Carbrook Junior School Communications, 22 February 2024
Term 1 - Week 5
Upcoming Events
Friday 23 February: Assembly
Term 1 - Week 6
Tuesday 27 February: Met East Regional Swimming
Thursday 29 February: Emma Tabacaru Parent Session, 6pm Parent session and Disco
Friday 1 March: Chapel
Coming Up
Tuesday 5 March: South Coast Regional Swimming
Wednesday 6 March- Friday 8 March: Year 5 Camp
Thursday 7 March: Grandparents Day
Friday 8 March: Assembly
Dear Parents and Carers
Stage 2 & 3 Swimming Carnival
On Tuesday, our Stage 2 & 3 students ventured to the Pimpama Community Hub along with the Springwood students, to enjoy their swimming carnival. The weather made for perfect pool conditions and all students were able to participate and give their best stretch on the day. There were some very competitive races and some fun novelty events, however, what stood out to me was our students ability to show resilience and also kindness to one another. I heard cheering and words of encouragement and I was proud to be a part of the Calvary Community. A huge thank you to Mr Linning, Mr McInnes and all the staff and parents who helped to make this event so successful.
Check out our Calvary Community Facebook group for more photos.
College Leaders
During Semester 1 each year, students in Years 3-6 can apply for College Leader. Any students in Years 3 – 6 who have shown that they lead by improving the lives of others at the College through continuous and ongoing service, can apply to be a College Leader.
To apply for a position, we ask students to write a letter to Mrs O’Donnell outlining the service that they are already involved in, frequency and impact that this has on the College. Letters can be brought to front Reception.
The presentation and announcement of this responsibility will happen twice a year. College leaders will be presented at our Assembly on 22 March this Term.
At Calvary our students wear their uniform with pride. As this is an area of focus for us, please be aware that you may receive communication from your child’s teacher if a uniform item is not correct. We have noticed that student earrings and shoes are common items that need a slight adjustment.
Please refer to the parent manual for specific information about uniform requirements.
If your child is in year 3 or 5 this year, they are due to sit their NAPLAN tests in week 8 this Term.
Please review the below letter with all the details about this test.
Parent Teacher Interviews
Parent Teacher Interviews are being held on the 12 and 14 March. Teachers are available on these days after school hours to discuss any questions you may have and set goals for your child’s learning.
Please review the below letter with all the details about Parent Teacher Interviews and how to book.
Parent Education Session andDisco
We’ve got you covered! Come along and hear from Emma Tabacaru about important topics for raising healthy kids and preteens, while your kids enjoy the disco. Please use the link to book.
Booking via this link:
We look forward to seeing you at the upcoming events.

Stage 3 Student Talks
As a part of our personal development program, our Stage 3 students will be involved in a session with Emma Tabacuru.
Please review the below letter with all the information regarding the content of each session.
2025 Prep Enrolments
We have begun the exciting process of interviewing incoming Prep students for 2025. If you have a child who is Prep aged in 2025 and you have not yet booked your interview, please contact Kath Reid, our College Registrar;
Parent Group
We know how busy this phase of life is, and the value of doing life with others who are navigating the same situations. We have some Junior School parents who would like to coordinate opportunities for parents to connect, share and support each other. This is what is so special about the community at Calvary.
Every Monday, there will be a group of parents who will meet to pray for our College. They will meet after drop-off (8:40am) at the Mango Café. If you are interested, we would love to see you there.
If you would like to connect with our parent group, but can’t make this time, please contact
Yours sincerely
Mrs Zoe O'Donnell
Acting Head of Junior School - Carbrook
2025 Term Dates
The 2025 Term Dates are available on the College website. Click below to view the dates.
Cafe Specials - Week 6
Calvary Events
We have a number of new events happening during Term 1. Please click on the link to go to our Events Page or register below:
Bush Dance
On Friday the 22nd of March the College is hosting it's annual Bush dance. Proceeds of this event will be going towards our Year 9 service trip to Chinchilla and more specifically Drought Angels. Parents and students from both campuses are welcome to join us from 6.30pm until 8.30pm on the ANZAC Lawn. We are very fortunate to have the very experienced and enthusiastic band for the evening Beefa's Bush Band performing and hosting the event for us again. Please note that there will be food and drinks on sale and a photo booth to take some memorable pictures of friends and family on the night.
Please book your tickets online:

Calvary Schools Livestock Challenge - 24 & 25 February
Have you ever wondered what it is that our Show Team do at Shows?
Well, this weekend we are hosting the Calvary Schools Livestock Challenge at the Carbrook Campus on the ANZAC lawn, and we would love you to stop by.
There will be just under 100 sheep on display and students from eight schools attending. Feel free to drop in between 10am and 4pm on Saturday to see the students, and sheep, in action.
We will also have our famous Bake Sale and BBQ running. Fifty percent of the funds raised will be donated to Drought Angels and the balance will be used to support the team attending Ekka later in the year.
Book Fair & Grandparents' Day 2024
Scholastic Book Fair is returning this year, between 4 and 8 March.
Book Fair Details & Volunteers
Carbrook Campus' Grandparents' Day will be happening on Thursday 7 March from 9am-11.00am. All grandparents and grandparent representatives are welcome.

Welcome to week 5. All ensembles and lessons have now commenced, and students should be getting into a routine of attendance at lessons and rehearsals and home practice.
We welcome to the department Mr Samuel Lower who is the new flute and piano teacher. Mr Lower has been teaching in schools for many years and has experience teaching private and group lessons and taking ensembles. The Performing Arts Department welcomes Mr Lower to the school.
Instrumental Program
Private Individual Instrumental Music lesson enrolment: Register Here
Handbook: Instrumental Music Manual 2024.V3.pdf
After School Dance Classes (Carbrook Junior School)
Sign Up:
Handbook: DANCE PROGRAM 2024.updated.pdf
Calvary Performing Arts Facebook
Please feel free to join the Calvary Performing Arts Facebook page to be kept up to date, and to see the details and pictures of our performances and activities over the year.
All correspondence regarding CPA, including questions, please send to Emma at: