Carbrook Junior School Communications, 2 November
Term 4 - Week 5
Upcoming Events
CAPA Soiree and Sports Award Evening tonight
Friday 3 November: Stg 3 Gala Sport
Week 6
Thursday 9 November: Chapel
Friday 10 November: House Captain Speeches
Coming Up
Speeches for School Captain; Pre-Prep Transition Day, Awards Assembly
Dear Parents and Carers
What a week in the Junior School. We have all been working hard as we aim to finish the year strong. If you walk past the Health Hub you will see that Christmas is starting to creep in with some decorations and festive lights. It is with wonder, awe and excitement that we get the joy of exploring the true Christmas narrative through the eyes of your children.
There is lots of important information in this communication. Can I particularly draw parent attention to the communication below from our Principal Mrs Gostelow clarifying some changes to uniform.
Update from the Principal and CEO
Thank you to those of you who have taken the opportunity to reach out to me via email and in school yard encounters to share with me how the proposed uniform changes impact your family.
When I was appointed as your Principal in 2019, one of the goals I shared with the parent community was that I wanted to “lead with my ears”. Five years later I am still conscious of the need to hear staff, student and parent voice. So thank you for using your voice!
I am sorry it was not clear that Sport uniform items and school bags will transition more slowly. Sport uniform items with the old logos may be worn until December 2027. School bags are included in this.
For Junior School students:
The dress with tie cannot be worn beyond December 2025
The girls’ blouse with tie cannot be worn beyond December 2025
Boys’ shirts (as they have no ties) can be worn with either logo until December 2027.
I trust that this is helpful in your planning to meet the needs of growing children and their siblings while remaining environmentally responsible.
Celebration Costume Requirements and Reminder
In just a few weeks, our students will perform in our yearly celebration event. It has been a joy to watch the students preparing their dances, and I’m sure many parents have already seen a sneak preview at home!
Class teachers have organised most of your child’s costume for the night. Please see below for the remaining costume items that each year level requires. Students will be removing their shoes for the performance, so please send your child in shoes that are easy to slip off and are clearly named.
We cannot wait to share this night with you.
Junior School Leadership
This week, I have spent time interviewing year 5 students who are interested in stepping into leadership for 2024. I have been impressed with the level of commitment that they have shown in working towards their goals. It is clear that our students care about growing as leaders, serving the College and making our school a better place. From here, students will be writing speeches to present to their peers and then collectively we will vote.
Last night, our year 5 and 6 debating teams had their final debate of the season. Both of these teams have performed with excellence in a very tough competition. Again, I wish to congratulate the teams on their commitment to excellence, communication, collaboration and critical thinking! These are skills that will serve you well in years to come. Well Done! Special thanks to the dedication of Mrs Rebecca Damianopoulos and Mrs Catherine Lang, who have worked with the students tirelessly to grow them in this area.
2024 Booklist
Booklists have been finalised and are available in digital and hard copies. In speaking to our ‘PROs’ (parents who have done this many times before), there are a few ways to go about ordering booklists. Here are some top tips and options:
Campion option
Ordering online, straight from Campion by December 13, you can select to have your child’s book packs delivered straight to your home or opt to pick up from their warehouse. There is also a popular option to collect them from your Junior School campus (details are on the front of each booklist).
Officeworks or other options
Take the hardcopy booklist to your local Officeworks and they will source as much as they can for you. They may not have exact brands of stationery etc, but will have similar items to match.
Hybrid option
Order selected items from Campion online (usually textbooks that may be hard to source elsewhere) and pick up from school or choose home delivery. Then source the stationery items from your preferred Officeworks, Big W or other provider.
Booklists for each stage can be found here, or on the College website.
CAPA Soiree and Sports Awards Evening
Our CAPA Soiree and Sports Awards evening is on tonight! If your child has taken part in any of our Netball, Futsal, Volleyball team competitions, or, if they play an instrument in a CAPA Ensemble group, they are invited to attend the upcoming CAPA Soiree (4pm) / Sports Awards (Jnr 6pm/MSS 6.45pm) evening next Thursday, 2 November, at our Carbrook Campus. These events are designed for students and their families to celebrate the highlights of their achievement throughout the year. Please refer to the flyer below for further details. Use the QR Code on the poster in our Events Section or click on the link to RSVP for catering purposes.
Be Blessed
Mrs Zoe O'Donnell
Acting Head of Junior School - Carbrook
Drought Angels - Fire Relief Fundraising
The college would love to invite our community to support these families at this time. Please see below information about how we can help. Please click here for a link to make cash donations towards this effort.
Click here to hear from Mrs Gostelow regarding this fundraising event.
Calvary Events
We have a number of new events happening during Term 4. Please click on the link to go to our Events Page or register below:
Calvary Carols
We are excited to invite all Calvary, Real Life Christian Church and families from the local community to Calvary Carols. Springwood campus is hosting this event, on the oval on Sunday 26 November 5.30pm for a 6.15pm start.
Along with our numerous musical performances we will have a Drama Production. The CAPA team are looking for Prep to Year 12 students who would be interested in being part of this production for the carols. This is an opportunity for students not already performing in the carols. If your child is interested in doing this, please click on the link to register your child's interest. Link to EOI Drama
Bring your camping chairs and a family picnic to enjoy as the band of students and Real Life members perform our favourite carols, taking us through the message of the birth of Jesus. Bring friends or extended family and enjoy a great night together as we move into the Christmas season.
Picnic boxes are available to be pre-ordered through Lily of the Valley Events. Order by the 19 November to not miss out! Boxes will be available for pick up from 5.30pm. Picnic Box Orders
Volunteering Opportunities for Calvary Carols
We would love some support from our community. If you have time available, please register via the link to the volunteer portal. We appreciate your help!! Thank you.
Calvary TV
Please see the link to some of our College's Highlights for 2023:
Mango CAFE Specials for Week 6

CAPA Awards Soiree
All CAPA students and parents are invited to the CAPA Awards Soiree to be held at Carbrook on Thursday 2 November from 4.00-5.30pm. Please use the QR Code on the poster in our Events Section to RSVP for catering purposes.
Please note, no Ensembles are performing at this event.
Calvary Carols
Calvary Carols is on the evening of Sunday 26 November. Students required for this event include:
- Piccolos,
- Voices,
- Beginner and Junior Bands,
- Beginner and Junior Strings,
- Jnr & Snr Percussion Ensemble
- Guitar Ensemble,
- After School Dance Groups.
A memo will follow shortly with the exact times of arrival, soundchecks and performances.
Expression of Interest for Carols Drama Performance
We are looking for students who would be interested in being part of the Drama production for the carols. This is not open to students who are already performing. If your child is interested in doing this, please click on the link to register your child's interest.
Save the Date
2 November - CAPA Awards Soiree
12 November - Music Recital for all private students
26 November - Calvary Carols, Springwood Oval
Sports Aerobics 2024
We had a great turn out to the Come n Try sessions for Sports Aerobics. Further information will be sent shortly regarding try outs for teams for the 2024 competition season.
Instrumental Program 2024
Shortly there will be links sent for enrolments for Instrumental Lessons for 2024. Please keep an eye out for this information.
All correspondence regarding CAPA, including questions, please send to Emma at: