank you to all the volunteers for your assistance in making the Carols the success that it was. Thank you to the Carols Team and Instrumental Staff for all of your hard work preparing the students and facilities for the event.

Instrumental Program 2024
On-line registration for lesson for 2024 are now live. The links for all our programs are below. Please Register prior to the end of the school year.
Private Individual Instrumental Music lesson enrolment: Register Here
Year 4 Beginner Band Program: Register Here
Year 5 Beginner Band Program: Register Here
Year 3 Beginner String Program: Register Here
Years 4-10 Beginner String program: Register Here
For Students currently in Beginner and Junior Band/Strings please use this link to continue lessons in 2024: Register Here
CAPA Wishes everyone a happy and safe Christmas. Looking forward to seeing everyone in 2024.
All correspondence regarding CAPA, including questions, please send to Emma at: