Carbrook Junior School Communications, 27 July
Term 3 - Week 3
Upcoming Events
Friday 28 July: Futsal Champion of Champions
Week 4
Science Week: Mon 31 July - Friday 4 August
Monday 31 July: Science Street Incursion
Tuesday 1 August: Pacific Dist Athletics, Principals Tour
Thursday 3 August: Chapel
Coming Up: Prayer and Mission Week, Japanese Incursion, Assembly, Olympian Incursion Yr4-6, Bush Dance
Dear Parents and Carers,
It has been a busy week at the College with many events to celebrate.
World Dwarf Games
On Tuesday Marisela Hebson from Stage 3 headed off to Germany to represent Australia in soccer, swimming and running. We are so excited for Marisela and look forward to hearing about her achievements. We are proud of her tenacity and courage.

Maths Team Challenge
A team of our Mathematic experts competed in the Maths Team Challenge on Tuesday. Our students did us proud coming 6th out of 20 teams competing. Well done to our Mathematicians.

Safe on Socials – POSTPONED
Unfortunately, we had to postpone this event today. The new date for the Stage 2 and 3 Safe on Socials presentation is Wednesday 9 August.
Information about the organisation can be found in the link here:
Year 3-6 College Leaders
Any students who are in Year 3 – 6 who have shown that they lead by improving the lives of others at the College through continuous and ongoing service, can apply to be a College Leader.
Applications for College Leadership can be made through a letter to the Head of School.
- Outline the Leadership Initiative/Service student is involved in
- Outline of the timeframe (weekly, daily, fortnightly) of this service
- Demonstrate on ongoing commitment to this initiative or service (minimum of a term)
- Outline of how this serves and contributes to the Calvary Community
Beach Volleyball Court Opening
On Wednesday we had the official opening of the Beach Volleyball Arena. There are 3 courts and our Stage 3 students will enjoy the benefits of the courts during lunch break times and PE lessons. The students who play volleyball from the Junior School attended the opening in which some of the senior school students played a match against professional players – Alisha Stevens and Connor O’Neil. The passion on the courts was electric and ignited the passion in our younger students.

Learning Habits/Skills
At Calvary our Learning Habits/Skills framework allows us to focus on the ACARA curriculum content integrated with the skills and habits the students need to develop to set them up for a great future. These are explicitly taught and modelled in engaging and meaningful ways to our students.
The Calvary Learning Habits are:
These skills will set our students up with life long habits that will go beyond their Calvary journey. Please check in with your child and ask them which habits they are focusing on at the moment.
Principal's Tour
A great way to experience Calvary is to take a tour with our Principal and CEO, Mrs Cherylynne Gostelow. We increasingly find that new families are coming to Calvary through word of mouth. If you know any families that are interested in the Calvary experience please encourage them to come along to our next tour.
Principal's Tour: Tuesday 1 August, 5.30pm
Drop off and Pick Up
Please be reminded that all Junior School Students are to be dropped off and picked up at the Western Carpark. We are noticing that some students are being dropped off at the Kingdom Kids car park and also the side gates.
Unless you have a child also in Kingdom Kids we ask that you do not use this car park.
Quick Pick Up
The quick pick-up is for parents to drive through and collect their child. The intention is for your child to hop in the car independently. Of course for the little ones, you may need to get out to quickly do up their seat belt. Please be as quick as possible to keep the flow of traffic moving.
The other alternative is parking and coming to the Western Hanger to collect your child. Please use the pedestrian crossings on either side of the carpark.
Next week is science week. I am looking forward to seeing the different experiments and activities the children will engage in.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership in your child’s learning journey at Calvary.
Mrs Fiona Burnett
Head of Junior School - Carbrook
Parenting Program - 'Tuning into Kids'
Our College Counsellors: Mr Byron Hunt & Mrs Alison Stone are conducting a Parenting Course that is starting soon at Carbrook, called "Tuning into kids" Emotionally intelligent parenting (Emotion Coaching). We have recently run this program at our Springwood campus with much success and positive feedback. The program helps you as a parent support your children as they develop emotional intelligence and social skills, helping you navigate kids’ big emotions and challenging behaviours.
When: Six sessions, over six weeks, Two hours per session - starting in Week 4 on Thursday 4th August 2023 ( 8.45am - 10.45am) – Morning Tea provided.
Who It's For: Tuning Into Kids is for parents and carers of zero to 12-year-olds who would like to learn how to respond in a healthy way to their child’s emotions.
What to Expect: The program is run in small groups with other parents. In the program you will learn how to use the practical skills of emotion coaching to help children regulate and manage behaviours. These skills help your child respond to others in socially appropriate ways.
Spaces are limited so please register your interest by Monday 31 July by email to Liza Steyn.
You will be sent an email to confirm your registration and will be asked to complete a short survey prior to the course starting.
The College App can be downloaded on your smart phone by using this download link* or by going to the App Store/Google Play and search for 'Parent Orbit'. The school code is calvarycc.
Please note the link will only work on a device that has access to the App Store or Google Play.
Science Week
Once again, we are holding our annual Calvary Science Competition in the Junior School.
We encourage the students in Prep to Stage 3 to participate with an age-appropriate science investigation.
It is a wonderful opportunity for students to apply their science knowledge and celebrate their learning in science.
We recommend you use the booklet to follow the scientific investigation process. If you would like to present your experiment in some other way, make sure you address all the sections of a scientific report that are in the booklet.
Due Date: Friday 28th July Happy Science investigating.

Mango CAFE Specials for Week 4
An Evening With the Principal
Calvary Events
We have a number of new events happening during Term 3. Please click on the link to go to our Events Page:

Showcase is on Saturday 9 September in the CCC Auditorium. Tickets for this event open on Monday 17 July 2023.
Ensembles performing include:
- Voices
- Piccolos
- Chorale
- Boys Ensemble
- Junior and Senior Percussion
- Orchestra
- Senior Strings
- Y10 Dance
- Wakakirri Ensemble
Save the Date
12 November - Music Recital for all private students
26 November - Carols @ Calvary
All correspondence regarding CAPA, including questions, please send to Emma at: