Junior School Carbrook Communications, 27 April 2023
Term 2 - Week 2
Upcoming Events
Week 3
Monday 1 May – Labour Day holiday
Wednesday 3 May - Pacific Dist. Cross Country
Thursday 4 May - Stage 3 Transition Day; Emma Tabacaru parent session, Assembly
Friday 5 May - Gala Sport
Saturday 6 May - Show Team Quiz Night
Dear Parents and Carers,
Week 2 has been busy with our Year 6 Students out on the Canberra Trip, ANZAC Day Services, Chapel and Gala Sport.
During this week our students have been diving more deeply into their Units of Inquiry. The concept we are covering this term is Sustainability. Earlier this week you would have received the Parent Overview for your child’s Stage. This outlines what your child will be learning about in Mathematics, Literacy and our Unit of Inquiries. This is to help us partner with you on your child’s learning journey.
Our Prep students inquire into living things and what they need to survive. Stage 1 looks at sustaining our environment by reducing, reusing and recycling. Stage 2 inquire into life cycles, the human impact on the environment and endangered species. Stage 3 will study a near neighboring country looking at exploring the diverse environments, people and cultures within the globe and expanding our mental map of the world.
Emma Tabacaru/Year 6 Immersion Day
The second session with Emma Tabacaru will be held with our Year 6 students on Thursday 4 May which coincides with a Middle School immersion day.
Please register here: https://www.trybooking.com/CGWYO
Emma Tabacaru will discuss how parents can address the topic of sexual development and personal safety with our Middle and Senior School Students. Parents who attended the Junior School event were thoroughly grateful for Emma's presentation this term and we know that this type of presentation will be incredibly valuable to our parents of teenagers.
Please note that we will be hosting a fun evening for JS/MSS students in the Cunningham Pavilion and Year 8 classrooms with a G-rated movie, chess boards, video games and a sausage sizzle. While parents receive some important information our students can be kept entertained and fed.
Seeking Book Fair Helpers
The Scholastic Book Fair will be at our school on Thursday 18 and Friday 19 May.
Our new Book Fair theme for Terms 1 and 2, 2023 is Bookaneer Book Fair: Where books are the treasure! This season’s Book Fair will be an exciting celebration full of fun activities and hundreds of books kids want to read.
If you have some time to help us at our Book Fair, please email me, Ashley Wong ashley.wong@calvarycc.qld.edu.au
Student Leadership
During Semester 1 each year, students in Years 3-6 can apply for College Leader. Any students in Years 3 – 6 who have shown that they lead by improving the lives of others at the College through continuous and ongoing service, can apply to be a College Leader.
Applications for College Leadership can be made in Term 2 through a letter to the Head of School.
- Outline the Leadership Initiative/Service student is involved in
- Outline of the timeframe (weekly, daily, fortnightly) of this service
- Demonstrate on ongoing commitment to this initiative or service (minimum of a term)
- Outline of how this serves and contributes to the Calvary Community
Mother’s Day Afternoon Tea
Our Mother’s Day Afternoon Tea will be on Friday 12 May. This will be at the Mango Café with activities under the pavilion. Please see attached flyer to book your tickets.
Musical Tickets
The Musical is also just a few weeks away. Tickets for the musical are going fast so don’t miss a chance to see our students in this amazing performance.
You can use this link to book
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Tickets
Subject Selection 2024
We are really excited to launch our new subject selections for Year 9 & Year 11 in 2024.
Please click through the links below to each brochure. Our Year 7 Overview brochure has also been recently updated and attached for your information.
Year 7 Brochure Year 9 Pathways Year 11 Pathways
From the Principal
Our Head of Junior School, Fiona Burnett will be on long service leave / sabbatical for the rest of Term 2. In her absence, Zoe O’Donnell will be Acting Head of Junior School.
We wish Fiona an enriching time away.
Please pray for the safe arrival home of our Year 6 cohort. I hope everyone enjoys the long weekend.
Fiona Burnett, Head of Junior School - Carbrook
Show Team - Quiz Night
The Calvary Show Team Quiz Night Fundraiser is fast approaching!
Gather your friends to help support Drought Angels.
Any donations towards our Silent Auction Fundraiser please email information to: show.team@calvarycc.qld.edu.au.
Bookings here: https://www.trybooking.com/CGWZF

At Calvary, there is always an array of things happening in various and diverse spaces. Starting this week, we are excited to be releasing more blogs each term, each offering a unique perspective on Calvary. We encourage you to peruse these posts and discover all that Calvary has to offer. Our inaugural blog features Carlee Johnston, as she delves into the impactful role of student affirmation.
Want to know what's going on at Calvary?
Information can be found on our section flyers or at our website:
Mango CAFE Specials for Week 3 Term 2
CAPA Update
Dr Gary Holley, Head of Calvary Academy of Performing Arts
Jnr Musical
Following on from the letter that was sent home on Friday, a reminder of the full day rehearsal on Saturday 6 May, 9.00am - 3.00pm in the CCC Building at Carbrook.
Students to bring morning tea, lunch and water bottles. Leads will need to bring their scripts. Ensemble members will not need their folders.
Tickets are available to the general public here:
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Tickets
There will be two casts ‘Throttle’ and ‘Fender’. Some of the Lead Roles will change, but the Ensemble and Dancers will remain the same for both Casts. Please see below the leads in each cast.
Ensemble and Dancers will perform in both casts.
Seeley Florey |
Fender |
Samuel Hendrix |
Throttle |
Ivy Kitchen |
Fender |
Dylan Lang |
Throttle |
William Thirkettle |
Fender |
Jubilee Kunst |
Throttle |
Caitlyn Turner |
Fender |
Reilly McInnes |
Throttle |
Rosemary Coles |
Fender |
Katie Spann |
Throttle |
Isaiah Stone |
Fender |
Jordan Tillman |
Throttle |
Jesse Florey |
Fender |
Eden Moore |
Throttle |
Hugo Burnett |
Fender/Throttle |
Evie Hampton |
Fender/Throttle |
Ashton Gerrard |
Fender/Throttle |
Grace Fraser |
Fender/Throttle |
Blake Stephenson |
Fender/Throttle |
Emily Handley |
Fender/Throttle |
Max Johnston |
Fender/Throttle |
Arianna Mays |
Fender/Throttle |
Lily Kasten |
Fender/Throttle |
Noah Lal |
Fender/Throttle |
Judah Walters |
Fender/Throttle |
Ella Higlett |
Fender/Throttle |
Judah Damianopoulos |
Fender/Throttle |
Jonathan Snelling |
Fender/Throttle |
Abigail Zimmerman |
Fender/Throttle |
Lucy McDonald |
Fender/Throttle |
Jacqueline Lui |
Fender/Throttle |
Music Recital
The end of Semester Musical Recital for private Instrumental Students is Sunday 4 June. Please add this to your diaries and further information will be sent during the Term.